For Nissan Rogue, this ordinary drive is anything but ordinary.
See what’s in the briefcase. It could be yours.
Watch the following video for an exhilarating experience and a delightful opportunity.
For Nissan Rogue, this ordinary drive is anything but ordinary.
See what’s in the briefcase. It could be yours.
Watch the following video for an exhilarating experience and a delightful opportunity.
If you think education is difficult, try being stupid! ONLY A DUNCE WOULD ATTEMPT THIS.
Try reading this without laughing your but off, as a guy who purchased his lovely wife a pocket Tazer for their anniversary submitted this:
Last weekend I saw something at Larry’s Pistol & Pawn Shop that sparked my interest. The occasion was our 15th anniversary and I was looking for a little something extra for my wife Julie. What I came across was a 100,000-volt, pocket/purse-sized Tazer.
The effects of the Tazer were supposed to be short lived, with no long term adverse affect on your assailant, allowing her adequate time to retreat to safety…. WAY TOO COOL!
Long story short, I bought the device and brought it home.. I loaded two AAA batteries in the darn thing and pushed the button. Nothing! I was disappointed. I learned, however, that if I pushed the button and pressed it against a metal surface at the same time, I’d get the blue arc of electricity darting back and forth between the prongs.
AWESOME!!! Unfortunately, I have yet to explain to Julie what that burn spot is on the face of her microwave.
Okay, so I was home alone with this new toy, thinking to myself that it couldn’t be all that bad with only two AAA batteries, right?
There I sat in my recliner, my cat Gracie looking on intently (trusting little soul) while I was reading the directions and thinking that I really needed to try this thing out on a flesh & blood moving target.
I must admit I thought about zapping Gracie (for a fraction of a second) and then thought better of it. She is such a sweet cat. But, if I was going to give this thing to my wife to protect herself against a mugger, I did want some assurance that it would work as advertised.
Am I wrong?
So, there I sat in a pair of shorts and a tank top with my reading glasses perched delicately on the bridge of my nose, directions in one hand, and Tazer in another. The directions said that a one-second burst would shock and disorient your assailant; a two-second burst was supposed to cause muscle spasms and a major loss of bodily control; and a three-second burst would purportedly make your assailant flop on the ground like a fish out of water. Any burst longer than three seconds would be wasting the batteries.
All the while I’m looking at this little device measuring about 5″ long, less than 3/4 inch in circumference (loaded with two itsy, bitsy AAA batteries); pretty cute really, and thinking to myself, ‘no possible way!’
What happened next is almost beyond description, but I’ll do my best.
I’m sitting there alone, Gracie looking on with her head angled to one side so as to say, ‘Don’t do it stupid,’ reasoning that a one second burst from such a tiny little ole thing couldn’t hurt all that bad.. I decided to give myself a one second burst just for heck of it.
I touched the prongs to my naked thigh, pushed the button, and…
I’m pretty sure Hulk Hogan ran in through the side door, picked me up in the recliner, then body slammed us both on the carpet, over and over and over again. I vaguely recall waking up on my side in the fetal position, with tears in my eyes, body soaking wet, both nipples on fire, testicles nowhere to be found, with my left arm tucked under my body in the oddest position, and tingling in my legs! The cat was making meowing sounds I had never heard before, clinging to a picture frame hanging above the fireplace, obviously in an attempt to avoid getting slammed by my body flopping all over the living room.
WARNING: If you ever feel compelled to ‘mug’ yourself with a Tazer, one note of caution — there is NO such thing as a one second burst when you zap yourself! You will not let go of that thing until it is dislodged from your hand by a violent thrashing about on the floor! A three second burst would be considered conservative!
A minute or so later (I can’t be sure, as time was a relative thing at that point), I collected my wits (what little I had left), sat up and surveyed the landscape. My bent reading glasses were on the mantel of the fireplace.. The recliner was upside down and about 8 feet or so from where it originally was. My triceps, right thigh and both nipples were still twitching. My face felt like it had been shot up with Novocain, and my bottom lip weighed 88 lbs. I had no control over the drooling. Apparently I had crapped in my shorts, but was too numb to know for sure, and my sense of smell was gone. I saw a faint smoke cloud above my head, which I believe came from my hair.
I’m still looking for my testicles and I’m offering a significant reward for their safe return!
My wife can’t stop laughing about my experience, loved the gift and now regularly threatens me with it!
Visit the Dr. Mercola Video Library
Urban garden agriculture now has a growing interest from local as well as national people. This trend is a true cause for celebration. In fact, I’ve been encouraging everyone to plant a “Victory Garden” as a step toward fixing our broken food system. During the previous Victory Garden period Americans produced over 40% of the vegetables in America in their yards.
A great way to improve your health, help build a sustainable food system, and support our planet as it struggles to make room for increasing numbers is to growing your own Urban Garden as well as participating in growing a community Urban Garden. Food grown in your own Urban Garden is fresher, more nutritious, and tastes better than store-bought food—and you can not beat the cost savings!
