Category Archives: Politics

About the total complex of relations between people living in society including political affairs or business; especially : competition between competing interest groups or individuals for power and leadership (as in a government)

The Great Reset: Defining How It Works

Here, I will share my research study into something called: The Great Reset.

I’m going to start by using the new Glenn Beck book “The Great Reset” with over 400 pages of source references created by those people who are members of the World Economic Forum meeting annually at Davos an Alpineresort town and a municipality in the Prättigau/Davos Region in the canton of Graubünden, Switzerland. Davos is located on the river Landwasser, in the Rhaetian Alps, between the Plessur and Albula Ranges.

The Great Reset Lectures

By Glenn Beck (February 2022)



A Brave Terrifying New World

Never Let a Global Pandemic Go to Waste

Climate Change: The Catalyst for a “New World Order”

Modern Monetary Theory: Fuel for a Global Economic Takeover

Modern Monetary Theory: Fuel for a Global Economic Takeover

The Great Reset: Building a Twenty-First Century Fascism Machine (parts I and II)

Joe Biden and the Great Reset of America

Derailing the Great Reset

Glass-Steagall Emergency Banking Act needs to be restored

Banking Act of 1933 (Glass-Steagall)

June 16, 1933

The Glass-Steagall Act effectively separated commercial banking from investment banking and created the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, among other things. It was one of the most widely debated legislative initiatives before being signed into law by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in June 1933.

President Roosevelt signs the Glass-Steagall Act alongside the bill"s co-sponsors, Senator Carter Glass and Representative Henry Steagall, and others.

Roosevelt Signing the Glass-Steagall Act (Photo: Bettmann/Bettmann/Getty Images)

by Julia MauesOffsite link, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

The emergency legislation that was passed within days of President Franklin Roosevelt taking office in March 1933 was just the start of the process to restore confidence in the banking system. Congress saw the need for substantial reform of the banking system, which eventually came in the Banking Act of 1933, or the Glass-Steagall Act. The bill was designed “to provide for the safer and more effective use of the assets of banks, to regulate interbank control, to prevent the undue diversion of funds into speculative operations, and for other purposes.” The measure was sponsored by Sen. Carter Glass (D-VA) and Rep. Henry Steagall (D-AL). Glass, a former Treasury secretary, was the primary force behind the act. Steagall, then chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee, agreed to support the act with Glass after an amendment was added to permit bank deposit insurance.1 On June 16, 1933, President Roosevelt signed the bill into law. Glass originally introduced his banking reform bill in January 1932. It received extensive critiques and comments from bankers, economists, and the Federal Reserve Board. It passed the Senate in February 1932, but the House adjourned before coming to a decision. It was one of the most widely discussed and debated legislative initiatives in 1932.

Some background: In the wake of the 1929 stock market crash and the subsequent Great Depression, Congress was concerned that commercial banking operations and the payments system were incurring losses from volatile equity markets. An important motivation for the act was the desire to restrict the use of bank credit for speculation and to direct bank credit into what Glass and others thought to be more productive uses, such as industry, commerce, and agriculture.

In response to these concerns, the main provisions of the Banking Act of 1933 effectively separated commercial banking from investment banking. Senator Glass was the driving force behind this provision. Basically, commercial banks, which took in deposits and made loans, were no longer allowed to underwrite or deal in securities, while investment banks, which underwrote and dealt in securities, were no longer allowed to have close connections to commercial banks, such as overlapping directorships or common ownership. Following the passage of the act, institutions were given a year to decide whether they would specialize in commercial or investment banking. Only 10 percent of commercial banks’ total income could stem from securities; however, an exception allowed commercial banks to underwrite government-issued bonds. The separation of commercial and investment banking was not controversial in 1933. There was a broad belief that separation would lead to a healthier financial system. It became more controversial over the years and in 1999 the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act repealed the provisions of the Banking Act of 1933 that restricted affiliations between banks and securities firms.

The act also gave tighter regulation of national banks to the Federal Reserve System, requiring holding companies and other affiliates of state member banks to make three reports annually to their Federal Reserve Bank and to the Federal Reserve Board. Furthermore, bank holding companies that owned a majority of shares of any Federal Reserve member bank had to register with the Fed and obtain its permit to vote their shares in the selection of directors of any such member-bank subsidiary.

Another important provision of the act created the Federal Deposit Insurance CorporationOffsite link (FDIC), which insures bank deposits with a pool of money collected from banks. This provision was the most controversial at the time and drew veto threats from President Roosevelt. It was included at the insistence of Steagall, who had the interests of small rural banks in mind. Small rural banks and their representatives were the main proponents of deposit insurance. Opposition came from large banks that believed they would end up subsidizing small banks. Past attempts by states to instate deposit insurance had been unsuccessful because of moral hazard and also because local banks were not diversified. After the bank holiday, the public showed vast support for insurance, partly in the hope of recovering some of the losses and partly because many blamed Wall Street and big bankers for the Depression. Although Glass had opposed deposit insurance for years, he changed his mind and urged Roosevelt to accept it. A temporary fund became effective in January 1934, insuring deposits up to $2,500. The fund became permanent in July 1934 and the limit was raised to $5,000. This limit was raised numerous times over the years until reaching the current $250,000. All Federal Reserve member banks on or before July 1, 1934, were required to become stockholders of the FDIC by such date. No state bank was eligible for membership in the Federal Reserve System until it became a stockholder of the FDIC, and thereby became an insured institution, with required membership by national banks and voluntary membership by state banks. Deposit insurance is still viewed as a great success, although the problem of moral hazard and adverse selection came up again during banking failures of the 1980s. In response, Congress passed legislation that strengthened capital requirements and required banks with less capital to close.

The act had a large impact on the Federal Reserve. Notable provisions included the creation of the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) under Section 8. However, the 1933 FOMC did not include voting rights for the Federal Reserve Board, which was revised by the Banking Act of 1935 and amended again in 1942 to closely resemble the modern FOMC.

Prior to the passage of the act, there were no restrictions on the right of a bank officer of a member bank to borrow from that bank. Excessive loans to bank officers and directors became a concern to bank regulators. In response, the act prohibited Federal Reserve member bank loans to their executive officers and required the repayment of outstanding loans.

In addition, the act introduced what later became known as Regulation Q, which mandated that interest could not be paid on checking accounts and gave the Federal Reserve authority to establish ceilings on the interest that could be paid on other kinds of deposits. The view was that payment of interest on deposits led to “excessive” competition among banks, causing them to engage in unduly risky investment and lending policies so that they could earn enough income to pay the interest. The prohibition of interest-bearing demand accounts has been effectively repealed by the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010. Beginning July 21, 2011, financial institutions became allowed, but not required, to offer interest-bearing demand accounts.

  • 1Glass and Steagall also cosponsored the Banking Act of 1932, which was also commonly referred to as the Glass-Steagall Act prior to the passage of the Banking Act of 1933.

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. “Banking Act of 1933.” June 16, 1933, link.

Friedman, Milton and Anna J. Schwartz. A Monetary History of the United States 1867-1960. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1963.

Meltzer, Allan. A History of the Federal Reserve Volume 1: 1913-1951. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2003.

Preston, Howard H. “The Banking Act of 1933.” The American Economic Review 23, no. 4 (December 1933): 585-607.

Shughart II, William. “A Public Choice Perspective of the Banking Act of 1933.” Cato Journal 7, no. 3 (Winter 1988).

Silber, William. “Why Did FDR’s Bank Holiday Succeed?” Federal Reserve Bank of New York Economic Policy Review, July 2009.

Wells, Donald. The Federal Reserve System: A History. Jefferson, NC: McFarland & Company, 2004.

White, Lawrence J. “The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act of 1999: A Bridge Too Far? Or Not Far Enough?” Suffolk University Law Review 43, no. 4 (August 2010).

Emergency Banking Act of 1933

March 9, 1933

Signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt on March 9, 1933, the legislation was aimed at restoring public confidence in the nation’s financial system after a weeklong bank holiday.

President Franklin Roosevelt signing the Emergency Banking Act

Roosevelt Signing the Emergency Banking Act (Photo: Bettmann/Bettmann/Getty Images)

by Stephen GreeneOffsite link, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis

“The emergency banking legislation passed by the Congress today is a most constructive step toward the solution of the financial and banking difficulties which have confronted the country. The extraordinary rapidity with which this legislation was enacted by the Congress heartens and encourages the country.”
– Secretary of the Treasury William Woodin, March 9, 1933

“I can assure you that it is safer to keep your money in a reopened bank than under the mattress.”
– President Franklin Roosevelt in his first Fireside Chat, March 12, 1933

Immediately after his inauguration in March 1933, President Franklin Roosevelt set out to rebuild confidence in the nation’s banking system. At the time, the Great Depression was crippling the US economy. Many people were withdrawing their money from banks and keeping it at home. In response, the new president called a special session of Congress the day after the inauguration and declared a four-day banking holiday that shut down the banking system, including the Federal Reserve. This action was followed a few days later by the passage of the Emergency Banking Act, which was intended to restore Americans’ confidence in banks when they reopened.

The legislation, which provided for the reopening of the banks as soon as examiners found them to be financially secure, was prepared by Treasury staff during Herbert Hoover’s administration and was introduced on March 9, 1933. It passed later that evening amid a chaotic scene on the floor of Congress. In fact, many in Congress did not even have an opportunity to read the legislation before a vote was called for.

Two photos; the image to the left shows New York’s deserted financial district during the bank holiday of March 1933, while the image to the right shows President Franklin Roosevelt giving a fireside chat to the American people.

NY Financial District and President Franklin Roosevelt Fireside Chat (Photo: Associated Press)

In his first Fireside Chat on March 12, 1933, Roosevelt explained the Emergency Banking Act as legislation that was “promptly and patriotically passed by the Congress … [that] gave authority to develop a program of rehabilitation of our banking facilities. … The new law allows the twelve Federal Reserve Banks to issue additional currency on good assets and thus the banks that reopen will be able to meet every legitimate call. The new currency is being sent out by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing to every part of the country.”

The Act, which also broadened the powers of the president during a banking crisis, was divided into five sections:

  • Title I expanded presidential authority during a banking crisis, including retroactive approval of the banking holiday and regulation of all banking functions, including “any transactions in foreign exchange, transfers of credit between or payments by banking institutions as defined by the President, and export, hoarding, melting, or earmarking of gold or silver coin.”
  • Title II gave the comptroller of the currency the power to restrict the operations of a bank with impaired assets and to appoint a conservator, who “shall take possession of the books, records, and assets of every description of such bank, and take such action as may be necessary to conserve the assets of such bank pending further disposition of its business.”
  • Title III allowed the secretary of the treasury to determine whether a bank needed additional funds to operate and “with the approval of the President request the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to subscribe to the preferred stock in such association, State bank or trust company, or to make loans secured by such stock as collateral.”
  • Title IV gave the Federal Reserve the flexibility to issue emergency currency—Federal Reserve Bank Notes—backed by any assets of a commercial bank.
  • Title V made the act effective.

In that Fireside Chat, Roosevelt announced that the next day, March 13, banks in the twelve Federal Reserve Bank cities would reopen. Then, on March 14, banks in cities with recognized clearing houses (about 250 cities) would reopen. On March 15, banks throughout the country that government examiners ensured were sound would reopen and resume business.

Roosevelt added one more boost of confidence: “Remember that no sound bank is a dollar worse off than it was when it closed its doors last week. Neither is any bank which may turn out not to be in a position for immediate opening.”

What would happen if bank customers again made a run on their deposits once the banks reopened? Policymakers knew it was critical for the Federal Reserve to back the reopened banks if runs were to occur. To ensure the Fed’s cooperation to lend freely to cash-strapped banks, Roosevelt promised to protect Reserve Banks against losses. In a telegram dated March 11, 1933, from Treasury Secretary William Woodin to New York Fed Governor George Harrison, Roosevelt said,

“It is inevitable that some losses may be made by the Federal Reserve banks in loans to their member banks. The country appreciates, however, that the 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks are operating entirely under Federal Law and the recent Emergency Bank Act greatly enlarges their powers to adapt their facilities to a national emergency. Therefore, there is definitely an obligation on the federal government to reimburse the 12 regional Federal Reserve Banks for losses which they may make on loans made under these emergency powers. I do not hesitate to assure you that I shall ask the Congress to indemnify any of the 12 Federal Reserve banks for such losses.”

Was the Emergency Banking Act a success? For the most part, it was. When banks reopened on March 13, it was common to see long lines of customers returning their stashed cash to their bank accounts. Currency held by the public had increased by $1.78 billion in the four weeks ending March 8. By the end of March, though, the public had redeposited about two-thirds of this cash.

Wall Street registered its approval, as well. On March 15, the first day of stock trading after the extended closure of Wall Street, the New York Stock Exchange recorded the largest one-day percentage price increase ever, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average gaining 8.26 points to close at 62.10; a gain of 15.34 percent.

Other legislation also helped make the financial landscape more solid, such as the Banking Act of 1932 and the Reconstruction Finance Corporation Act of 1932. The Emergency Banking Act of 1933 itself is regarded by many as helping to set the nation’s banking system right during the Great Depression.

The Emergency Banking Act also had a historic impact on the Federal Reserve. Title I greatly increased the president’s power to conduct monetary policy independent of the Federal Reserve System. Combined, Titles I and IV took the United States and Federal Reserve Notes off the gold standard, which created a new framework for monetary policy.1

Title III authorized the Reconstruction Finance Corporation (RFC) to provide capital to financial institutions. The capital injections by the RFC were similar to those under the TARP program in 2008, but they were not a model of the actions taken by the Fed in 2008-09. In neither episode did the Fed inject capital into banks; it only made loans.

  • 1The gold standard was partially restored by the Gold Reserve Act of 1934. The United States remained on the gold standard until 1971.

Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. “Documents and Statements Pertaining to the Banking Emergency, Presidential Proclamations, Federal Legislation, Executive Orders, Regulations, and Other Documents and Official Statements, Part 1, February 25 – March 31, 1833.” 1933, link.

History Matters, the U.S. Survey Course on the Web. “‘More Important Than Gold’: FDR’s First Fireside Chat.” Accessed September 30, 2013, link.

Silber, William L. “Why Did FDR’s Bank Holiday Succeed?Offsite link” Federal Reserve Bank of New York Economic Policy Review, July 2009, 19-30.