Having a Urban garden is key to saving energy, protecting water quality and topsoil, and promoting biodiversity and beautifying densely populated communities. Remember, plants are our richest source of natural medicine.
For all of those reasons and many more, urban agriculture is growing so quickly that changes in local ordinances are not able to keep up. Zoning laws are outdated and out of step with today’s world, causing a flurry of legal conflicts, as well as a good deal of confusion about what people can and cannot do on their own land.
Every city has different laws and ordinances, and there are no standards spanning jurisdictional lines.
I encourage you to get involved in growing your own food, but remember the important preliminary step of finding out what your zoning laws allow. There are often restrictions governing the raising of goats, chickens, bees, and even where you can plant a simple vegetable garden.
Failing to follow these ordinances can result in some very unpleasant legal snafus. The laws are changing but not quickly enough. Know your rights, as you never know when you may be confronted by an angry neighbor who is out of sorts because your overly exuberant rooster awakened him at sunrise.
A few US cities are showing innovative examples of how laws can be updated to meet 21st Century needs. Making the shift from unsustainable, health and Earth-destroying monoculture to locally produced real food requires thinking outside the box—and a few brilliant thinkers are giving the rest of us a lot to think about!
A few notable urban farmers are changing the world one backyard at a time by challenging City Halls across the country to rewrite old laws so that they can bring fresh, homegrown eggs and organic veggies to their fellow urbanites.
In the featured video, “Gangster Gardener” Ron Finley is turning Los Angeles on its nose with his no-nonsense approach to healthy eating. The city of LA issued a warrant for his arrest for the unthinkable crime of growing tomatoes and kale on a small plot of unused land, about 10 feet wide by 150 feet long—basically, a strip of dead grass.
With the help of his local councilman, Finley beat the city of LA and is using his experience as an opportunity to educate his community about how to turn “food deserts” into “food forests.”
Finley says, “Growing your own food is like printing your own money.” Just about everyone can relate to that! But what if your home doesn’t have space for a garden? If you don’t have a plot of land available, what about a rooftop?
In order to think outside the box, urban gardener Roman Gaus has had to think inside the box—an aquaponics box, that is. Gaus combines aquaculture with hydroponics to create a closed soil-free system to grow vegetables in a way that is extremely efficient. Aquaponics requires 90 percent less water than traditional soil-based agriculture. The vegetables grow in circulated water and are nourished by the waste products of the fish that live in that water, in a closed system that allows both to flourish.
Yes, the plants feed on fish poop! This system is completely contained in a “box.”2The UF Box system is designed for small-scale production and can be placed on a roof, in a backyard, in a parking lot, at a neighborhood co-op or a school, and is mobile and transportable. He claims his UF Box can completely feed a family of three, both in terms of veggies and fish. He also offers much larger rooftop systems that can sit atop any flat-roofed building and feed hundreds of people in a community. Think of the potential for a large, flat-roofed big box store!
Your food has the greatest impact on your ecological footprint—more than housing, energy or transportation, and this is one way to drastically reduce your carbon footprint. But even if you aren’t ready for an aquaponics system, lack of space is not a deal breaker when it comes to growing your own food.
Regardless of space, you can produce your own food. Take sprouts, for example. Sprouts are a nutritional powerhouse, containing up to 30 times the nutrients of organic vegetables from your own garden. Sprouts also allow your body to extract more of the vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and essential fats from the other foods you eat. Growing your own sprouts is quite practical and takes less space and time than a full sized garden.
Rather than growing them in Ball jars, try growing them in potting soil. It only takes about a week before you can harvest, and in a 10×10 tray you can harvest between one and two pounds of sunflower sprouts. That will last you about three days and you can store them in the fridge for about a week. I have been doing this for the past year and have used the sprouts to replace my salad greens. The sunflower spouts give you the most volume for your work and, in my palate, have the best taste.
About to plant wheat grass and sunflower seeds – 2 days after soaking
Wheat grass and sunflower seeds – 3 ½ days post germination
Sunflower seeds and pea sprouts – 3 days until ready for harvest
Sunflower seed sprouts and wheat grass – ready to harvest
Nevertheless, there are many different ways to grow your own food, even if you live in an apartment. If you have a yard, you are truly blessed! But if not, Alex Mitchell’s book The Edible Balcony is an excellent resource for how to grow produce in small spaces. You can use virtually every square foot of your space, including vertical space, for growing food. Hanging baskets are ideal for a wide variety of foods, such as strawberries, leafy greens, runner beans, pea shoots, tomatoes, and a variety of herbs. And instead of flowers, window boxes can hold herbs, greens, radishes, scallions, bush beans, strawberries, chard, and chilies—to name just a few.
While you will obviously need to use pots if you don’t have a garden plot, avoid using lots of small pots because they dry out too quickly. Instead, opt for large yet lightweight containers or even the newer cloth pots. You may also want to consider self-watering containers, which can save you time. (You could even make your own… Mitchell shows you how in her book.) And don’t forget to compost—even apartment dwellers can compost successfully.
Many people are digging up their lawns and turning that valuable ground into a garden. Lawns are not good for the environment, for numerous reasons:
- Lawns are basically grass monocultures, which is why they are so expensive and labor-intensive to maintain
- Lawns require massive amounts of water, heavy fertilizers, herbicides, and other chemicals that give off nitrous oxide (a greenhouse gas) as well as producing chemical runoff that pollutes our waterways—and lawns give nothing back for all of this labor and cost
- Most people maintain their lawns with fossil-fuel-guzzling lawnmowers, edgers, and weed whackers
- Grass emits more carbon dioxide than it sequesters. One study3 found that lawn-related maintenance releases four times as much carbon dioxide as the grass itself, concluding that grass lawns are polluting the environment. Another study concluded that lawns are even worse for the planet than cornfields, in terms of carbon dioxide production4
- Lawns are like concrete to most wildlife species and offer little benefit to animals. If you don’t want your entire lawn to be a garden, use some of it to create a wildlife habitat.5, 6
Across the US and Canada, a war has been raged against urban garden homeowners who want to plant gardens on their own property.7Legal codes that outlaw planting vegetables on a large percentage of your yard, or restrict them to only certain areas like the backyard, out of view of the public, truly defy common sense—especially considering the negative impact lawns have on the environment.
With resources being increasingly stretched, we need a clear, comprehensive policy on urban agriculture that crosses jurisdictional and geographic boundaries. It’s time for agricultural entrepreneurs, activists, policy makers, and ordinary homeowners to band together and propose some well-defined, fully articulated policies and codes, with incentives that make it attractive for people to grow their own food. Even some of the cities that espouse the virtues of healthy living, buying local, and spending time outdoors fail to update their zoning codes, which prohibit urban agriculture and encourage the proliferation of fast food drive-thrus.
The more involved you can be with your local urban planning and development agencies, the faster our outdated zoning laws will be changed. If you want to see a beautiful example of this, take a look at a report called “Cultivate L.A.,”8 prepared as a Masters Thesis project by a few UCLA students. The report takes an intensive look at how to best support the growth of urban agriculture in Los Angeles, including a comprehensive needs assessment of the city. Imagine if students were to do one of these for every American city!
Some cities are already building sustainable landscapes and should be praised for their innovation in turning vacant lots into vegetable plots. The following are just a few examples that may inspire you to suggest a similar urban gardening project to your own city planners:
- A new law in California, signed by Governor Jerry Brown, promotes community gardens and small farms by allowing municipalities to lower property taxes for homeowners who commit to dedicating their land to growing food for a minimum of five years.9 There are five innovative urban gardening programs in LA alone,10 and others in San Francisco.
- Seattle has loosened its rules for backyard goats, domestic fowl, farm animals, and even bees. Seattle also basically wrote the book on community gardening, now boasting 82 neighborhood pea patches, 24 of which are new or expanded. Seattle’s community gardens give about 10 tons of food to local food banks and hot meal programs every year.11, 12, 13
- Detroit has revised its rules governing compost and greenhouses and has new urban agriculture ordinances.14 Detroit and Cleveland are offering abandoned lots at almost zero cost to those who commit to growing food on them. In 2010, New York City lifted the ban against urban beekeeping.15 For a list of US cities where beekeeping is still illegal, click here (as of 2010).
- Santa Fe, New Mexico, is drafting amendments to city code for urban agriculture that will permit zoning for urban food production, farm stands, and even large-scale community gardens.16
- Chicago O’Hare Airport is using goats and llamas to clear airfield brush instead of lawnmowers.17 And in Seattle, 120 goats from Rent-A-Ruminant are hard at work clearing a hillside below the Alaska Way Viaduct, as well as providing an entertaining diversion for local businessmen.18
Growing numbers of people are becoming excited about local food, healthier eating, and greener cities, sparking renewed interest in the development of urban agriculture around the country. But many don’t know anything about their local ordinances or where to go for help before enthusiastically plunging their shovels into the ground—only to be surprised later with a citation for breaking the law.
These ordinances are constantly changing, so you really need to do your due diligence in planning your urban garden. Below are a few organizations and resources that may assist you on your quest. Whether it’s organic veggies, a berry patch, or a chicken tractor you want to build, make sure you are proceeding within the legal guidelines before you start in order to avoid major headaches down the road.