Recent History of Global Currency Reset

This video begins with a long forgotten clip from the Sean Hannity Radio Show in 2010. This was the single most important moment on Hannity’s show ever and he didn’t even know it:

If you understand what we are presenting to you in this video it will impact your life and the lives of your family members for generations. We’ve known about this for many years and have actually spoken directly to individuals who were inside of the meetings back in the early 2000’s when many of the decisions on this historical event were first being planned. We have been quietly sharing this information through our platforms since the early 2010’s in hopes of helping Conservatives, Christians, Veterans, Charities, and pro-American Patriots use this as a way to bring hope and joy to millions across the nation and the world. Also, this is the absolute key for Independent, Alternative, and Conservative media outlets and journalists to launch their platforms into the stratosphere. Never again will you have to worry about authoritarian censorship, ads being pulled, lawsuit warfare, or being banned/shadow-banned on NWO platforms. YOU will now be in a position to lead, to create, to inform millions, and ultimately (#1 goal of all) help spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Remember, after this event you will potentially have a great deal more influence on the world. You will be faced with unimaginable temptations to waste it away, hoard it, or to do immoral things that will ultimately lead to your demise. Look at how many sudden Crypto/Bitcoin “millionaires”, lottery winners, pro-athletes, and those who inherited large amounts of money simply wasted it away within a short period of time. We invite everyone to revisit the Story of the Talents in the Bible (Matthew 25:14-30) as you take this to the Lord in prayer.

Final note: We will not be answering any questions on this event after this video is published. We’ve done what we felt led to do the past several years and this will be our final post on the topic until after the event transpires. Take everything you learn here to the Lord in prayer.

The Massive Untapped Wealth Of Iraq (Babylon)
– start the video at mark 7 minute 20 second:

(Proverbs 13:22) “A good man leaveth an inheritance to his children’s children: and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just.”

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Update (3-10-18): Interesting to note that this video began DROPPING in views overnight by the thousands. That means one day it had over 30,000 views and the next morning we awoke to it having 17,000 views. What does that mean? Why did they do it? Perhaps the video contains information someone does not want you to know. This is one of the many reasons we rarely post anything on YouTube anymore.

Update (3-14-18): Each time this video hits 30,000 views it drops back down by 10,000 or more. Last night it had 29, 990 views and today we checked it and it was back down to 20,007 views. Mass censorship continues for anyone who isn’t a nihilist or anti-American.

Update (6-9-18): On June 5th and June 6th of 2018 we experienced a massive anti-Trump bot attack. Within 24 hours the bots down-voted this video nearly 500 times (before it had fewer than 50 down-votes since it was uploaded months ago). The bots also left scores of spam/vulgar messages that thankfully were blocked by the “approving comment” feature. We have no idea of where the bot attack originated at this time. YouTube notified us of the attack also which was apparently picked up by their algorithm. Would be great to just be able to upload videos without shadow banning, censorship, or bot attacks like the old days of YouTube. Just another reason we have decided to use this platform so sparingly.

Note: We do not monetize our videos yet YouTube is running commercials on this video and claiming “copyright” despite the fact that we’re using ROYALTY FREE MUSIC. Last year we had a video getting 10k views an hour that, once it hit 90k views, they completely stopped it from going viral. Censorship is real, it is disturbing, and it is one-sided.

Disclaimer: Content contained on or made available through this channel is not intended to and does not constitute legal advice or investment advice and no attorney-client relationship is formed. Your use of the information on the website or materials linked from the Web is at your own risk.

The World’s Land Owners are at War!

By JC Collins

The Crowns of the Beast and Our Spiritual Evolution

Sometimes I feel hopeless. The weight of our situation is so overwhelming that emotions overtake me and I suffer fleeting moments of despair. This is always brought on by the realization that we truly are born into a world of slavery. The beast system is all encompassing and has infiltrated all aspects of material and spiritual existence.

But there is hope, and when I remember this I spring back to life and feel empowered under the force of my own right-minded action and integrity.

In researching the history of the international monetary system and the rise and fall of empires, some interesting patterns begin to emerge. The full scope of human undertakings must be considered when compiling a true record of human history. All things are connected on multiple levels, and nothing stands in isolation to the total sum.

The series SDR and the New Bretton Woods which launched Philosophy of Metrics (POM) represented the first step towards full awareness about the machinations of world powers. Over the last four years we have covered a lot of ground and most of the predictions made have been accurate. Promoting understanding of the truth is not popular as the large majority of the disorganized masses have a natural aversion to the truth, and instead desire the false comfort of rumour and fantastical narratives which distract from the cruel reality around them. POM has continued researching and promoting full awareness about world powers and the incremental growth of readers around the world would suggest the hard work is achieving the outlined objectives.

This article is meant to bring together some of the different topics which we have covered. The SDR and monetary information is woven through it all. The first installment of what was meant to be an extended Antichrist series will be consolidated into this piece alongside the ongoing research about the double-headed eagle symbolism and World Adversarial Force. The esoteric themes represent the framework which holds it all together.

Perhaps we should categorize it all under the label “Law of Adversity”, for that is truly what we are learning about. The origins of modern law can be traced back to the Phoenician Empire. Versions of law were implemented from the very beginning of human history, but the Phoenician Empire organized and structured advanced systems of law which have evolved to become the complex legal frameworks which control the majority of the modern world.

Let’s take a quick look at some basics. Here in Canada all land is owned by the Crown. Now most Canadians think that the Crown is the Queen of England, but this is not the case. The British Royal Family serves a purpose and maintains their importance through serving the Crown in whatever capacity is required, as do other families and institutions.

Canadians (as well as Americans and citizens of most nations) are born and go about the business of getting an education and entering the workforce. The time and labor which is accumulated by each Canadian is likely to end up being paid to a bank for a mortgage on a property of some sort. This property can never be legally owned by the person who’s name is on the mortgage documents alongside the name of the banking institution. Even if the mortgage is completely paid in full, the person will still have to request that the banks named be removed from the land title.

But what no one ever really questions is the legal ownership status of the land as detailed on the title document. Here in Canada the terms Freehold Lease or Land Tenure are used. These legal terms mean that the person who spent half of their life, or more, paying a mortgage is now only leasing the land for free, and allowed tenure on the land which is in fact legally owned by the Crown. This legal land owning practice goes back to the Phoenicians and their implementation of systems of law to manage cultural and socioeconomic mandates for the purpose of controlling mass populations.

Legal names on government documents require all capitals. As an example, my legal corporate name is JARED COLLINS, and is required to be documented as such on all legal documents which serve as a contract between corporations. Contract law and corporate law are the frameworks which govern the world, and most people never stop to consider why they are instructed to use all CAPITALS when completing legal documents. The LEGAL you is a fabrication and serves to further enslave use under a system of perpetual taxation and wealth transference.

The purpose of this system is not about consolidating more wealth. It is about preventing the growth and consolidation of wealth outside of the system. This would be wealth which could be used to threaten the existence of the system from the outside. At times certain nations and small empires have been allowed to exist as long as they incorporated parts of the Beast system into their own internal frameworks.

Russia is a nation which has integrated aspects of the Beast system, but has not fully succumbed to the full force of the system itself. The Russian landmass accounts for 4.2 billion acres, which is 11% of the Earths total habitable land mass of 36.8 billion acres. This accounts for a huge Russian presence on the Eurasian continent.

Those who have been following the double-headed eagle articles will know that Russia is the one nation which has never been successfully conquered and enslaved by this outside system of legal influence. Throughout history empires such as Napoleons, as well as the Ottoman Empire, were used along with the German people in two world wars, to achieve the objective of invading and subjugating the Russian land mass. All failed, and the ongoing strategic moves by NATO and America, which constitute the Anglo-American establishment arm of the Crown, represent the continuation of this goal.

It is interesting that urban legend and some old prophecies tell us that both Napoleon and Hitler were previous antichrists as mentioned in the Book of Revelations. Both Napoleon and Hitler were used by powerful forces to attempt the invasion and subjugation of Russia. This comparison and pattern will be important as we move further into this material.

The Phoenicians also structured the governance of their empire around the concept of city states. In the modern world there are three city states which exist. They are the City of London, the Vatican, and Washington DC. I suspect that both Jerusalem and Hong Kong are being positioned for city state status also.

Located in the City of London, outside of banking and financial institutions, is the Crown Temple. The Crown Temple manages the systems of international law and is another corporation which is controlled by the Vatican.

The Vatican City itself, is the trustee of the Catholic Church, and is one of the most powerful and wealthiest organizations in the world. There is ample evidence and thought provoking cases made which support the thesis that the Catholic Church is the Beast and Antichrist from Revelations. Some of the evidence matches with our literal interpretations of the Bible and the Book of Revelations, such as:

  1. It exists as both a church and a city. The Vatican is both a church and a city state.
  2. It is seated upon seven mountains. The seven hills of Rome which the Vatican touches are Aventine, Caelian, Capitoline, Esquiline, Palatine, Quirinal, and Viminal.
  3. It is arrayed with purple and scarlet, as well as gold and precious stones. The church is pretty flashy with all the purple and red cloaks, and idols adorned with gold and gems. Not to mention that purple was one of the important colours of the Phoenician priest class.
  4. Asserts power over all the inhabitants of Earth. There is no doubt that the Catholic Church has immense power around the world.
  5. It arose within a densely populated region with cultural diversity. Europe could be accurately described this way.
  6. Eradicated other kingdoms and empires with its rise to power. The Catholic Church did wage war against existing empires in the region of Europe and the Mediterranean, including the Anglo-Saxons, the Vandals, the Visigoths, Heruli, Astrogoths, and Franks, plus others, but there is much more to this, as we will discover. It is interesting to note that there are no bloodlines which exist today which can be traced back to some of these kingdoms (Vandals, Visigoths and Heruli), as if “they were ripped out by the root”.
  7. The Beast makes war with the saints. The war and violence the Church has committed against the true Christians, such as the Cathars, and centuries later the Protestants, can not be denied. The Inquisition is a stain upon human history, and is estimated the Beast had killed over 100 million of the those who sought spiritual freedom and evolution.
  8. A single man acts and speaks for the whole. The Pope fills this role, and is the only spokesman for the entire Roman Catholic Church.
  9. The “sovereign” of this kingdom exalts himself above God. The Pope is called the Father and does in fact exalt himself above God. As a side note on this point, The Sovereign is also another name for the Crown. Pope Leo XIII wrote “We hold upon this Earth the place of God Almighty.”
  10. The name and number of the Beast is the name and number of a man, and this number is 666. The Pope’s “Crown” holds the inscription “Vicarius Filii Dei”. Translated from Latin this means “Vicar of the Son of God”. Vicar means “substitute”. So the Pope is the substitute for the Son of God upon the Earth. The numerical value of this Latin name is 666.
  11. The Antichrist speaks pompous words and blasphemies. The claims of the Pope to be God on Earth serves as the ultimate blasphemy. The Church also claims to be able to forgive sins. That doesn’t sound right to me.
  12. Changed the time and the law of God. The Catholic Church has modified the ten commandments, such as removing the 2nd commandment about idol worship, and along with changing the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday, in fact reset the calendar to year zero 2017 years ago as a part of its efforts to hijack, halt and take control of the spiritual revolution which was taking place at the time. In addition, the Church created and implemented the Gregorian Calendar in the year 1582. It actually removed 10 days from existence. The Protestants resisted the new calendar and Ukraine and Russia never did use it.

Readers will note from other posts that the Protestant Reformation was started by the Knights Templar centuries before, who the Catholic Church arrested and murdered. The Templars used the double-headed eagle as its emblem, as did the Eastern Holy Roman Empire (not the Vatican) who supported and protected the Protestant Reformers. Russia and Ukraine have also use the double-headed eagle and supported the Eastern Holy Roman Empire.

It is clear from the above information that the Catholic Church is the best fit for the Beast and Antichrist. But there is so much more which needs to be considered. There is still the Dragon which gave the Beast its powers.

When it comes to owning land, the Church owns about 177 million acres. This amounts to around 0.5% of the total habitable land on Earth. It has other wealth, such as banks and other financial assets, along with gold and untold historical documents, but its not enough to suggest it alone has dominion over the whole Earth.

The Crown is referenced as owning 6.6 billion acres, which is 18% of the Earth. But the Crown in this regard is only referring to the land accumulated and owned by the British Empire. It doesn’t include the landmass of the United States, China, India, and Africa, all of which good cases can be made for ownership by the Crown. The fact that America, and each of the other regions use the system of international law which is managed by the Crown Temple in the City of London, would strongly suggest that the Crown, or Sovereign, would own those lands as well.

This would put Crown land ownership well over 50% of the Earth’s total habitable land mass.

We will explore that more in future articles.

Consider, the Beast that rises from the sea in Revelations represents the habitable land mass of the Earth. Empires and human weakness attempt to conquer and control this land. Is it possible that Russia is the only land mass which has not yet been conquered and subjugated by the Crown (Dragon), and as such, is the only nation (with perhaps Iran/Persia) which is preventing the full Beast/Antichrist system from being complete?

Russia makes up a huge part of the Eurasian continent. Eurasia has 80% of the worlds resources and contributes 80% to the global GDP. It also houses 85% of the worlds population. It can never be fully controlled as long as Russia is not completely subjugated. Russia has been, and continues to be, the great prize.

The Crown is not the British Empire. The British Royal Family are used by the Crown, much like other nations and people are used. It is my conclusion that the Crown is the reconstituted Phoenician Empire and its system of laws and city state governance structure. The Crown owns the vast majority of the world’s surface land and the people who dwell upon that land. All must be a part of the Beast system in order to participate in commerce and the purchase of goods.

Sounds familiar, right?

There is also building evidence that the Catholic Church was used to create the religion of Islam. It is probable that Islam was the tool used by the Crown (Phoenicians) to control the whole of the Middle East and its Arab peoples. Even the Seafaring People, who the Phoenicians used to invade and wage war against its enemies, evolved into the Jewish people of the modern world. The Hebrews, who absorbed much of the Babylonian religion, wandered without a homeland and were incorporated into the Phoenician forces as the mysteries Seafaring People of the Mediterranean.

Both the United Nations and the Catholic Church have called for there to be a new international monetary system, and the call for a world government is getting louder. The Pope is even working towards merging all religions into one and is openly promoting the tenets of Islam and worldwide liberalism and multiculturalism.

The Protestant Reformation was an attempt by the forces of right-mindedness to counter the Crown and its growing institutions in the world. The Crown went to work on a counter-reformation and began a centuries long campaign against Russia and those who supported right-minded action based on integrity and honour. This war continues today, and until the Russian land mass is successfully conquered there will always be a beachhead from which the battles can be fought.

All of the religions of the world suppress spiritual evolution. The Eastern religions still maintain some semblance of spiritual purpose, but the importing of these religions into the Western world is slowly corrupting them.

The ancient mystery schools also maintained the purpose and process of spiritual evolution, but these were corrupted a long time ago and little from within the esoteric and hermetic schools of the modern world should be trusted. The Crown has attempted to destroy the process of spiritual evolution in the material world. It wages war upon those who carry the double-headed eagle emblem, as the double-headed eagle represents the coming together of the material and spiritual bodies. Two become one.

It is interesting that it was the workers and craftsmen from Phoenician King Hiram of Tyre who assisted the Hebrews with the building of Solomons Temple in Jerusalem. Thousands of years later it was the Knights Templar (double-headed eagle) who excavated under the old temple and discovered something which forced the Catholic Church to turn on them.

Perhaps they discovered truth.

The divisions in this world begin within each one of us. It is the light and darkness which battle for control of our lives. We project this battle out into the material world. The adversity this battle creates encourages learning. We only learn through adversity. This is why no matter what the Dragon or Beast does, it will lose. The more of the world it controls, the more the people of the world are stricken with hardship and adversity. The more adversity, the more we learn how to spiritually evolve.

The World Adversarial Force is the Dragon. The Beast and Antichrist are its systems of governance and controls which manage and engineer the cultural and socioeconomics of the world. The Dragon exists within each one of us. It is the reptilian part of our evolution, just like we are part mineral, plant, and animal. We are also part reptile.

The Crown is the manifestation of the World Adversarial Force from within each one us. Those of us who have fallen victim to the narrative of one group or another controlling the whole of the world have been tricked to leave the trail of enlightenment and spiritual evolution.

Think on human weakness and the sin of greed. We want more of the material things and less of the spiritual. We need a balance of these two things in order for both matter and spirit to evolve together, and the Christ to return within each one us.

Monetary systems and the control of wealth is the greatest weapon used against us. It is why so many of us obsess on gold and currency.

Consider everything I have written here. The Pope wears the same headdress as the Phoenician priests. The Phoenician Empire is rising from the ashes of the mortal head would it suffered thousands of years ago. Its systems of law and governance cover the face of the Earth.

Now consider the cover from the Economist Magazine decades ago where it showed a Phoenix bird standing on a pile of burning dollars. Get ready for a world currency it said. The Phoenician Empire is coming back. But fear not. It has been destroyed on previous occasions and can be again. The Tower of Babel and the blasphemy of Nimrod against God ensured that the people were scattered across the face of the Earth and given different languages so they could never come together and scheme against God again.

But damn, didn’t we find a way.

A one world government and religion, along with a universal language app I’m sure, will not succeed either. Each of us are meant to walk the grail path and learn the Christ process of material and spiritual evolution. We are not a corporation. We are spiritual and material beings. Imbalances will not be allowed to continue towards one inevitable end. Both light and dark must exist in balance with one another.

The Three Laws of Robotics by Issac Asimov

The Three Laws of Robotics (often shortened to The Three Laws or known as Asimov’s Laws) are a set of rules devised by the science fiction author Isaac Asimov. The rules were introduced in his 1942 short story “Runaround“, although they had been foreshadowed in a few earlier stories. The Three Laws, quoted as being from the “Handbook of Robotics, 56th Edition, 2058 A.D.”, are:

  1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
  2. A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
  3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Laws.[1]

These form an organizing principle and unifying theme for Asimov’s robotic-based fiction, appearing in his Robot series, the stories linked to it, and his Lucky Starr series of young-adult fiction. The Laws are incorporated into almost all of the positronic robots appearing in his fiction, and cannot be bypassed, being intended as a safety feature. Many of Asimov’s robot-focused stories involve robots behaving in unusual and counter-intuitive ways as an unintended consequence of how the robot applies the Three Laws to the situation in which it finds itself. Other authors working in Asimov’s fictional universe have adopted them and references, often parodic, appear throughout science fiction as well as in other genres.

The original laws have been altered and elaborated on by Asimov and other authors. Asimov himself made slight modifications to the first three in various books and short stories to further develop how robots would interact with humans and each other. In later fiction where robots had taken responsibility for government of whole planets and human civilizations, Asimov also added a fourth, or zeroth law, to precede the others:

  1. A robot may not harm humanity, or, by inaction, allow humanity to come to harm.

The Three Laws, and the zeroth, have pervaded science fiction and are referred to in many books, films, and other media.

Situational Awareness

Situational Awareness:  is the ability to identify, process, and comprehend the critical elements of information about what is happening with regards to the mission. More simply, it’s knowing what is going on around you.











US by Paul Genova – The State of the Union

Friday, January 27, 2017

Mr. Paul Genova has been President and Chief Operating Officer of Wireless Telecom Group Inc. since June 30, 2016. Mr. Genova served as the Chief Executive Officer of Wireless Telecom Group Inc. from November 16, 2009 to June 30, 2016.


I haven’t said too much about this election since the start….but this is how I feel.

I’m noticing that a lot of you aren’t graciously accepting the fact that your candidate lost. In fact you seem to be posting even more hateful things about those of us who voted for Trump.

Some of you are apparently “triggered” because you are posting how “sick” you feel about the results.

How did this happen you ask?

Well here is how it happened!

  • You created “us” when you attacked our freedom of speech.
  • You created “us” when you attacked our right to bear arms.
  • You created “us” when you attacked our Christian beliefs.
  • You created “us” when you constantly referred to us as racists.
  • You created “us” when you constantly called us xenophobic.
  • You created “us” when you told us to get on board or get out of the way.
  • You created “us” when you attacked our flag.
  • You created “us” when you took God out of our schools.
  • You created “us” when you confused women’s rights with feminism.
  • You created “us” when you began to emasculate men.
  • You created “us” when you decided to make our children soft.
  • You created “us” when you decided to vote for progressive ideals.
  • You created “us” when you attacked our way of life.
  • You created “us” when you decided to let our government get out of control.
  • You created “us” the silent majority.
  • You created “us” when you began murdering innocent law enforcement officers.
  • You created “us” when you lied and said we could keep our insurance plans and our doctors.
  • You created “us” when you allowed our jobs to continue to leave our country.
  • You created “us” when you took a knee, or stayed seated or didn’t remove your hat during our National Anthem.
  • You created “us” when you forced us to buy health care and then financially penalized us for not participating.

And, we became fed up and we pushed back and spoke up.

And we did it..
With ballots, not bullets
With ballots, not riots
With ballots, not looting
With ballots, not blocking traffic
With ballots, not fires,
except the one you started inside of “US”

“YOU” created “US”.

It’s just that simple.

Pass this on if you believe this represents most of “US”.


Donald Trump: Already Better Than Reagan

Dinarland folk lore and utter non-sense

The US presidency will continue according to the philosophic and ideological guidelines of the new and constitutionally elected chief executive, Donald Trump. There is no credible evidence to support rumors of other unelected chief executives to succeed President Trump, including any such persons positioned by foreign powers (e.g., China, Russia, etc.).

President Donald Trump is reported to have purchased dinar along with many other speculative currencies. This has NOT been confirmed by any source, but it is considered possible as the highly speculative quality of this investment is no impediment to Trump. Further, there is no confirmation from any reliable source to the rumor that President Trump exchanged large amounts of dinar at any exchange rate.

There is no independent confirmation by any credible source that the character “zorra” except as partner of a guru who was dubbed by the “zorra” character as “one who knows”. Indeed, there is no credible confirmation from any credible or independent source that ANYTHING either of these characters have provided is anything but their own variations of new age religion and sci-fi fantasy.

Indeed, there is no independent or reliable confirmation of what is provided by ANY of the “usual” and popular dinarland sources. It has been observed publicly on many occasions over nearly a full year that all of the “intel” within dinarland (other than relayed factually news which is publicly available) has met the minimal threshold of accuracy, i.e., none of the “intel” has proved accurate. The primary response to attempts to note dozens of inaccurate predictions is dismissal, labeling as “cabal” agents, and ridicule. There is never – in fact, never – any argument that predictions of 800 number release have been accurate, no proof has been offered of the existence of even one “exchange center” or purported currency exchange (at “teaser” rates or other high rates), or that the fabled “Chinese elders” exist, to name only a few. A popular and convenient “refutation” is that these are secret matters and can’t be proved.

Currency Wars and Safe BanksAll confirmed sources agree that the “RV/GCR” is theoretic, at best, and much more likely, a useful story-line for sustaining dinarland reader interest. A score of references can be given to support this position, however, the only “sources” available to dinarland “gurus” is the internal and circular rumor mill of their guru community.

There was no relationship between an RV/GCR and the Congressional confirmation of the US President’s appointed Secretary of the Treasury. That has proven to be the case, despite so many predicting the swearing in would “flip a switch” or such a thing. This is an excellent example of dinarland gurus finding some semi-plausible basis for falsely stirring up excitement for the RV/GCR. The falsity of something happening due to these events being supposedly related to the RV/GCR can only be seen retrospectively, however, the dinarland culture has evolved to now where anyone pointing out such a failure is vilified while the falsity is carefully ignored.

All credible sources agree, there will be no simultaneous and sudden revaluation of currencies across the world. It is fully confirmed and documented that there has been NO treaty, ratified (as required by the US Senate), or otherwise, which requires gold backing of currency or revaluation of currencies. Of course, to anyone who has read the publicly available Paris Agreement on Climate Change, this is a known fact.


These are fully and publicly confirmed facts with easy access by any person.

After document review and a detailed analysis of the Paris Agreement, it has become completely clear that dinarland gurus have relied on investors’ trust to use this international accord (not a treaty) to falsely carry their story-line. There is no reference whatsoever in the accord which supports the idea of a GCR. The RV of IQD is neither mentioned or could it be realistically even influenced by the Paris Agreement. The Paris Agreement was merely another convenient current event which was used and its contents misrepresented to further the otherwise utterly factless story-line of popular gurus. Fortunately, simple fact-checking has fully debunked any dinar guru support of the Paris Agreement for their RV/GCR story-line.

On the subject of treaties and law, generally, be aware that all federal laws are included in the Federal Register, which is publicly available to anyone with internet access. There are no exceptions, if it is law, it is in full text in the Federal Register. Thus, it is extremely critical to note that there has never been passed a law called “NESARA” or anything like it in connection with “economic recovery”. It is not “secret”, it was not signed by a US President at the point of a gun (which would void the supposed law, anyway), and it was not authorized by some of the US Supreme Court (in which case, it would not be law, either). There is also no such thing confirmed anywhere but within new age religious websites and dinarland blogs as “GESARA”, this being a mutation of the acronym NESARA – swapping “global” in place of “national”.

The evolution and adaptation of NESARA is an interesting but unsurprising story. Multiple conspiracy theories have been combined to confuse and mystify a fairly simple story. “National Economic Security and Recovery Act (NESARA) was a set of proposed economic reforms suggested during the 1990s by Harvey Francis Barnard. Barnard claimed that the proposals, which included replacing the income tax with a national sales tax, abolishing compound interest on secured loans, and returning to a bimetallic currency, would result in 0% inflation and a more stable economy. The proposals were never introduced before Congress. … NESARA has since become better known as the subject of a cult-like conspiracy theory promoted by Shaini Candace Goodwin, doing business as “Dove of Oneness”, who claimed that the act was actually passed with additional provisions as the National Economic Security and Reformation Act, and then suppressed by the George W. Bush administration and the Supreme Court. Goodwin’s conspiracy emails have been translated into several languages and have a large following online.”

In a handful of recent posts by a popular guru, there was reference to “GESARA compliance regulations”. Of course, no reference was given. There could not be, as GESARA is a product of guru imagination, repeated often enough as to become a presumed truth – it is not. There are no “GESARA compliance regulations” because there is no such thing as “GESARA” associated with any governing body in the world. The preposterous quality of this make-believe set of rules or regulations places the burden of proof on anyone saying it is real. At very least, since it has been publicly mentioned, it is incumbent on the one who mentions it to offer a single legitimate and confirmable source for the existence of GESARA or its regulations. You can still buy the book which was written by Dr. Barnard (this is the 2005 edition, although the first edition was self-published in 1996):

It’s interesting to note that Dr. Barnard urged economic policies somewhat similar to US Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, but Barnard’s book title ended up as a slogan for the Trump campaign, “Drain the Swamp”. Make of it what you will.

PLEASE NOTE: Do not burn your investment currency. Do not give away your investment currency. Do not even entrust your investment currency to anyone. Do not disregard the investment you have made – there is always a chance within a speculative currency investment that some profit can be made.

This intel is offered as a free and 100% uncompensated service. The motivation for relaying this intel is the hope that unsupported supposed “intel” does not become a part of your investment goals and objectives. You are always urged to do independent investment research. You are always cautioned that any representation that information is true “because you can’t find it elsewhere” is itself a deception. If you cannot confirm facts, it is not reliable. Reliance on information simply because it supports a conspiracy narrative is foolish and a simple manipulation. Integration of one’s own principles of faith is valuable, but can leave an investor open to manipulation when ordinary investment due diligence and personal research is neglected. Let us always reason together.

“Sources” are easy when you’re grounded in reality and you’re telling the truth.

As always, being and staying “grounded”, according to Merriam-Webster, means “mentally and emotionally stable; admirably sensible, realistic, and unpretentious.” Measure yourself against this standard and, with integrity, be brutally honest. Check to see if those whose advice you accept are in this way “grounded”.

Global Currency Reset – IMF to be frank and candid with exchange rate analysis

President Trump’s Treasury Secretary, Mnuchin, tells the International Monetary Fund (IMF) that he expects a “frank and candid” exchange rate analysis. Frequent readers of my blog posts here, will not be surprised by this development.


With the Trump administration having gone radio silent in recent weeks on the issue of currency manipulation and whether it sees the dollar, or other currencies, as under- or over-valued, there was a notable if vague update from U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin who spoke to the IMF’s Managing Director Christine Lagarde on Tuesday and told her that he expects the IMF to provide “frank and candid” analysis of exchange rate policies.

There was no elaboration of what the apriori US stance was coming into the conversation.

The spokesperson said that in a phone call to Christine Lagarde, Steven Mnuchin emphasized the importance that the administration places on boosting economic growth and jobs in the United States, and looked forward to robust economic policy advice from the IMF regarding its member countries, and the objective of tackling global imbalances.

The readout from the a Treasury Spokesperson of Secretary Mnuchin’s Call with International Monetary Fund Managing Director Christine Lagarde is below:

WASHINGTON – U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin spoke by phone today with Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

In his conversation with Madame Lagarde, Secretary Mnuchin welcomed the key role the IMF plays in promoting global economic growth and stability and in preventing and responding to economic crisis. He noted the importance the Administration places on boosting economic growth and jobs in the United States, and looked forward to robust IMF economic policy advice on its member countries and tackling global imbalances. Secretary Mnuchin also underscored his expectation that the IMF provide frank and candid analysis of the exchange rate policies of IMF member countries.
Needless to say, a full transcript of the conversation would have been far more useful for all those wondering if the dollar is set to continue its recent growth spurt or if Mnuchin hinted that Trump would be happier with a lower dollar going forward.