American Community Gardening Association (ACGA) – Devoted to community gardening and greening up communities across the nation. The organization has local chapters across the country. Sustainable Cities Institute – Research and innovation about how to make cities more sustainable, including planning and zoning for urban agriculture Practice Urban Agriculture (March 2010) – Information about urban agricultural zoning; lists a good number of government initiatives, plans, and ordinances that are up for vote in the near future Food Not Lawns – A sustainability movement focused on getting rid of lawns in favor of more ecofriendly alternatives; also has chapters in nearly every state across the country Lots 2 Green – Provides technical assistance to communities in order to facilitate their using vacant lots and other urban properties for community gardens and farms
Come On Eileen, sung by Monique Powell
Its 1997 and the band Save Ferris released their first album, It Means Everything, featuring vocalist Monique Powell who was perceived as the next Gwen Stefani (from the band No Doubt). Monique was born in Orange County, CA, on August 20, 1975. When Powell was a child, her desire was to be a ballerina, but a sudden spurt of growth prevented her from achieving that aspiration. While Monique Powell was attending college, she began her life-time adventure in the Southern California ska music scene. She joined an all-female ska band, but the music team broke up after their first performance. Monique moved on, and while she was providing vocals for the the group LARRY, she was discovered by members of the early Save Ferris band who were inspired by Powell’s style and sound. Following this, Ms. Powell was asked to be the front line representative and vocalist for Save Ferris. So, with Monique Powell leading the group’s image and sound, the Save Ferris band was signed to Epic Records in 1997. It is also interesting to note that prior to this, the band No Doubt had achieved a multi-platinum sales record with very similar music; a combination of ska and punk. And this was done a year before Epic Records discovered Save Ferris, hence the Save Ferris band become viewed by some music observers as a copycat. Making matters worse, Monique was being criticized as a Gwen Stefani imitator. None the less, Monique’s contagious, venomous vocal tone has found an audience of her own. As shown in the video above, Monique Powell and Save Ferris’ cover of Dexy’s Midnight Runners’ MTV classic “Come on Eileen” demonstrates her affection for ’80s new wave. Still, this has done little to convey that her group possessed any originality. Finally, the Save Ferris’ 1999 album Modified was a big commercial disappointment. Since then, the original instrumentalists of the Save Ferris band have quit working with Monique, but she continues pushing forward with her sound and the name Save Ferris with new musicians backing her.
Because, sometimes, you just gotta choose to let go of the negative, daily, “reality” show.. and ask yourelf:
Who Moved my Cheese, on this Hump Day?
Remember, you get out of the day what you put into the day.
Therefore, take a moment to lay back for a bit of rest, because today can be a GREAT hump day!
Make it a GREAT day… Hump Day!
I imagine God having His favor with me and making a dream from 2004 come true; A Renewed American Patriot School for Youth in Crisis who are looking for an Intervention Center.
In 2004, from my deep, sleepy imagination came the rising light for the future foundation of this Republic called the American nation being determined by educating today’s children. Teaching without moral character development (based on a biblical faith) makes for unfaithful citizens. For as we educate our youth today so will our nation be tomorrow.
But in this dream, the school is being created because we see too many youth in moral character crisis with a desperate need for intervention. The American youth today need to be rescued from training in state schools funded for the legal objective to secularize the citizens of tomorrow. Rescued because the principles and precepts of secularism have a long history of producing people of amoral character with no national conscience. Secularism does not produce a united moral people searching for a common good. The dream school began to restore the national conscience this Republic was established on by teaching and revealing the deceptive truth about secularism that uses an economic interpretation of the Constitution of the United States. It was teaching the sources from which this world view evolved. More importantly, the youth found in this school were also being taught a biblical world viewpoint as a source for interpreting the covenant that defines our Republic, and allow our youth to know the core values of the founding Fathers that characterized the true nature of a people united under the Almighty.
In the dream, the school’s intent was developing a knowledgeable, discerning youth with skills that include critical thinking and the ability to discern good from evil. The youth were trained up in the wisdom that only comes from self-discipline, self-restraint, self-government with honor and valor, and they had the determination to not glorify themselves, but rather the supreme providence of the heavenly Father. Moreover, I saw these youth also being trained in the practical and modern methods of business development, business management, and knowledge management using current information technologies.
[Because], Jabez was more honorable than his brothers. His mother had named him Jabez, saying, “I gave birth to him in pain.” Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, saying, “Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from the evil one.” And God granted his request.
Abba Father, know my dream, seek and favor my heart’s desire, and like Jabez before me, please let your hand be with me, and keep me from the evil one, bless me and enlarge my circle of influence, for Your glory and to the blessing of many.
Most amusing story and opening lines:
Hello! I’m Emmet.
I’m just gonna come right out…
I have no idea, whats goin on?
At all!
A must see laughable movie trailer:
Then take this in:
In the opinion of Amanda Palmer: “Don’t make people pay for music, let them.” You will see in the following video a compelling and passionate presentation that begins with Amanda Palmer‘s days as a street performer in which she dressed as an Eight-Foot tall bride for collecting dollar donations in a hat. Starting with this image, she presents and examines the current digital paradigm for developing new relationship between a music artist (herself) and a following of fans, all to the tune of over one-million dollars.
Alt-rock icon Amanda Palmer believes we shouldn’t fight the fact that digital content is freely shareable — and suggests that artists can and should be directly supported by fans.