Uneducated Voters – a period of non-critical thinking and mob mentality

The obvious truth on cultural segregation and a changing political demographic

An ideal Republic demands an informed population which can serve as an electoral body of critical thinkers. Past educational programs within distinct societies and civilizations have been tasked with providing this body of critical thinkers.

As is the case in previous eras, civilizations which transition through various stages of socioeconomic development invariably pass through the obvious periods of enlightenment and heightened culture only to bottom out when civilization reverses and a period of non-critical thinking and mob mentality controls the mechanisms of governance and power.

There are many reasons for the predictability of such a cultural evolution and devolution.

One is the periods of decadence which serve to weaken the power structures and societal foundations. These periods of decadence are preceded by massive expansions of the money supply which inject excess capital into the domestic economies and lead to the waste associated with the onset of decadence.

This erosion and degeneration of cultural responsibility and accountability leads to even further fragmentation of Republic ideals as those who rise to positions of power and control within the governance and commerce frameworks begin to legislate socialist mandates.

These mandates are meant to warp the judicial and educational structures within the civilization for the purpose of establishing and maintaining a cultural segregation which promotes equality but in fact is attempting to encourage further division and redistribution to those at the top of the power structure.

Under such a methodology, sometimes planned and sometimes unplanned, all the civil and official institutions exist to serve the growing power structure. The educational system, once meant to produce a mass population of organized critical thinkers shifts to the far left of the cultural spectrum where it is focused primarily on producing a mass population of disorganized non-critical thinkers who are trained to operate the machinery and mechanisms of the governance and commerce structures but are never educated enough to threaten those at the top of the power structure itself.

This de facto caste type system continues to grow until a mass swell of critical thinkers within the disorganized masses are able to organize and begin the process of sovereign renewal throughout the multiple levels of commerce, education and politics.

It is as if the utter lack of critical thinking reaches a point where it actually sparks a new awareness and birth of critical thinking which then begins the process of rising and challenging the power structure.  One of the clear indicators that this transformation has begun is the weakening of the educational system which materializes through a growing division in the electoral body. We are experiencing such divisions and fragmentation now as the election of Donald Trump and the BREXIT vote in Great Britain would suggest.

In both cases the left power structure has hammered the point that it was predominately “uneducated voters” who moved against the existing framework and are attempting to overthrow those at the top. This slanderous attempt at cultural segregation is transparent in that it draws attention to the false promotion of equality which the power structure promotes.

The inevitable corruption and devolution of the educational system ensures that this mass body of “uneducated voters” will develop the critical thinking which is required in order to recognize the corruption and inherent degeneration of the existing framework.

Those who consider themselves to be “educated voters” are in fact conditioned and moulded to maintain and perpetuate the existing power structure. This is accomplished through refocusing the purpose of the educational system from building critical thinkers to such mundane and counter intuitive tasks as conforming and bending to cultural group think.

Those who have avoided the educational system for whatever reason – costs, no interest, not fitting in, etc.. – find themselves in the advantageous position of not having been subjected to the curriculum of mass socioeconomic and cultural engineering. This avoidance of the control integration points both allows and encourages the development of critical thinking as a direct response to the lack of critical thinking which will have reached epidemic proportions within the existing system.

This disenfranchised and disorganized mass begins to organize itself and use the gears and levers of the governance framework to take back control of the system. The once “educated” demographic begins to find itself faced with a mass population of electoral voters who have developed both critical thinking and the ability to recognize the inherent and degenerate characteristics of the collapsing and fragmenting system.

The ruling demographic of “educated” and non-critical thinking electoral voters find themselves confused and unable to understand why the cultural mechanisms of socialism and equality are now falling apart under the weight of the growing demographic of “uneducated” and critical thinking electoral voters. The contradiction between promoting cultural equality while granting special interest groups and pre-defined minority groups select privileges never occurs to them. This cultural segregation takes the form of special laws of exclusion and inclusion which is enforced upon another demographic as the opposite. Inclusion for one demographic means exclusion for another.

The culture begins to develop multi-tiered legal, educational, and business micro frameworks which isolate those “uneducated” masses who have not participated in the macro framework of social inclusion and non-critical thinking. The divide only grows broader from this point as the disorganized masses organize and critical thinking begins to be injected once again into the mechanisms of governance and power.

This will inevitably lead once again to the implementation of Republican ideals and the expansion of an electoral body of critical thinkers. The governance and power frameworks begin to focus once again on the application of a common law for all demographics and the reintroduction of educational, financial, monetary, and political sovereignty.

Lost Any Liberal Friends?


HI Cliff,

How are you? Was a great inauguration… any comments,
I’d love to hear.

Have you lost any liberal friends, or do you steer clear from them??


Grace Awake



I’ve been trying for months to inform my liberal, socialist, police-state ideologists that the appearance and election of Donald Trump to the political stage of the world’s most powerful country is a geo-political move of global proportions in support of a new, multilateral currency system with the intent to revalue the currency of emerging nations and re-balance the global economic system. It is a move away from seven decades of unipolar USD based global reserve currency pushed by the Western banking system and American Corporate imperialism.

And, more specifically, the liberal mandates of open societies and left-leaning freedoms have crashed into the walls of rational thought and real-world functioning progressive ideals. This was one of the most predictable outcomes in our world for the simple fact that the liberal-left and its proposed values and virtues are based on a fraudulent position which was promised to empower the people and end the threat of totalitarianism, but in fact weakened the moral fiber of civilization and skewed the diametric truths.

It has long been declared that the alternative to the mandates of liberalism is authoritarianism, totalitarianism, fascism, and the scalable loss of freedoms as society moves further to the right. This gross mischaracterization has been embedded in our culture through left-funded media and education strategies which have both arrested and corrupted the minds of generations.

Whether you consider the development of these diametric left and right political ideologies as chance or engineering matters less than the need to understand the path civilization takes as it shifts between one and the other. The human mind demands opposition as a method of advancement and learning. This foundational principle is hardcoded into our world and the human powerbase has mastered the art of harnessing it for the purpose of socioeconomic engineering. The diametric exists in spite of the human need for oneness and brotherhood.

The truth of the matter is that the extreme of the left or the right both act as catalysts for a return to the other. A civilization surrendered to extreme right authoritarianism will build an inner momentum for a return to the freedoms inherent in the center. This momentum becomes an unstoppable train which overshoots the center and reengineers culture and governance towards the far left. Equally so, a civilization weakened to extreme left openness and unaccountability will develop an outer momentum for a return to decency, strength and personal responsibility. The overshoot is just as dramatic.

The all or nothing approach of the liberal-left towards a full open society establishes a need for totalitarianism in the same manner that the extreme right presents its own justification. Harsh loss of personal freedoms and strong authoritarianism are required to hold both the left and the right in their extreme diametric positions. Neither can use the risk of authoritarianism as the justification to prevent the other from arising as the end result will always be the same.

The frequency of executive orders by the Obama administration and the use of regulations are examples of what we are discussing. The momentum towards a full open society built on the mandates of the liberal left has destroyed itself in the same manner that an extreme right ideology would have.

Those in the world who can grasp and understand the mechanics and methodology of this shifting diametric have an opportunity, and in fact a responsibility, to plan staged cultural and socioeconomic interceptions which would be meant to manage the return momentum and create a structural framework at the center which would hold the weight of a civilization with a growing self-awareness.

The dogma of “do what thou wilt” is the built-in weakness of the far liberal left in the same manner that “do what we tell you to do” is with the far right. The extreme of either ideology emerges near and at the end of civilizations. Other ancillary factors such as monetary policy and war act as further catalysts but the corruption begins within first, such as it does in our personal lives.

The road from fascist Germany in World War Two to liberal-left Germany today which has enacted self-destructive governance policies is a perfect example of this swing between extreme left and extreme right. The open borders and open society framework has failed not just in Germany and Europe, but across the world and political spectrums. The governed populations are beginning to accept that there is an ideological disease which has pushed western civilization to the brink of an identity collapse just out there on the edge of the extreme liberal-left platform.

The response is the “new modern nationalism” which we have discussed and is represented by the election of Donald Trump, the BREXIT vote, and the emergence of strong conservative-right candidates in nations around the world.

But with the death of worldwide liberalism also comes the end of American unipolar imperialism which has functioned as an extension of the international reserve status of the dollar and by default the once influential liberal-left culture which has dominated in varying degrees since the passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913. The shift towards a multilateral (or multipolar) monetary framework is releasing American culture from the death grip of this responsibility and allowing for a restructuring of the US financial system, the function of the Federal Reserve, and the geopolitical world.

The geopolitical transformation has been manifesting with shifting alliances in the Pacific as once America allies, such as the Philippines, are moving closer to China. The orientation of Eastern Europe is also a place where further changes can be expected as Ukraine remerges as a strong Russian partner. As an extension, we can assume that once important regions and nations, such as the American military presence in South Korea because of the North Korean threat will be reversed and new balances and borders sought.

Recent statements by Trump would suggest that he has communicated to China that the time has come to address the North Korean situation. Whether the eroding American establishment has indirectly supported the North Korean regime as a pretext to justify its presence in the South matters little now as the script unfolds and China cleans up the mess in its own backyard.

All of this does not bode well for the ideological objectives of worldwide liberalism. But we need to be cautious that authoritarian rulers do not emerge who would take advantage of this swing towards the new modern nationalism. Such rulers can care little for ideological allegiances as long as their rule is enforced and maintained.

The liberal-left and the conservative-right are tools for maintaining the momentum in the pendulums swing arc. The time may be past to prevent the emergence of an extreme right as the world shifts and liberalism is crushed under the weight of the new modern nationalism. But let these words settle upon us as we observe and learn the pattern of human nature and the unseen forces in this world. This is the rational approach and the logical end to that which is illogical and irrational.

With Donald Trump, we are moving this nation toward a multi-lateral global currency system without the old American establishment and their imperialistic form of democracy.


Clifford “Maverick” Taylor

President Donald Trump’s Inauguration Speach: 2017-01-20

Chief Justice Roberts, President Carter, President Clinton, President Bush, President Obama, fellow Americans and people of the world, thank you.

We, the citizens of America, are now joined in a great national effort to rebuild our country and restore its promise for all of our people.

Together, we will determine the course of America and the world for many, many years to come. We will face challenges. We will confront hardships. But we will get the job done.

Every four years we gather on these steps to carry out the orderly and peaceful transfer of power.

And we are grateful to President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama for their gracious aid throughout this transition.

They have been magnificent.

Thank you.

Today’s ceremony, however, has a very special meaning because today we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another or from one party to another, but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C., and giving it back to you, the people.

For too long, a small group in our nation’s capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have bore the cost. Washington flourished, but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered but the jobs left and the factories closed.

The establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country. Their victories have not been your victories. Their triumphs have not been your triumphs. And while they celebrated in our nation’s capital, there was little to celebrate for struggling families all across our land.

That all changes starting right here and right now, because this moment is your moment. It belongs to you.

It belongs to everyone gathered here today and everyone watching all across America. This is your day.

This is your celebration.

And this, the United States of America, is your country.

What truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government is controlled by the people.

January 20th, 2017, will be remembered as the day the people became the rulers of this nation again.

The forgotten men and women of our country will be forgotten no longer. Everyone is listening to you now. You came by the tens of millions to become part of a historic movement, the likes of which the world has never seen before.

At the center of this movement is a crucial conviction that a nation exists to serve its citizens. Americans want great schools for their children, safe neighborhoods for their families and good jobs for themselves.

These are just and reasonable demands of righteous people and a righteous public. But for too many of our citizens, a different reality exists.

Mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities, rusted out factories scattered like tombstones across the landscape of our nation.

An education system flush with cash but which leaves our young and beautiful students deprived of all knowledge.

And the crime and the gangs and the drugs that have stolen too many lives and robbed our country of so much unrealized potential. This American carnage stops right here and stops right now.

We are one nation, and their pain is our pain.

Their dreams are our dreams, and their success will be our success. We share one heart, one home and one glorious destiny.

The oath of office I take today is an oath of allegiance to all Americans.

For many decades we’ve enriched foreign industry at the expense of American industry, subsidized the armies of other countries while allowing for the very sad depletion of our military.

We’ve defended other nations’ borders while refusing to defend our own. And we’ve spent trillions and trillions of dollars overseas while America’s infrastructure has fallen into disrepair and decay.

We’ve made other countries rich while the wealth, strength and confidence of our country has dissipated over the horizon.

One by one, the factories shuttered and left our shores with not even a thought about the millions and millions of American workers that were left behind.

The wealth of our middle class has been ripped from their homes and then redistributed all across the world. But that is the past, and now we are looking only to the future.

But that is the past and now we are looking only to the future.

We assembled here today are issuing a new decree to be heard in every city, in every foreign capital and in every hall of power. From this day forward, a new vision will govern our land. From this day forward, it’s going to be only America first — America first.

Every decision on trade, on taxes, on immigration, on foreign affairs will be made to benefit American workers and American families. We must protect our borders from the ravages of other countries making our products, stealing our companies and destroying our jobs.

Protection will lead to great prosperity and strength. I will fight for you with every breath in my body. And I will never, ever let you down.

America will start winning again, winning like never before.

We will bring back our jobs. We will bring back our borders. We will bring back our wealth, and we will bring back our dreams. We will build new roads and highways and bridges and airports and tunnels and railways all across our wonderful nation. We will get our people off of welfare and back to work rebuilding our country with American hands and American labor. We will follow two simple rules — buy American and hire American.

We will seek friendship and goodwill with the nations of the world.

But we do so with the understanding that it is the right of all nations to put their own interests first. We do not seek to impose our way of life on anyone but rather to let it shine as an example. We will shine for everyone to follow.

We will reinforce old alliances and form new ones. And unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate completely from the face of the earth.

At the bedrock of our politics will be a total allegiance to the United States of America and through our loyalty to our country, we will rediscover our loyalty to each other. When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice.

The Bible tells us how good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity. We must speak our minds openly, debate our disagreement honestly but always pursue solidarity. When America is united, America is totally unstoppable.

There should be no fear. We are protected, and we will always be protected. We will be protected by the great men and women of our military and law enforcement. And most importantly, we will be protected by God.

Finally, we must think big and dream even bigger. In America, we understand that a nation is only living as long as it is striving. We will no longer accept politicians who are all talk and no action, constantly complaining but never doing anything about it. The time for empty talk is over. Now arrives the hour of action.

Do not allow anyone to tell you that it cannot be done. No challenge can match the heart and fight and spirit of America. We will not fail. Our country will thrive and prosper again. We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the earth from the miseries of disease and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow. A new national pride will stir ourselves, lift our sights and heal our divisions. It’s time to remember that old wisdom our soldiers will never forget — that whether we are black or brown or white, we all bleed the same red blood of patriots.

We all enjoy the same glorious freedoms, and we all salute the same great American flag.

And whether a child is born in the urban sprawl of Detroit or the windswept plains of Nebraska, they look up at the same night sky, they fill their heart with the same dreams and they are infused with the breath of life by the same Almighty Creator.

So to all Americans in every city near and far, small and large, from mountain to mountain, from ocean to ocean, hear these words — you will never be ignored again.

Your voice, your hopes and your dreams will define our American destiny. And your courage and goodness and love will forever guide us along the way. Together, we will make America strong again. We will make America wealthy again. We will make America proud again. We will make America safe again. And yes, together, we will make America great again.

Thank you, God bless you, and God bless America.

Thank you!

God bless you!

And God bless America.

Tavis Smiley interviews Oliver Stone regarding the film: SNOWDEN

Tonight, a conversation with award-winning filmmaker, Oliver Stone. The DVD and Blu-ray release of his film, “Snowden”, comes out December 27 and there’s also a new book out about his work. It’s called “The Oliver Stone Experience”. We’ll talk about that and much more tonight with filmmaker, Oliver Stone.

Tavis: Pleased to welcome award-winning director, Oliver Stone, back to this program. His latest project is called “Snowden”, which releases December 27 on DVD and on Blu-ray.

There is also a wonderful and very heavy coffee table book called “The Oliver Stone Experience”, which delves into his film work over the years. We’ll get to this later in the program. Before we start our conversation, though, with Oliver Stone, first a clip from “Snowden”.


Tavis: You buy that? You believe that? That secrecy is security and security is victory?

Oliver Stone: No, Tavis. He buys it and that is an argument that the national security people always make, that we are running an empire basically since World War II that has gotten so big and it’s so vast. And we have to know everything in order to preserve it and to maintain it. That’s basically the argument. We have to know everything.

Tavis: Yeah. What do you make of that argument?

Stone: Well, it stems from the film. “Snowden” is–you know, I got into this issue when, you remember, he broke the news in June of 2013. That was pretty stunning stuff.

It was evidence finally that the national security agency had gone way beyond its mandate and it was collecting information not just on American citizens, but on everybody in the world, on corporations, on banks, on governments, on people that it was interested in. It’s a vast operation beyond any comprehension.

Most people were really shocked. I was. Then I got into it with Ed. I went to Moscow and I met him, made many trips. And he told us more and more. He didn’t warm up right away. He was very cautious and he told us more over these nine visits over about a year.

And what happens is that, you see, he and I both agree. I mean, a lot of people agree that, if you really are fighting terrorism which was the original excuse given for this, you have to have selected targeting, which is to concentrate on the terrorist and his people around him, and they’re all findable.

Usually, we have a pretty good trace on them and you use human intelligence, you use signals intelligence. You know, we tracked a lot of the phone numbers of the people at 9/11. We had that before.

This is all true, but we have to really concentrate on that amount of targeting and focus on that and have the agencies communicate with each other. The FBI, the NSA, the CIA don’t communicate. And even though we add more intelligence agencies, the communication is not really working that well.

So here we are in this situation where we’re getting so much information that, in a sense, it’s so vast for our computers—although we build bigger and bigger computers, you know, I’m hearing stories now about new types of computers, you know, quantum computers and stuff like this—it’s getting out of hand. I mean, no one knows what’s going on in the world.

And the movie that we just picked is not only about surveillance. It’s also about cyberterrorism, cyberwarfare which is a new form of warfare which, I mean, Americans don’t know anything about, as well as drone warfare which comes from data mining.

Tavis: I don’t need to ask you, but I’m going somewhere with this, so stay with me. I don’t need to ask you whether you think that Edward Snowden is a traitor or a patriot. I think your views on that are pretty clear. But there are people whose views on Edward Snowden have changed over the years and there are other persons whose views have not changed. I want to talk about a couple of different people in those various categories and get your take on it.

Let me start with former Attorney General Eric Holder who was once a staunch critic of Edward Snowden and has said on the record since then that he does think that Snowden provided a public service. That’s his phrase, that he did provide a public service. You think it was a public service?

Stone: I do, I do. You know, Mr. Snowden, he always gave his motivations. He said, “I’m giving this information responsibly to journalists who’ve reported on this and it’s up to them to propagate what they think is in the interests of the American people.”

He always said that. He never veered from that story. He didn’t make any money off of this. I don’t know of any traitor who gives information away for free. He’s maintained that from the beginning, from the first time he met them in June until now. So the profit motive is out.

People who’ve actually seen this movie, actually seen it, have said, well, I’ve changed my mind on Snowden and I really think he should be pardoned or he should be brought back to the United States and given a minimal sentence for breaking the law. He always said, “I’m breaking this law in the service of a higher law” which is what Martin Luther King said.

Tavis: Absolutely.

Stone: You have to sometimes ruffle the…

Tavis: An unjust law is no law at all, yeah.

Stone: Not only that, I mean, it was just–he was shocked because he’s a bit of a boy scout in that way. He was very pure. He was a Libertarian, Conservative, Army family background. After he’d been in the NSA for a few years, he was surprised at just the crossing of barriers into personal lives every day that we were doing this and not questioning it.

It’s against the Constitution. You have to have reasonable cause to survey somebody, reasonable cause. There was no reasonable cause given and, especially when you take on the whole population of the United States, we’re not terrorists.

Tavis: I want to come back to Snowden’s politics in just a second because it’s a fascinating part of the journey that you took. But I want to stick with this point I made a moment ago of quoting a couple of other people who have their own thoughts about Edward Snowden.

So I mentioned Eric Holder and how he started to change on his view of Edward Snowden, it would appear, from the quote that I referenced a moment ago.

Now Congressman Mike Pompeo who Donald Trump, as you know, has picked to be the head of the CIA–I wrote this down. I wanted to make sure I quoted him correctly–has referred to Edward Snowden–this is a quote–“the traitor, Edward Snowden–that’s how he refers to him–“as the traitor, Edward Snowden”.

This is the guy who would run the CIA if approved by the Senate, nominated by Mr. Trump, and he has called for Edward Snowden to be executed. So what do you make of the guy that may run the CIA who has heretofore at least called for Edward Snowden, the traitor, to be executed?

Stone: Well, you’re jumping way ahead of me here. The movie was based on the idea that you would see it, you know, that this Congressman might see it, but they don’t even give it any thought. They have an ideological stance on it and you’re saying he’s preset, he should be executed. Trump said the same thing at one point a few years ago.

You know, life is much more complicated than that and you should be able to change your views as you go through life. This fellow presumably will get appointed to the CIA. He’s also advocating Guantanamo opening again, more prisoners, and also torture, he seems to be fine with torture.

So it’s all going in one direction which is pretty rigid. It’s another America. It’s going back to the dark side of Mr. Cheney, Dick Cheney.

Tavis: President Obama was asked just on Friday about Edward Snowden, as you probably already know. Certainly Oliver Stone knows this.

Stone: No, I didn’t know.

Tavis: There is a big movement afoot and I suspect it’s going to grow in the coming weeks to press President Obama to pardon Edward Snowden before he leaves office–don’t laugh–but there’s going to be a huge press for him to do that before he leaves office.

President Obama was asked about this on Friday and this is a direct quote. “I can’t pardon somebody who hasn’t gone before a court and presented themselves, so that’s not something I would comment on at this point.” That’s President Obama on Friday when asked about whether he would pardon Edward Snowden.

I guess the question is whether you think there is any chance that Barack Obama, before he leaves the White House, would pardon Edward Snowden?

Stone: I wish he would or at least pre-pardon him, you know. I mean, make the condition such that he could be pardoned. No, it’d be the merciful thing to do and a graceful thing for him. I mean, he’s done many good things, but he hasn’t changed the system, the surveillance system at all. We’ve maintained a war state. We’re still very much in this kind of neoconservative lock that we fell into with George Bush.

So I have not seen that sense of pardon in him. He’s a tough man, Obama. I’ve lost a lot of respect. I thought the 2008 election was going to be a different movement. We’re gonna get rid of this madness that we’re living in and I’m very disappointed.

But I do think he’s done some good things. He hasn’t pressed the war in Syria to the place where it could have been suicidal for us as well as the Syrians. But Hillary Clinton, on the other hand, was of another nature and I think she was much tougher than Obama. Obama’s regarded as weak by Trump, so I worry about that.

You know, he wasn’t weak. If you have a powerful country such as we have, the most powerful in the world, you have to learn the power of soft power. You have to be forgiving and you can’t always seek enemies in the world. And this is what I fear is what’s going to happen in this new administration.

Tavis: How do you juxtapose his conservative politics with what he actually did? Because when you get a chance to see the film and read more about this guy, you see that his politics have been a bit conservative.

Stone: He was, yeah. He came from a southern family, two generations of FBI and military. He expressed those opinions when he was young and they’re in the movie, some of them. He was definitely pro Iraq War. He signed up for the military. He went in and he had a fragile body. He broke his legs, not a major break, but it was enough to keep him out.

Then he went over and volunteered for the CIA and he got in because he was quite good on a computer, very smart young man. And, basically, once he got in, he did his job very well except he was posted in Geneva, he was posted in Maryland, he was posted in Japan where he learned a lot about cyberterrorism, and then he moved on to Hawaii.

So he became more valuable as he went. One of the programs he built was Epic Shelter, which was used as a backup program which is very helpful to our global presence. But at the same time, he got more leeway.

He was a contractor essentially for the NSA at the end. And in Hawaii, he was able to access cyber offensive operations as well as defensive operations. He was covering China and Pakistan. But he knows a lot about cyberwarfare and a lot about drone warfare.

So what he was seeing, we were putting these offensive capabilities to use. We were hacking a lot of different places. As you may not remember, because it’s been sort of covered up in history, in 2009, Obama launched the Stuxnet virus against Iran. It was not discovered, I believe, until June or so of the following year, 2010.

But the deal was Obama was told by his “intelligence” people that this Stuxnet virus would not go beyond the borders of Iran and it would end where it ended, and would never be traced to the United States or Israel, who are its originators.

All three things turned out to be wrong. The virus did limited damage in Iran. They rebuilt those reactors and then, on top of that, it moved on into other countries and it could not be stopped for a while. And it was traced ultimately with a lot of research to the United States and Israel. So, I mean, we launched a warlike device which is a form of cyberwarfare in Iran in 2009, and we were doing it since 2006, I’m told.

There were earlier prototypes of Stuxnet, but they weren’t working. So in 2009, we essentially declared a new form of warfare and said here we are, and we thought we’d hide it, but we couldn’t. Other countries figured it out and they started to copy us.

In fact, Russia was soon behind us as well as China is very good at it. They’re smart. There’s a lot of independent hackers in the world that are very like Dr. No’s. They operate on their own and they can do enormous damage.

And as a result, we have all kinds of accusations about cyberwarfare going on. You heard a lot during the election campaign and many of them were silly and really out of hand, based on a sort of McCarthy-like fear of Russia or China.

So we’re in a mess right now. We need a cyber treaty between countries. We really have to sit down and renegotiate this thing because no one knows what–as Snowden says, surveillance is in freefall. I mean, no one knows what’s happening.

Tavis: Is Trump the right person to hit the reset button with Russia, since you referenced it? And what does that look like, do you think?

Stone: I really hope so, because if I had one beef, the major obstacle I had with Ms. Clinton, what I’m most scared of her, was this Russia situation. She was certainly pressing the Russia button making accusations about their cyberwarfare influencing the election and so forth and so on.

It was, I thought, outrageous claims and she should have not made them because she had a short rope to hang herself with…

Tavis: Or put the evidence out.

Stone: Yeah. There was no evidence either.

Tavis: Either/or, I mean, yeah.

Stone: In fact, a lot of people I know in the intelligence world—you can reference James Bamford. He’s written a lot about the National Security Agency–do think it’s probably an insider at the Democratic National Committee that was upset about the bad things that the officers were doing there.

They were trying to block Sanders. They were also selling ambassadorships. Four major officials resigned, you know. They were in some way implicit in this thing. One was a treasurer too.

So these were not mild accusations. These were serious accusations of malfeasance against officials. In other words, Ms. Clinton–well, going back to your original question on Trump. God, I hope so. You know, if there’s one good…

Tavis: The Trump-Putin relationship, friendship, whatever it is, doesn’t scare you?

Stone: No, it doesn’t scare me at all because–I mean, you’re asking me several questions here. No, Russia has not behaved aggressively towards the United States, believe it or not. It’s been the United States has been behaving very aggressively towards Russia for many years. This has been going on since we expanded NATO.

I don’t know if you remember, we had Gorbachev and Baker back in the 90s agreed that NATO would not expand eastward. Well, we’ve expanded to 13 countries. The first Clinton, then Bush, and then Obama, three presidents have expanded NATO to the east. There’s no reason to have that organization which is a defensive organization made after World War II still existing.

Tavis: Of course, the NATO argument, as you well know–I’m telling you stuff you already know–the NATO argument is that if we don’t expand particularly in that region of the world, then Putin runs amok.

Stone: But he hasn’t run amok. He has not run amok. Contrary, if you look at the figures, Russia’s been shrinking. They lost 21 million Russians in the 1990s. They were cut off from Russia. He has never expressed an interest in revitalizing that empire.

He is trying to keep his land mass complete and, if you look at the history of NATO which is taking it right to the border and looking at the hostility of his neighbors, looking at the abrogation in 2002, George Bush unilaterally revoked the ABM Treaty which we had signed with Russia.

Nixon and Brezhnev had signed it in 1972. That’s a big treaty, Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty. He just said it’s off the table. So how can the United States be trusted if it breaks treaties like this? There’s been a lot of provocation to Russia in many ways.

And because the United States has been very concerned about the Eurasian-Chinese unification sort of, the idea of a big economic bloc emerging from Eurasia with China, China is the biggest economic power in the world besides us. But Russia has 10%. As Julian Assange has said, Russia has 10% of our domestic economy. They don’t have anything like it. They’re a smaller country.

They’re like a European country and they have a smaller military, but they have an effective military. They spend–what is it–20% of our spending on defense. There’s no evidence that Russia is trying to be something bigger than it is. They’re trying to stay alive is what I’m trying to say.

Tavis: Let me circle back to the film. There have been award-winning documentaries that come to mind about Edward Snowden. What were the challenges or the reasons, the rationale, for your interest in wanting to do it as a feature film?

Stone: Because when I heard the story from Snowden, it was inside information. No one had ever written or done anything about the National Security Agency with realism yet. There’s been very few books written on it. Bamford is one of them, James Bamford. But getting inside the dialog, the mindset, the sets, the way they look, this is crucial stuff. We went on Ed’s story and it is his story, his point of view.