Take a moment to read and hear Amanda’s “The Bed Song”:
We are friends in a sleeping bag splitting the heat
We have one filthy pillow to share and your lips are in my hair
Someone upstairs has a rat that we laughed at
And people are drinking
And singing Van Halen and Slayer on a ukulele tear
Well, we found an apartment
It’s not much to look at
A futon on a floor
Torn-off desktop for a door
All the decor’s made of milk crates and duct tape
And if we have sex
They can hear us through the floor
But we don’t do that anymoreAnd I lay there wondering, what is the matter?
Is this a matter of worse or of better?
You took the blanket, so I took the bedsheet
But I would have held you if you’d onlyLet me
Look how quaint
And how quiet and private
Our paychecks have bought us a condo in town
It’s the nicest flat around
You picked a mattress and had it delivered
And I walked upstairs
And the sight of it made my heart pound
And I wrapped my arms around me
And I stood there wondering, what is the matter?
Is this a matter of worse or of better?
You walked right past me and straightened the covers
But I would still love you if you wanted a lover
And you said
All the money in the world
Won’t buy a bed so big and wide
To guarantee that you won’t accidentally touch me
In the night
Now we’re both mostly paralyzed
Don’t know how long we’ve been lying here in fear
Too afraid to even feel
I find my glasses and you turn the light out
Roll off on your side
Like you’ve rolled away for years
Holding back those king-size tears
And I still don’t ask you, what is the matter?
Is this a matter of worse or of better?
You take the heart failure
I’ll take the cancer
I’ve long stopped wondering why you don’t answer
You can certainly see how fulfilling a life
From the cost and size of stone of our final resting home
We got some nice ones right under a cherry tree
You and me lying the only way we know
Side by side and still and cold
And I finally ask you, what was the matter?
Was it a matter of worse or of better?
You stretch your arms out and finally face me
You say I would have told you
If you’d only asked me
If you’d only asked me
If you’d only asked me
There are total of 16 squares.
Lets count…
Squares with side length equal to 1 match stick: 9
Squares with side length equal to 2 match sticks: 5(2+1+2)
Square with side length equal to 3 match sticks: 1 (This is difficult to find, and easy to miss)
Square with side length equal to 4 match sticks: 1 (Everybody knows)
So total number of squares : 16
This poem has been floating around email throughout the internet since December 16th following the tragic murder of the children at Sandy Hook Elementary School. Written by Cameo Smith of Mr. Wolf, PA., it captures the heartfelt hope of many people in our nation as they pray for peace and resolution to come to the parents of these lost ones.
In loving memory of the children made victims at Sandy Hook Elementary School, who now sleep (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18), may they rest in peace, for their next waking moment they will see Jesus:
Twas’ 11 days before Christmas, around 9:38
when 20 beautiful children stormed through heaven’s gate.
Their smiles were contagious, their laughter filled the air.
They could hardly believe all the beauty they saw there.
They were filled with such joy; they didn’t know what to say.
They remembered nothing of what had happened earlier that day.
“Where are we?” asked a little girl, as quiet as a mouse. “
This is heaven” declared a small boy. “We’re spending Christmas at God’s house”.
When what to their wondering eyes did appear,
but Jesus, their savior, the children gathered near.
He looked at them and smiled, and they smiled just the same.
Then He opened His arms and He called them by name.
And in that moment was joy, that only heaven can bring,
those children all flew into the arms of their King.
And as they lingered in the warmth of His embrace,
one small girl turned and looked at Jesus’ face.
And as if He could read all the questions she had,
He gently whispered to her, “I’ll take care of mom and dad.”
Then He looked down on earth, the world far below,
He saw all of the hurt, the sorrow, and woe.
Then He closed His eyes and He outstretched His hand,
“Let My power and presence re-enter this land!”
“May this country be delivered from the hands of fools.”
“I’m taking back my nation, I’m taking back my schools!”
Then He and the children stood up without a sound.
“Come now my children let me show you around.”
Excitement filled the space, some skipped and some ran.
All displaying enthusiasm that only a small child can.
And I heard Him proclaim as He walked out of sight,
“In the midst of this darkness,” I AM STILL THE LIGHT.”
E aster is God’s promise, which His Son came to fulfill
A promise of eternal life for all who seek His will
S eason of the budding trees, the lily in its glory
T he greening hills, the daffodils, the holy Easter story
E aster is the joy of spring, God’s gift and triumph, too
R eminding us of Jesus’ love in which we’re born anew
Facebook announced last week, changes that will significantly affect the layout and the functionality of your Fan Pages. The Facebook changes to Business Fan Pages should be a concern for all people using Facebook for marketing promotion. After the end of the month all visitors will land by default on the new Timeline style page. And unfortunately, this change is not optional.
Facebook will be switching all Business Pages to the new framework on 30 March 2012 and you won’t have an option to revert back to the old layout.
Visit Facebook Blog to learn more about the upcoming Facebook changes.
To learn more about Facebook branding and Facebook Marketing, and how Cliff will help you be ready for the change.
Receive a FREE, no obligation quotation for adding branding to your Facebook Page and help with your Facebook Marketing. Call Cliff and ask questions! Prepare your thoughts and questions before calling to get the most from this event. He generously and freely gives the first hour of consultation:
Toll Free: 888-260-2909
Mailing address:
5663 Balboa Avenue
Suite 428
San Diego, California 92111
Email Address:
Cliff @ GoCliff dot com
Chet Baker, a recommended trumpet horn player for Cliff to learn from. Here is one of Charlie Walker’s favorite tunes done by Chet Baker, “So What” by Mile Davis:
Until recently, Cliff has been playing the “So What” song on guitar with the Bass part being done by the lead guitar to a funk rock Bass back beat.
A membership site platform is simply the type of membership website you intend to use to offer your business service and / or goods, whether it’s free or paid as well as how you plan to deliver the goods and communicate with your subscribers.
To begin, there are many different options available to you and depending on how you attract business from your market you will determine what membership platform and its options is likely to work best to achieve your sales goals.
Keep in mind that it is important to thoroughly evaluate the platform that your competitors may be using. The obvious reason for this is that people get used to certain things and not everyone adapts easily to change.
If subscribers are used to logging into a traditional membership platform, where they enter in their username and password to access content on a monthly basis, you might want to stick to this format, simply because it will save you a lot of time and work explaining how a new concept or format works to the same subscriber base.
That doesn’t mean that your actual content or your overall sales sequence process should be a replicated version of a competing company’s site. What we are talking about now however, is in evaluating the layout and platform of competing sites, such as whether they are offering a free membership site with upgrades, a traditional site, and so on.
For now, let’s take a quick look at the different formats that are most common within the membership industry:
This is where a subscriber creates an account, chooses a username and password (or your system assigns one automatically to them), and then logs into a protected members area where they can download or view restricted content. This material is available only to paid members, and subscribers are able to pay for access on a regular basis (weekly, monthly etc)
These types of membership sites have no end date, they can continue for many years to come provided that the content continues to be updated. This is by far, the most popular platform for membership based sites online.
A fixed term membership site typically only runs for a specific period of time before terminating. With a fixed term, members can either pay a flat fee to access the entire length of the membership site, or they can choose to pay in specific intervals (6 months, 12 months, etc). This works best for sales markets where developing ongoing content or products may be difficult, or for membership webmasters who are more interested in creating a batch of content or products that recycles, rather than having to consistently create new material, new products or service updates.
You can also choose to run your fixed term membership sites using auto responder services, eliminating the need for costly membership software. In fact, just by using an email marketing program like Aweber you can create your short term membership site and set your content to be delivered automatically through your auto responder service.
This is where you use an auto responder service, like Aweber mentioned above, to power and run your entire membership program. You can choose a fixed rate/term format, or even a traditional membership site, provided that you consistently add new material to your outgoing email sequences.
Using the email based membership format, you can get started relatively quickly and easily just by subscribing to a reliable auto responder service and injecting a series of emails set to be delivered on specific times and dates, as each subscriber signs up for your service. The down side to an email based membership site however, is that it is often harder to create a community feel to your membership site, which can be a huge benefit in retaining subscribers.
If a member joins your website and meets other subscribers and becomes used to constant interaction via a community forum or private area, they are far more likely to log in regularly and stay subscribed in order to continue gaining access.
If you do decide to use the email based membership format, consider offering your subscribers with an additional bonus of being able to access a private members only area. This area could feature a private forum or chat area that allows your subscribers to interact with one another as well as with you directly.
There are benefits to many of the different membership formats we’ve just covered. With traditional membership sites, the benefits are in being able to build an ongoing community, where you can build and grow a solid base of customers on an ongoing basis.
With fixed rate / term membership sites, the benefits are in the simplicity of its set up. You only have to create a specific batch of content that recycles as new members join and previous subscriptions expire after each member has received the material.
Regardless of the format you choose, you will want to make sure that you have the following check list of items prior to launching your membership site:
This is where you either have 2-3 months of content available to members right away, either by allowing access to all of it instantly, or the current months content available with two months of archives being sold as an upgrade. You could fill your membership site with fresh material using reports, articles, interviews, audios, videos, ebooks, graphic packages and so on.
Provide your members with a combination of bonuses, whenever possible. Once again, these should be exclusive to your website and relevant to your topic, service or product line. You should have at least one unadvertised bonus package featured within the member’s center. This is to be a package not listed on the sales page and not advertised elsewhere. This is where you over-deliver and give them more than they thought they were paying for. This will help address buyer’s remorse immediately after someone subscribes to your website.
You want to be able to squeeze every dime out of your membership site, and in order to that, you need to create 1-2 back end products that can serve as upgrades, add-ons or special ‘member only’ deals. You want to present this to your subscriber immediately after they join your site, and are still in buying mode. Make sure to create a simple process where they can either upgrade their membership account to gain access to extended downloads, or they can simply purchase directly, using a digital delivery processor to ensure that the content is sent independently to each member who elects to purchase it.