There has been no convincing counter story from the National. Security Agency blaming him. He is what he is. He’s a smart young man who worked his way up through the NSA where he saw these horrible things going on and he said, “Let the public decide.”

Well, the public, unfortunately, did not understand it because that story broke in 2013 and there’s been no reaction. We’re still in this state we’re in. There were some mild reforms, yes, but essentially he brought–I think we have accepted the fact that the government is a global surveillance state.

We accept it, but we don’t understand the implications of that. And that’s what I’m trying to say to you. We have gathered more data than any single person. We’ve tapped everybody.

We have 22,000 miles up in space. We have satellites with antenna on them as big as the Eiffel Tower listening in on everything. So let’s say we have a coups recently in Brazil. Dilma Rousseff is removed from office. She was a leftist. She was the inheritor of Lula’s Workers’ Party.

I think it was an interesting story about why she was removed with what information. Because we were tapping Petrobras, which is the oil company of Brazil, as we were tapping a lot of the companies in Venezuela and so forth.

So we gave information maybe to the opposition party and they used that to bring all kinds of corruption charges against her. That’s a possibility. So you get a lot of pressure from this information. You can create coup d’états.

In Ukraine, there was a tremendous amount of help form the United States giving to the Ukrainian government which overthrew, again, its president who was democratically elected, overthrew him, instead of waiting for another election.

So if we keep promoting regime change, as Hillary Clinton has said, in these countries, Iraq, Libya, Syria, Ukraine, Turkey maybe–we tried a month or two ago. There was a big coups in Turkey that came very close–Brazil.

I’m saying these are significant changes in countries and we don’t have that right. It seems to me that we are using this power we have to listen in on everybody to promote the agenda we want.

Now what is the agenda? We’ve never argued this with the public. We’ve never debated what should the United States be doing? Should we be going around the world policing it? Demanding regime change when we don’t like a leader? This has happened since 1940s. It’s been going on.

We’ve had at least 100 changes of government that we’ve been involved in. Is this the right role for the U.S.? If we are really out for the United States, if we think about America first, to use Trump’s quote, which is important, I suppose, to say, look, let’s think about America.

What’s good for our health? It’s not changing regimes around the world because they’re not going to attack us. We’re pretty mighty, as it is. Let me finish my point. The idea is that, if we’re America first, let’s concentrate on America. Let’s build up the infrastructure here, and that’s one good thing he said.

Horrible things he said, but one good thing was let’s try to build up this American infrastructure. Let’s put the jobs here. Now he may not succeed, but we can sure build our bridges and roads and try to re-ignite our country economically. We know we’re sagging. We feel it.

Tavis: Whether Mike Pompeo, the future head of the CIA, or just an everyday American, sees this film, what is it about the film that will get them to reconsider their view of him if they take his…

Stone: You know, a film operates in a dramatic level. It’s…

Tavis: It’s powerful.

Stone: It’s human. It makes the human. You understand his story. The public didn’t understand Snowden in 2013. He thought he was–he’s a guy who gave away secrets. That makes him a bad guy in American parlance, but if you look into why he did it and what his life was like and look at his girlfriend, his relationship, he stayed human.

There was a part of him that was honest and pure, and I think we appeal to that in the American people and they will see why he did it. Many Americans would do the same thing if they could. The thing is, he had the courage at 29 years old.

At 29, imagine what you were like at 29. To walk away from the money, the job, the girlfriend? He had a beautiful life in Maryland, but he said no. My conscience is my guide and he lived up to it.

Tavis: This book is not by you, but it is about you. Tell me about “The Oliver Stone Experience”.

Stone: Well, I happen to like it [laugh]. Matt Seitz is a television critic for New York Magazine and he’s written about film extensively, loves film. He’s a man who’s not harshly judgmental, to put it that way, and he’s a very sweet man. He’s a good writer and he’s written about films and this is five years of his work.

He put it out and I gave him access to my files. He went through them. He used what he wanted. There was no negatives. I didn’t put any conditions on it, and this is what he wrote. Some of it, I agree with, some of it I don’t, but I think it’s interesting because, if you’re interested in any particular film I’ve done over those 20 films over, whatever, 25 years, it’s there.

Tavis: It’s called “The Oliver Stone Experience”, as he just said, analyzing his 20 films over this period. And the movie, “Snowden”, by Oliver Stone on Blu-ray and DVD December 27, if you want to have a copy in your personal library. Oliver Stone, always good to have you on the program, sir. Thanks for coming to see us.

Stone: My pleasure. That was fast.

Tavis: Always. You got so much to say, which is why we want you on.

Stone: Did we actually last for 24?

Tavis: We lasted. We got through it.

Stone: Really?

Tavis: Yes. That’s our show for tonight [laugh]. Thanks for watching…  And, as always, keep the faith.


Rising Star of the Right: Meet Tomi Lahren

Rising Star of the Right: Meet Tomi Lahren

(NEWSER) – Ann Coulter is so yesterday. Meet Tomi Lahren, whom the New York Timesrecently called “the right’s rising media star.” Lahren is a 24-year-old conservative who has an impressive social media following and hosts a show on the Glenn Beck-founded network The Blaze. One of her most-viewed segments was a callout of Colin Kaepernick in which she called for black communities to “take some responsi-damn-bility for the problems of black communities”; it’s been shared more than 1.5 million times since its August debut. Lahren has gotten more attention from the mainstream media since appearing on Trevor Noah’s Daily Show last week; Noah had to specifically ask his audience not to boo Lahren: “Imagine you’re at Thanksgiving again, and your racist uncle walked in.” More coverage of the young star:

  • Lahren worked for One America News before getting picked up by The Blaze. Here’s the 2015 segment that went viral and got the Blaze’s attention. In it, she called out President Obama’s “halfway, half-baked, tip-toe, be-friendly-to-Jihadis mentality” after four Marines were shot in Chattanooga, Tenn.
  • After the Daily Show interview aired, Lahren tweeted that if she were a “liberal snowflake,” she would complain about fairness, seeing as only six minutes out of 26 minutes filmed ended up airing, per the Huffington Post, which has the full interview.
  • New York magazine noted that the interview may have been Noah’s “best work ever,” and that in that moment he may have finally earned Jon Stewart’s seat.
  • Vox notes that Noah didn’t “destroy” her so much as “reveal her views,” which it says was a “much better” move. But the Huffington Post says that liberals cheering the interview are “missing the point” and need to start paying more attention.
  • Charlamagne Tha God has been friendly with Lahren, and BET reports that the rapper was recently called out as being “not for black culture” as a result.

Its the Most Wonderful Time In Eight Years

Published on Dec 1, 2016

Goodbye Obama!

Songwriter Dana Kamide performs vocals on This wonderful, hilarious Christmas song parody which says it all!

– – Based on the song Andy Williams made popular in the 60’s…

This version also parodies the movie “It’s a Wonderful Life” When George Baily begs God (through his guardian angel Clarence) to let him live again…

This time he begs God to help Donald Trump “Make America Great Again” Hillary makes an appearance as the Abominable Snowman in the end… Singer, songwriter and Entertainer Dana Kamide wrote the lyrics and performed the lead vocals and produced the video.

Democrats got Shellacked in last 3 elections. Yet Obama and the media still trying to make up stories why Donald Trump was elected instead of admit that for the last 8-10 years their policies have FAILED AMERICA!

Here are the lyrics:

It’s the most wonderful time in 8 years
Yet some kids are protesting
while Trump fans investing their time with good cheer
Sing It’s the most wonderful time in 8 years

It’s the hap-happiest voting season of all
With each staff member Trump picks, Democrats up to their old tricks …Just trashing them all
but It’s the hap- happiest election season of all

There’ll be one party hosting All three branches toasting
but how low now will the press go
There’ll spin misguided stories Trying to steal Trump’s glory
from a playbook written, long long ago

It’s the most wonderful time in 8 years
There’ll be much more enjoyment a lot less unemployment
Cuz Trump will be near
It’s the most wonderful time in 8 years (go up)

Hillary’s party’s not hosing they’re no longer toasting,
Beyonce, Kanye, Cop Killers, Racists and the Muslim Brotherhood
They ignored true stories of Hillary who wasn’t sorry
for her crimes now and long ago

Now It’s the most wonderful time in 8 Years
We’ll deport all the criminals, Taxes will be minimal
Bad trade deals disappear
It’s the most wonderful time
yes the most wonderful time
Oh the most wonderful time… in 8 years!

Can You Relate: Everything That Kills Me Makes Me Feel Alive

Counting Stars


Lately, I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep
Dreaming about the things that we could be
But baby, I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard
Said no more counting dollars
We’ll be counting stars

Yeah we’ll be counting stars
I see this life, like a swinging vine
Swing my heart across the line
And in my face is flashing signs
Seek it out and ye’ shall find
Old, but I’m not that old
Young, but I’m not that bold
And I don’t think the world is sold
On just doing what we’re told
I-I-I-I feel something so right
Doing the wrong thing
I-I-I-I feel something so wrong
Doing the right thing
I couldn’t lie, couldn’t lie, couldn’t lie
Everything that kills me makes me feel alive

Lately, I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep
Dreaming about the things that we could be
But baby, I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard
Said no more counting dollars
We’ll be counting stars

Lately, I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep
Dreaming about the things that we could be
But baby, I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard
Said no more counting dollars
We’ll be, we’ll be counting stars

I feel the love and I feel it burn
Down this river, every turn
Hope is our four-letter word
Make that money, watch it burn
Old, but I’m not that old
Young, but I’m not that bold
And I don’t think the world is sold
On just doing what we’re told
I-I-I-I feel something so wrong
Doing the right thing
I could lie, could lie, could lie
Everything that drowns me makes me wanna fly

Lately, I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep
Dreaming about the things that we could be
But baby, I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard
Said no more counting dollars
We’ll be counting stars

Lately, I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep
Dreaming about the things that we could be
But baby, I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard
Said no more counting dollars
We’ll be, we’ll be counting stars

Take that money
Watch it burn
Sink in the river
The lessons I’ve learned

Take that money
Watch it burn
Sink in the river
The lessons I’ve learned

Take that money
Watch it burn
Sink in the river
The lessons I’ve learned

Take that money
Watch it burn
Sink in the river
The lessons I’ve learned

Everything that kills me, makes feel alive…

Lately, I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep
Dreaming about the things that we could be
But baby, I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard
Said no more counting dollars
We’ll be counting stars

Lately, I’ve been, I’ve been losing sleep
Dreaming about the things that we could be
But baby, I’ve been, I’ve been praying hard
Said no more counting dollars
We’ll be, we’ll be counting stars

Take that money
Watch it burn
Sink in the river
The lessons I’ve learned

Take that money
Watch it burn
Sink in the river
The lessons I’ve learned

Take that money
Watch it burn
Sink in the river
The lessons I’ve learned

Take that money
Watch it burn
Sink in the river
The lessons I’ve learned

Songwriters: Ryan Tedder
Counting Stars lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC

The New America, the De-Fragmentation of Cognitive Dissonance, and Political Consolidation


A pattern is beginning to emerge in the first days after the election.  The reactions by the Democratic Party and liberal left regarding the election results have taken on a new and problematic pattern.  This pattern is one of desperation as the full nature of what just happened begins to sink in and those in the American establishment have their control framework threatened for the first time in centuries.

But first it is important to understand the nature of the left and right.  These two seemingly diametric political positions have been culturally and politically engineered with great precision and cunning to take advantage of the natural instincts and behavior of the disorganized masses.  Both at one time represented the organic duality within each one of us.  This duality is best understood by accepting that there is an inner battle taking place within each one of us.

This battle is one between bridled and unbridled virtues.  The self-control and lack of self-control, best illustrated by the application of self-discipline towards the betterment of individual development, or the lack of self-discipline, either of which will either corrupt civilization, or enhance the qualitative aspects of civilization.

It is reasonable to consider the right to represent the action of self-discipline, as it provides a limited framework on self-destructive human behavior.  Equally, it is reasonable to consider the left to represent the lack of self-discipline, as its merits and philosophies result in the degradation of virtues and values.

Both ideals can be maintained in balance within the individual and within the state.  This best serves the overall development of both the individual and the state, as it provides the necessary room and adversity for growth and self-evolution to expand and contribute to the betterment of a cultural unification.

Within the United States over the last century a self-serving establishment has developed.  This establishment has been allowed to capitalize on the international importance of the US dollar and consolidate much wealth and power within itself.  This wealth and power has been prevented from being distributed to the disorganized masses through the psychological technique known as cognitive dissonance.

Most readers will already have a fundamental and workable understanding of cognitive dissonance.  The action of creating two opposing positions, the dialectic, and promoting the utter extremes of both, the mass population becomes confused and accepts an undefined and complex center which only benefits the establishment and its redistribution of wealth.

All are forced to live and function within this manufactured center but are conditioned to align and associate themselves with one of the left or right extremes.  At times the establishment will use the right to further its objectives and at other times it will use the left to further its objectives.  The back and forth at no time benefits the disorganized masses.

The election of Donald Trump is important in regards to topic being discussed here.  It is not a coincidence that Trump has been at times associated with both the right and left.  This is not important.  It has been satisfactorily proven here that Trump was a long-term strategy which was meant to remove the American establishment from the positions of power when the time came.  The post How Rothschild Inc. Saved Donald Trump explains this strategy and is becoming more relevant and provable with each passing day.

That post reviewed the history of how Wilbur Ross of Rothschild Inc. ensured that investors stayed with Trump during the trouble years of the late 1980’s and early 1990’s.  It is now being suggested that Wilbur Ross could be the Secretary of Commerce in the Trump Administration.  Interesting.

Additionally, it is important to understand that Donald Trump doesn’t really align himself with either the false right or left paradigm.  The use of the right-leaning Republican Party was only the vehicle which he used to infiltrate the halls of power and overthrow the establishment from within.

It can be expected that the ongoing tension and violence between the left and right in America, more coming from the intolerable left, will build the consensus that something must be done to bridge the gap and bring about the unification and consolidation of the one American demographic.

No doubt the establishment now only has the liberal left framework from which it will attempt to regain control back from the external international banking interests.  Trump has completely taken over the reins of the republican mandates and is in the process of making them his own.  The Republican Party will be the vehicle which is used to shift the American population to a more simple and well-defined center.  This center will then be used to re-align American cultural interests within the developing international governance framework.

The division within the American masses remained relevant as long as the establishment wished to keep the nation divided and under the spell of a false and corrupt nationalism.  The new America which is now beginning to emerge will be unified and positioned to implement enhanced diametric thought-forms within a larger and more macro international governance methodology.