After choosing your membership format, you will need to determine exactly how you intend to deliver your content, service, products and material to paid subscribers. If you elect to go with an email based membership site, then all of your content will be sent through your auto responder service. But for material products, a traditional delivery service will be needed, and it is possible to integrate the shipping process with your web site, i.e. UPS tracking, UPPS tracking, delivery charge calculator, etc. With traditional based membership platforms however, you will want to choose a scalable, solid membership based software program that will make it easier to manage and grow your entire consumer community.
A few things to keep in mind when evaluating potential software or scripts that will power your front and back end, is that you need to be able to control every aspect of your community, including:
Also known as trickle-feed delivery, you will want to be able to ship or deliver content on specific intervals, rather than all at once. The reason should be obvious, if a subscriber is able to gain access to all of your informational content instantly after joining, there is very little motivation to stay subscribed to your service.
So, with information based service or content, you want to be able to control the delivery flow so that a new subscriber is only able to gain access to a specific content package, or if you are running your membership site on a monthly basis, you would want only content from the first month of joining to be visible to each subscriber.
Unless you are proficient with HTML and coding a website yourself, you should look for a software solution that offers a built in content management system. This way, you can create pages directly from within your administration panel without hiring a webmaster programmer.
If you are interested in simplifying this process, you could consider using a WordPress based website, where you can plug in membership protection while reaping the benefits of using a ready-made free solution to building feature rich websites.
Whether you choose to incorporate an email based membership site into your program or not, you will want to be able to add every subscriber to a mailing list. That way, you can follow up each time you update your site but more importantly, be able to build a profitable back end system that offers additional upgrades, content packages, one time offers and special downloads.
In order to jump-start your membership site and power it up with fresh subscribers and attract targeted traffic from prospective consumers, you absolutely need to integrate an affiliate program into your business plan and website so that both guests and members can earn commissions by referring their friends as new members to your business. Tell-a-Friend social technologies, such as FaceBook, are an exceptional method of generating fresh leads on a regular basis, while taking your online business to a whole new level of increased sales. There is no other method of maximizing exposure that even comes close to what an active affiliate army can do for your business.
With membership sites, you need to automate as much of the process as possible, freeing up your time and resources. When it comes to membership software, there are many options to choose from, with some ranging from simple processes, to others that offer a full scale, all in one solution.
If you can afford to, you should consider one of the more feature- laden solutions, so that you can offer an enhanced, well managed community for your subscribers.
This would include:
A parody made from a medley of Christian popular songs used to point out the hypocrisy found in too many lives of those who profess following Jesus. Made from the songs of:
Well done with good quality vocals.
Happiness is a journey, not a destination. And when the world tries to steal your joy, remember the power of your smile. Your smile can change the world for the better.
What is on my mind?!!
Four days until Christmas… what else would be on one’s mind? Well, this moment is given to pray God‘s peaceful spirit upon everyone reading this message, a reminder to all that within this crazy world in which we live, we choose not to let the world steal our joy. Always remember, life’s happiness is a journey, not a destination.
Therefore, we must all choose to work each day like we don’t need the money; we must choose daily to love one another like we’ve never been hurt; and like never before, we must choose to dance for joy with reckless abandonment like no one else is watching.
It is April 2010, three years after the The 4-Hour Work Week (T4HWW) has been out on the New York best sellers list, and I’m attending a seminar by Mark Hoverson in search of answers, hoping to reinvent myself. While addressing the issue of how we think of ourselves, and the immediate need to embrace a new paradigm of Leadership Branding for Direct Response Marketing, Mark oh so briefly mentioned Timothy Ferriss and his book as an important source document to read.
Continue reading How Tim Ferriss squeezed out my old assumptions: “The 4-Hour Work Week” revisited.
James Marshall Hendrix (born: 11-27-1942) was a black man who became a rock and roll hero, a flashy super-star who seemed to be the essence of the spaced-out, druggy sixities, Hendrix was, in reality, quiet, withdrawn, and somewhat inarticulate, except when he had a guitar in his hands.
Continue reading The Saxophone cries out, “Fly on, Little Wing.”
On Saturday, October 30, 2010, the Opera Company of Philadelphia brought together over 650 choristers from 28 participating organizations to perform one of the Knight Foundation’s “Random Acts of Culture” at Macy’s in Center City Philadelphia. Accompanied by the Wanamaker Organ – the world’s largest pipe organ – the OCP Chorus and throngs of singers from the community infiltrated the store as shoppers, and burst into a pop-up rendition of the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel’s “Messiah” at 12 noon, to the delight of surprised shoppers.
This event is one of 1,000 “Random Acts of Culture” to be funded by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation over the next three years. The initiative transports the classical arts out of the concert halls and opera houses and into our communities to enrich our everyday lives.
Learn more about Random Acts of Culture and view more events at:
The Opera Company thanks Macy’s and the Friends of the Wanamaker Organ ( for their partnership, as well as Organ Music Director Peter Conte and Fred Haas, accompanists; OCP Chorus Master Elizabeth Braden, conductor; and Sound Engineer James R. Stemke.