Unbeknownst to the establishment, which grew up around the American order, a process of esoteric transformation was implemented a long time ago.  This establishment was used to create and promote the opposing diametric patterns which would force and result in the alchemical transmutation of America.  Some people may recognize and know that now; others will not.  But international powers greater than those held by the American establishment have never been out of control,  and always capable to direct the esoteric and masonic destiny of America.

When Trump announced his candidacy a year and half ago, JC Colins (Philosophy of Metrics) stated that Trump would win.  The reasons given included his platform as being fully aligned with the broader and more macro mandates of the international transformation.  Some readers considered it to be far-fetched that Donald Trump would be able to overcome the American establishment and take control of the nation’s levers and gears.

The Implosion of American Culture written by JC Colins about two years ago is now happening.  The cognitive dissonance which has been used against the masses for so long will not consolidate within the new America and it will be replaced with a more international cognitive dissonance.  All is meant to continue the process of alchemical transmutation.

The ancient mystery schools and esoteric mandates promote the alchemical process within each of us.  It is our individual purpose and pathway.  But this process is also meant to transform nations and the world.  America is now, after WW1 (first initiation) and WW2 (second initiation), nearing the end of the third initiation where the transmutation within is completed.  The final transmutation of the world is still in the future and a new cognitive orientation within America will now work towards this end. The third initiation is always about re-birth and not death.  America is being reborn.

All The Presidents’ BANKERS: The Hidden Alliances That Drive American Power

Who Rules America?

 All The Presidents’ Bankers is a groundbreaking narrative of how an elite group of men transformed the American economy and government, dictated foreign and domestic policy, and shaped world history.

Culled from original presidential archival documents, All The Presidents’ Bankers delivers an explosive account of the hundred-year interdependence between the White House and Wall Street that transcends a simple analysis of money driving politics, or greed driving bankers.

nomi-prins-journalistThe author, Nomi Prins, ushers the reader into the intimate world of exclusive clubs, vacation spots, and Ivy League universities that binds presidents and financiers.  She unravels the multi-generational blood, intermarriage, and protege relationships that have confined national influence to a privileged cluster of people.  These families and individuals recycle their power through elected office and private channels in Washington, DC.

All the Presidents’ Bankers sheds new light on pivotal historic events, such as why, after the Panic of 1907, America’s dominant bankers convened to fashion the Federal Reserve System; how J.P. Morgan’s ambitions motivated President Wilson during World War I; how Chase and National City Bank chairmen worked secretly with President Roosevelt to rescue capitalism during the Great Depression while J.P. Morgan Jr. invited Roosevelt’s son yachting; and how American financiers collaborated with President Truman to construct the World Bank and IMF after World War II.

Prins divulges how, through the Cold War and Vietnam era, presidents and bankers pushed America’s superpower status and expansion abroad, while promoting broadly democratic values and social welfare at  home.  But from the 1970s, Wall Street’s rush to secure Middle East oil profits altered the nature of political-financial alliances.  Bankers’ profit motive trumped heritage and allegiance to public service, while presidents lost control over the economy, as was dramatically evident in the financial crisis of 2008.

The unprecedented history of American power illuminates how the same financiers retained their authoritative position through history, swaying presidents regardless of party affiliation.  All the Presidents’ Bankers explores the alarming global repercussions of a system lacking barriers between public office and private power.  Prins leaves the reader with an ominous choice: either we break the alliances of the power elite, or they will break us.



Economic Collapse, Bailout & All The Presidents’ Bankers with Nomi Prins
BuzzSaw interview (September 5, 2014)

The following is an excerpt from ALL THE PRESIDENTS’ BANKERS: The Hidden Alliances that Drive American Power by Nomi Prins (on sale April 8, 2014).  Reprinted with permission from Nation Books. Nomi Prins is a former managing director at Goldman Sachs.

Pablo Martinez Monsivais / the associated press Wall Street executives Lloyd Blankfein, Jamie Dimon, John Mack and Brian Moynihan (from left) are sworn-in prior to testifying before the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission Wednesday.
Pablo Martinez Monsivais / the associated press
Wall Street executives Lloyd Blankfein, Jamie Dimon, John Mack and Brian Moynihan (from left) are sworn-in prior to testifying before the Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission Wednesday.

When What Was Good for Wall Street Was Good for the President

Wall Street’s War

While the protests against the Vietnam War intensified in the first years of the Nixon administration, the financial elite was fighting its own war—over the future of banking and against Glass-Steagall regulations. National City Bank chairman Walter Wriston was a steadfast warrior in related battles, as he fought with Chase chairman David Rockefeller for supremacy over the US banker community and for dominance over global finance.

Rockefeller’s sights were set on a grander prize, one with worldwide implications: ending the financial cold war. He made his mark in that regard by opening the first US bank in Moscow since the 1920s, and the first in Beijing since the 1949 revolution.

Augmenting their domestic and international expansion plans, both men and their banks prospered from the emerging and extremely lucrative business of recycling petrodollars from the Middle East into third world countries. By acting as the middlemen—capturing oil revenues and transforming them into high-interest-rate loans, to Latin America in particular—bankers accentuated disparities in global wealth. They dumped loans into developing countries and made huge amounts of money in the process. By funneling profits into debts, they caused extreme pain in the debtor nations, especially when the oil-producing nations began to raise their prices. This raised the cost of energy and provoked a wave of inflation that further oppressed these third world nations, the US population, and other economies throughout the world.

Bank Holding Company Battles

When Eisenhower signed the 1956 Bank Holding Company Act banning interstate banking, he left a large loophole as a conciliatory gambit: a gray area as to what big banks could consider “financially-related business,” which fell under their jurisdiction. In practice, that meant that they could find ways to expand their breadth of services while they figured out ways to grow their domestic grab for depositors. On May 26, 1970, the “Big Three” bankers— Wriston and Rockefeller, along with Alden “Tom” Clausen, chairman of Bank America Corporation—appeared before the Senate Banking and Currency Committee to press their case for widening the loophole.

During the proceedings, Wriston led the charge on behalf of his brethren in the crusade. Tall, slim, elegantly dressed, and the most articulate of the three, he dramatically called on Congress to “throw off some of the shackles on banking which inhibit competition in the financial markets.”

The global financial landscape was evolving. Ever since World War II, US bankers hadn’t worried too much about their supremacy being challenged by other international banks, which were still playing catch-up in terms of deposits, loans, and global customers. But by now the international banks had moved beyond postwar reconstructive pain and gained significant ground by trading with Cold War enemies of the United States. They were, in short, cutting into the global market that the US bankers had dominated by extending themselves into areas in which the US bankers were absent for US policy reasons. There was no such thing as “enough” of a market share in this game. As a result, US bankers had to take a longer, harder look at the “shackles” hampering their growth. To remain globally competitive, among other things, bankers sought to shatter post-Depression legislative barriers like Glass-Steagall.

They wielded fear coated in shades of nationalism as a weapon: if US bankers became less competitive, then by extension the United States would become less powerful. The competition argument would remain dominant on Wall Street and in Washington for nearly three decades, until the separation of speculative and commercial banking that had been invoked by the Glass-Steagall Act would be no more.

Wriston deftly equated the expansion of US banking with general US global progress and power. It wasn’t so much that this connection hadn’t occurred to presidents or bankers since World War II; indeed, that was how the political-financial alliances had been operating. But from that point on, the notion was formally and publicly verbalized, and placed on the congressional record. The idea that commercial banks served the country and perpetuated its global identity and strength, rather than the other way around, became a key argument for domestic deregulation—even if, in practice, it was the country that would serve the banks.

The Penn Central Debacle

There was, however, a fly in the ointment. To increase their size, bankers wanted to be able to accumulate more services or branches beneath the holding company umbrella. But a crisis in another industry would give some legislators pause. The Penn Central meltdown, the first financial crisis of Nixon’s presidency, temporarily dampened the ardency of deregulation enthusiasts. The collapse of the largest, most diverse railroad holding company in America was blamed on overzealous bank lending to a plethora of non-railroad-oriented entities under one holding company umbrella. The debacle renewed debate about a stricter bank holding company bill.

Under Wriston’s guidance, National City had spearheaded a fifty-three-bank syndicate to lend $500 million in revolving credit to Penn Central, even when it showed obvious signs of imminent implosion.

Penn Central had been one of the leading US corporations in the 1960s. President Johnson had supported the merger that spawned the conglomerate on behalf of a friend, railroad merger specialist Stuart Saunders, who became chairman. He had done this over the warnings of the Justice Department and despite allegations of antitrust violations called by its competitors. With nary a regulator paying attention, Penn Central had morphed into more than a railroad holding company, encompassing real estate, hotels, pipelines, and theme parks. Meanwhile, highways, cars, and commercial airlines had chipped away at Penn Central’s dominant market position. To try to compensate,
Penn Central had delved into a host of speculative expansions and deals. That strategy was failing fast. By May 1970, Penn Central was feverishly drawing on its credit lines just to scrounge up enough cash to keep going.

The conglomerate demonstrated that holding companies could be mere shell constructions under which other unrelated businesses could exist, much as the 1920s holding companies housed reckless financial ventures under utility firm banners.

Allegations circulated that Rockefeller had launched a five-day selling strategy of Penn Central stock, culminating with the dumping of 134,400 shares on the fifth day, based on insider information he received as one of the firm’s key lenders. He denied the charges.

In a joint effort with the bankers to hide the Penn Central debacle behind a shield of federal bailout loans, the Pentagon stepped in, claiming that assisting Penn Central was a matter of national defense.5 Under the auspices of national security, Washington utilized the Defense Production Act of 1950, a convenient bill passed at the start of the Korean War that enabled the president to force businesses to prioritize national security–related endeavors.

On June 21, 1970, Penn Central filed for bankruptcy, becoming the first major US corporation to go bust since the Depression. Its failure was not an isolated incident by any means. Instead, it was one of a number of major defaults that shook the commercial paper market to its core. (“Commercial paper” is a term for the short-term promissory notes sold by large corporations to raise quick money, backed only by their promise to pay the amount of the note at the end of its term, not by any collateral.) But the agile bankers knew how to capitalize on that turmoil. When companies stopped borrowing in the flailing commercial paper market, they had to turn to major banks like Chase for loans instead. As a result, the worldwide loans of Chase, First National City Bank, and Bank of America surged to $27.7 billion by the end of 1971, more than double the 1969 total of $13 billion.

A year later, the largest US defense company, Lockheed, was facing bankruptcy, as well. Again bankers found a way to come out ahead on the people’s dime. Lockheed’s bankers at Bank of America and Bankers Trust led a syndicate that petitioned the Defense Department for a bailout on similar national security grounds. The CEO, Daniel Haughton, even agreed to step down if an appropriate government loan was provided.

In response, the Nixon administration offered $250 million in emergency loans to Lockheed—in effect, bailing out the banks and the corporation. To explain the bailout at a time when the general economy was struggling, Nixon introduced the Lockheed Emergency Loan Act by stating, “It will have a major impact on the economy of California, and will contribute greatly to the economic strength of the country as a whole.” After the bill was passed, not a single Lockheed executive stepped down.

It would take several years of political-financial debate and more bailouts to sustain Penn Central. One 1975 article labeled the entire episode “The Penn-C Fairy Tale” and condemned the subsequent federal bailout: “While the country is in the worst recession since the depression and unemployment lines grow longer every day, Congress is dumping another third of a billion dollars of your tax payer dollars down the railroad rat hole.” (The incident was prologue: Congress would lavish hundreds of billions of dollars to sustain the biggest banks after the 2008 financial crisis, topped up by trillions of dollars from the Fed and the Treasury Department in the form of loans, bond purchases, and other subsidies.)

More Bank Holding Company Politics

Despite the Penn Central crisis, the revised Bank Holding Company Act decisively passed the Senate on September 16, 1970, by a bipartisan vote of seventy-seven to one. The final version was far more lenient than the one that Texas Democrat John William Wright Patman, chair of the House Committee on Banking and Currency, or even the Nixon administration had originally envisioned. The revised act allowed big banks to retain nonbank units acquired before June 1968. It also gave the Fed greater regulatory authority over bank holding companies, including the power to determine what constituted one. Language was added to enable banks to be considered one-bank holding companies if they, or any of their subsidiaries, held any deposits or extended any commercial loans, thus broadening their scope.

President Nixon signed the bill into law without fanfare on New Year’s Eve 1970. In fact, his inner circle decided against making a splash about it. They didn’t think the public would understand or care. Plus, they realized that there was a prevailing attitude that the Nixon administration had favored the big banks, and though it had, this was not something they wanted to draw attention to.

The End of the Gold Standard

The top six banks controlled 20 percent of the nation’s deposits through one-bank holding companies, but second place in that group wasn’t good enough for Wriston, who noted to the Nixon administration that his bank was really the “caretaker of the aspirations of millions of people” whose money it held. Wriston flooded the New York Fed with proposals for expansion. His applications “were said to represent as many as half of the total of all of the banks.” The Fed was so overwhelmed, it had to enlist First National City Bank to interpret the new law on its behalf.

By mid-1971, the Fed had approved thirteen and rejected seven of Wriston’s applications. His biggest disappointment was the insurance underwriting rejection. The possibility of converting depositors for insurance business had been tantalizing. It would continue to be a hard-fought, ultimately successful battle.

Around the same time, New York governor Nelson Rockefeller (David Rockefeller’s brother) approved legislation permitting banks to set up subsidiaries in each of the state’s nine banking districts. This was a gift for Wriston and David Rockefeller, because it meant their banks could expand within the state. Each subsidiary could open branches through June 1976, when the districts would be eliminated and banks could merge and branch freely.

Several months later, First National City Bank was paying generous prices to purchase the tiniest upstate banks, from which it began extending loans to the riskiest companies and getting hosed in the process; a minor David vs. Goliath revenge of local banks against Wall Street muscle.

By that time, the stock market had turned bearish, and foreign countries were increasingly demanding their paper dollars be converted into gold as they shifted funds out of dollar reserves. Bankers, meanwhile, postured for a dollar devaluation, which would make their cost of funds cheaper and enable them to expand their lending businesses.

They knew that the fastest way to further devalue the dollar was to sever it from gold, and they made their opinions clear to Nixon, taking care to blame the devaluation on external foreign speculation, not their own movement of capital and lending abroad.

The strategy worked. On August 15, 1971, Nixon bashed the “international money speculators” in a televised speech, stating, “Because they thrive on crises they help to create them.”16 He noted that “in recent weeks the speculators have been waging an all-out war on the American dollar.” His words were true in essence, yet they were chosen to exclude the actions of the major US banks, which were also selling the dollar. Foreign central banks had access to US gold through the Bretton Woods rules, and they exercised this access. Exchanging dollars for gold had the effect of decreasing the value of the US dollar relative to that gold. Between January and August 1971, European banks (aided by US banks with European branches) catalyzed a $20 billion gold outflow.