You can get a complete list of participating choirs and more information here:
This event was planned to coincide with the first day of National Opera Week.
For my jazz class friends and jazz performance buds, here is another Random Act of Culture doing: “It Don’t Mean A Thing (If It Ain’t Got That Swing)” by Duke Ellington and Irving Mills. This is a nice combination of Trombone and Sax working the melody between each other.
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The year is 2003:
My son, Keil (born 9-5-95), and I now share nearly every Thursday night together alone as Father and Son to discover what it means to be a modern-day knight (this is a method I’m creating to teach Keil how to be a Godly man). One of the rituals that has become our favorite is going to Denny’s to buy and share a Chocolate Malt. Well out of that experience I got this music idea that I’ve named: Denny’s Chocolate Malt.
While you listen to the song, here are some of the thoughts that Keil and I shared. Interestingly, Keil memorized much of this:
Knights are renown for chivalry. But chivalry exacts a heavy toll upon its followers; it demands submission, obedience, and courage. Knighthood is one of the major achievements of the human spirit.
Raising a modern day knight considers vision, direction and solid answers to questions such as:
Raising a modern day knight is an attempt in social and spiritual competence in three phases:
Raising a modern day knight is based on a clear, distinct vision of manhood. By training boys from an early age, imparting a code of conduct, and marking their progress with ceremony and celebration, adolescents become men.
A modern day knight believes a real man is one who:
Thank you for listening and having a read.
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I welcome some musicians who like this and smooth jazz in general to consider helping me make a new recording of this song.
S.C.A.R.S. The Southern California Antique Radios Society
Annual meeting November 19 and 20th to demonstrate “Old Big Iron” and in our case session recording equipment. Here is how it came down.
It is three weeks before November 19th and my next door neighbor, John, discovers I am a performing musician and band director. He has an assignment, to produce recording examples on “Big Iron” tube equipment built in the 50’s and 60’s. He has been testing the equipment in his garage with the help of a surf style guitar player, a bass player, and a tenor sax player. So, I accepted the invitation to help in the project. We had a total of three sessions, each a bit more than two hours long and added the drummer sight unseen at the last session for the recordings.
Mercy, Mercy, Mercy by J. Zawinul
This song has a contagious beat on four that hooks most listeners. A small background riff was added by Cliff the second guitarist. The shuffle rhythm for the soloist section adds energy and a dramatic contrast dynamic when the band returns to the melody of the song.
Bass: Greg Gross
Drummer: Carmine Gegnose
Sax: Jim Neely
1st guitar: Randy Giles
2nd guitar: Clifford Taylor
The musicians were quick to learn and amazing in their delivery of impromptu song arrangements. The drummer is especially impressive. And this project helps me remember why I like the warm, clear production of music made from the “old big iron” recording equipment.
I welcome your comments and invite you to meet John. He would be pleased to meet my musician friends and the opportunity to capture your musical sounds on “old big iron.”
You can find the remainder of these songs on Facebook. Just click on the button in the left margin.
Many of you know that after following the Creator with reckless abandonment, my next great passion is music performance and teaching other musicians the same. In 1993, I was taught by a musician, producer, manager Peter C. Knickles his business methods developed while assisting engineering greats like Jack Douglas (Aerosmith), Roy Thomas Baker (The Cars, Queen), and Todd Rundgren (Meatloaf). Peter’s good reputation as an independent A&R representative was cemented.
Now, more than seventeen years later, I discover that Peter’s core teaching is still useful and applicable for musicians desiring to grow a music business. Only the technologies and other promotional resources have expanded and improved. Being very familiar about these business resources from practical experience, I have the unction to renew and update Peter’s teaching. After so many years, there is much to share because we now have a legacy of business development and technology improvement to glean from.
The following video created by RSA Animate dot org presents nicely some of the fallacy and danger using only a “Positive Thinking” attitude not based on other important character development attributes. Positive attitude alone will produce the results shared in this video narrated by Barbara Ehrenreich who explores the dark side of positive thinking.
Continue reading Good business is more than just Positive Thinking
Clifford VF Taylor has been in full-time self-employment since 1975 earning revenue as a entrepreneur consultant, with the most recent passage of twenty years generating income from On-demand services for Information technology consulting, Database Management, Marketing, Change Management, and Customer relationship management Services.
Clifford is very knowledgeable based on a constant and deliberate self-discipline of reinventing himself in new technologies and new forms of business marketing and development. You will find his very creative nature, also found in his music, abounds in the innovative work to make your custom, business-information solution.
Call Cliff and ask questions! Prepare your thoughts and questions before calling to get the most from this event. He generously and freely gives the first hour of consultation:
Toll Free: 888-260-2909
Mailing address:
5663 Balboa Avenue
Suite 428
San Diego, California 92111
Email Address:
Cliff @ GoCliff dot com