As John Butler wrote in The Golden Revolution, “By July 1971, the US gold reserves had fallen sharply, to under $10 billion, and at the rate things were going, would be exhausted in weeks. [Treasury Secretary John] Connally was tasked with organizing an emergency weekend meeting of Nixon’s various economic and domestic policy advisers. At 2:30 p.m. on August 13, they gathered, in secret, at Camp David to decide how to respond to the incipient run on the dollar.”

Nixon’s solution, pressed by the banking community, was to abandon the gold standard. In his speech the president informed Americans that he had directed Connally to “suspend temporarily the convertibility of the dollar into gold or other reserve assets.” He promised this would “defend the dollar against the speculators.” Because Bretton Woods didn’t allow for dollar devaluation, Nixon effectively ended the accord that had set international currency parameters since World War II, signaling the beginning of the end of the gold standard.

Once the dollar was no longer backed by gold, questions surfaced as to what truly backed it (besides the US military). According to Butler, “The Bretton Woods regime was doomed to fail as it was not compatible with domestic US economic policy objectives which, from the mid-1960s onwards, were increasingly inflationary.”

It wasn’t simply policy that was inflationary. The expansion of debt via the joint efforts of the Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve was greatly augmented by the bankers’ drive to loan more funds against their capital base. That established a debt inflation policy, which took off after the dissolution of Bretton Woods. Without the constraint of keeping gold in reserve to back the dollar, bankers could increase their leverage and speculate more freely, while getting money more easily from the Federal Reserve’s discount window. Abandoning the gold standard and “floating” the dollar was like navigating the waters of global finance without an anchor to slow down the dispersion of money and loans. For the bankers, this made expansion much easier.

Indeed, on September 24, 1971, Chase board director and former Treasury Secretary C. Douglas Dillon (chairman of the Brookings Institution and, from 1972 to 1975, the Rockefeller Foundation) told Connally that “under no circumstances should we ever go back to assuming limited convertibility into gold.” Chase Board chairman David Rockefeller wrote National Security Adviser (and later Secretary of State) Henry Kissinger to recommend “a reevaluation of foreign currencies, a devaluation of the dollar, removal of the U.S. import surcharge and ‘buy America’ credits, and a new international monetary system with greater flexibility . . . and less reliance on gold.”

With the dollar devalued, investors poured money into stocks, fueling a rally from November 1971 led by the “Nifty Fifty,” a group of “respectable” big-cap growth stocks. These were being bought “like greyhounds chasing a mechanical rabbit” by pension funds, insurance companies, and trust funds. The Chicago Board of Trade began trading options on individual stocks in 1973 to increase the avenues for betting; speculators could soon thereafter trade futures on currencies and bonds.

The National Association of Securities Dealers rendered all this trading easier on February 8, 1971, when it launched the NASDAQ. The first computerized quote system enabled market makers to post and transact over-the-counter prices quickly. With the stock market booming again, NASDAQ became a more convenient avenue for Wall Street firms to raise money. Many abandoned their former partnership models whereby the firm’s partners risked their own capital for the firm, in favor of raising capital by selling the public shares. That way, the upside—and the growing risk—would also be diffused and transferred to shareholders. Merrill Lynch was one of the first major investment bank partnerships to go “public” in 1971. Other classic industry leaders quickly followed suit.

Meanwhile, corporations were finding prevailing lower interest rates more attractive. Instead of getting loans from banks, they could fund themselves more cheaply by issuing bonds in the capital markets. This took business away from commercial banks, which were restricted by domestic regulation from acting as issuing agents. But bankers had positioned themselves on both sides of the Atlantic to get around this problem, so they were covered by the shift in their major customers’ financing preferences. While their ability to service corporate demand was dampened at home, overseas it roared. Currency market turmoil also led many countries to the Eurodollar market for credit, where US banks were waiting. Thus, the credit extended through international branches of major US banks tripled to $4.5 billion from 1969 to 1972.

The market rally, cheered on by the media, was enough to bolster Nixon’s fortunes. In the fall of 1972, Nixon was reelected in a landslide on promises to end the Vietnam War with “peace and honor.” Wall Street reaped the benefits of a bull market, and more citizens and companies were sucked into new debt products. The Dow hit a 1970s peak of 1,052 points in January 1973, as Nixon began his second term.

A Coup and the Transformation of the Anglo-American Establishment: TRUMPS NEW WORLD ORDER

trumps-new-world-orderDuring the CNN coverage of the election results last night political commentator Gloria Borger said that Trumps landslide victory “amounts to a new world order”.  This comment is a peculiar phrase to use considering its loaded with reference and association with the conspiracy theory culture.

For the last 18 months, I’ve been researching and blogging about how the Trump campaign platform and scripting has been engineered to promote the economic and geopolitical aspects of the transformation of the international monetary system.

For a brief historic review, with the growing reduction of the USD in its reserve capacity, American monetary authorities will be able to re-engineer the dollar from its existing international characteristics to meet the demands of the domestic economy.  This domestic dollar will depreciate against the currencies of its largest trading partners which will in turn make American exports more affordable.  This will increase jobs and reduce the overall debt-to-GDP ratio, making the national debt more manageable again.

The reduced international role of the dollar will mean that America can no longer print endless money and fund NATO and the UN to the extent which they have.  The money will also not be there to defend other nations all around the world.  This is aligned with Trump’s script and mandate when he enters office.

In consideration of this scenario, some readers have had a difficult time understanding how the U.S. would go from where we were to where we are now today; post election.  Looking back is much easier than looking forward.  But the outcome cannot be denied.

It is hypothesized that Brexit and Trump, as well as other populist movements around the world, represent a new modern nationalism which has been engineered to replace the globalization which has become the target of much resistance and protest.

It has always been assumed by the alternative media that globalization would usher in the so-called New World Order.  The conclusion is that the engineered resistance to globalization – which was promoted and funneled by the alternative media, WikiLeaks, Anonymous, and other international and domestic groups – would serve as the catalyst for such a New World Order.  This would manifest throughout nations and regions as the new modern nationalism.

In essence, the anti-globalist movement is the Trojan Horse for the further development and implementation of a more consolidated global governance framework.



The fact that this predicted script has now been followed almost to the letter should not be considered a coincidence.



The actions Trump takes in the first few months in office will further reveal the more complex aspects of this transformation.  The alignment between Trump’s foreign policy mandates and the mandates of the larger multilateral transition have been confirmed with the response of Putin to the election results.  The Anglo-American establishment which has developed and got rich by the international role of the USD has now been countered internationally by Russia and other geopolitical moves, such as the re-alignment between once American allies, and also countered domestically by the Trump victory.

The international banking interests no longer require this Anglo-American establishment and have orchestrated its removal from the halls of power within Washington.  This represents the largest shift in how the world operates since at least World War II.  Donald Trump served as the seed for this removal and transformation of the establishment.  A casual view of his interviews from the 1980’s is suggestive of this clandestine operation.

A new American establishment is emerging from the ruins of the old.  This establishment will be aligned with the mandates of the new multilateral world which is emerging (just look into the B.R.I.C.S. nation agenda).  This world will be based on supra-sovereign monetary processes and will promote the new modern nationalism as the springboard of acceptance for the further consolidation of international mandates.

The election of Trump is possibly another piece of evidence that international banking interests just pulled off a non-violent coup in America.  Now, we will wait and see the big gears start moving.


A Multi-Decade Strategy to Transform America


trump-definitionDonald Trump has been calling the United Nations weak and incompetent while stating that NATO is obsolete.  Both are suggestive of a changing world in which the role of the United States will be consolidated within a larger global governance framework.  This framework will be structured around the multilateral mandates of a new monetary system and the objectives of the UN’s 2030 Agenda.

For example, in 2005 Trump said:

I have to start by saying that I’m a big fan, a very big fan, of the United Nations and all it stands for.”

This statement would appear to stand in contrast to the recent campaign announcements in front of an AIPAC crowd in which Trump spoke more truthful:

The United Nations is not a friend of democracy.  It’s not a friend to freedom.  It’s not even a friend to the United States of America, where we all know, it has its home.  And it surely isn’t a friend to Israel.

This apparent flip-flop on the United Nations serves as a method of cognitive dissonance, and was promoted by USA Today back in March, ensuring that attention was given to Trumps 2005 statement.  The other often reported flip-flops of Donald Trump serve the exact same purpose of cognitive dissonance, and are a constant focus of attention in the mainstream media.

Cognitive dissonance is a psychological methodology where a situation involving conflicting attitudes, beliefs, or behaviors, are manufactured.  The internal diametric which develops causes extreme mental and emotional discomfort, which further leads to one of the opposing positions being adjusted for the purpose of restoring cognitive balance.

Cognitive dissonance can exist as a natural process of mental and emotional evolution but is widely used in our culture as a means of socioeconomic engineering and transforming of mass populations.  Every time you hear the mainstream media suggest Trump is “flip-flopping” on policies or issues, the concept of intentional cognitive dissonance should come to mind.

In a 1988 interview on the Oprah Winfrey Show Donald Trump was asked about running for president and his words and demeanor on the subject of America are verbatim of how he talks in 2016. The talking points and script where decided almost thirty years ago and draw additional dissonance to the contradictory nature of his past and present comments on the United Nations and other politically charged topics.

The fact of the matter is that Donald Trump will establish a modern-nationalism within America which will facilitate the transformation of a culture which has become self-entitled on a false sense of exceptionalism.  This exceptionalism has been based on the dominance of the US dollar as the world’s primary reserve currency.

The false exceptionalism stands in contrast and non-cognitive opposition to the natural exceptionalism of Americans which is expressed through hard work, ingenuity and fearless dedication.  The modern-nationalism will evolve from these past virtues and harness the will of the people as decades of US unipolar dominance is reversed and replaced with a multilateral approach on global governance.

The question has often been asked about American willingness to support and acquiescence to an international power-broker and the United Nations.  Never has it been considered that American nationalism would be used against it as a form of methodical mass transformation. The media attention which is being provided to Trump, though unfavorable for the most part, serves as a strong platform for the Trump message to be promoted and spread.

The cognitive dissonance which is further manufactured between the opposing positions of Trump and Clinton ensures that the positions of either can be fostered upon the people with a quick tweak here and an unseen nudge there.  The place of balance between both can be reconciled in a vast number of creative and effective ways.  This balance can also be engineered if a third opposing or replacement candidate were to enter the race on either side.

Considering the time and labor which has gone into building the Donald Trump character it is difficult to imagine that he will not become the next president.  The case can be made that an equal amount of effort has gone into the Hillary Clinton public image, and the feminist trend towards symbolic androgyny would surely support the rise of a female leader.

But there is something about the Trump brand which is suggestive of a longer and more strategic approach.  This multi-decade tailoring started in the 1980’s with the initial cultural injection of Donald Trump.  There has been much written about this time period but little attention is provided to the obvious manufactured aspects of the Trump image.

In the early 1980’s Donald Trump was an up and coming real estate developer in New York.  There was no connection between the Trump name and casinos or gambling.  The obvious nature of the name Trump and its definition related to gambling and card games foretold of the massive empire which would develop in the coming years.

In 1987 Donald Trump purchased his first casino interests when he acquired 93% of the shares in Resorts International.  Resorts International has a sordid history which began in the early 1950’s when it evolved from a CIA and Mossad front company which had been established for the purpose of money laundering the profits from drug trafficking, gambling, and other illegal activities.

The socioeconomic engineering benefits of mass population manipulation through means of drug addiction, gambling, and other vices, far outweigh those provided by money laundering alone. It can be assumed that money laundering acted as a secondary advantage in much the same way that the subjugation of the Chinese population through the spread of opium financially benefited the East India Trading Company centuries before.

On October 30, 1978, The Spotlight newspaper reported that the principle investors of Resorts International were Meyer Lansky, Tibor Rosenbaum, William Mellon Hitchcock, David Rockefeller, and one Baron Edmond de Rothschild.

Michael Collins Piper, in his book The New Jerusalem: Zionist Power in America has done an excellent job of describing the relationship between Donald Trump and Resorts International.  The following excerpt sums up the relationship:

“In 1987, upon the death of longtime CIA front man James Crosby, the nominal head of Resorts International, up-and-coming young New York real estate tycoon Donald Trump stepped into the picture and bought Crosby’s interest in the gambling empire.”

“Trump soon became a household name, with his colorful personality and his insistence upon naming a variety of luxury hotels, apartment houses and other commercial ventures after himself. But while the name “Trump” appeared in the headlines, the names of the real movers behind Resorts International remained hidden from public view.”

The support of the Rothschild’s would become even more apparent.

After quickly expanding the reach of Resorts International to Atlantic City in the final years of the 1980’s, Donald Trump found himself in financial trouble as the real estate market in New York tanked. The three casinos in Atlantic City, like other Trump assets, were under threat from lenders.  It was only with the assistance and assurance of Wilbur L. Ross Jr., senior managing director of Rothschild Inc. that Trump was allowed to keep the casinos and rebuild his threatened empire.

This was detailed in a Bloomberg article from March 22, 1992.

The connection between Baron Edmond de Rothschild, being one of the original principle investors of Resorts International, and Rothschild Inc. allowing Donald Trump to retain “ownership” over the Atlantic City casinos, which saved him from bankruptcy, should not be considered a coincidence.

Great wealth can both create and destroy men of perceived consequence.

Donald Trump landed on his feet when ironically the real estate market in New York turned and his wealth increased dramatically once more. From there the Trump Empire continued to roll forward and eventually expanded its brand into the realm of reality television, the newest method of socioeconomic and cultural engineering.

For those wondering, Wilbur L. Ross Jr. spent 24 years at the New York office of Rothschild Inc. In the late 1990’s he started a $200 million fund at Rothschild Inc. to invest in distressed assets.  In 2000, on April Fool’s day, Ross raised an additional $450 million to invest in troubled companies. The timing of this strategy could not have been better, as this report from New York Magazine stated:

“The 2000–1 rolling stock-market crash, 9/11, and a globally synchronous recession pushed scores of companies into bankruptcy. New Economy highfliers like Enron, WorldCom, and Global Crossing went bust. But so did Old Economy stalwarts in industries like steel and textiles—victims of excess capacity, global competition, and generous union contracts.”

So it’s of course no surprise that billionaire investor Wilbur L. Ross Jr. would support the nomination of Donald Trump for president in this Bloomberg article dated March 9, 2016.

It would appear that Rothschild supported front men like Ross and Trump do extremely well in the worlds of finance and politics.  Trump’s proclamations to bring jobs back to America will help “….industries like steel and textiles-…” and will support both domestic growth and an increase in wealth for those like Ross who have invested in distressed American assets.

Donald Trump, “…a valuable resource that may be used, especially as a surprise, in order to gain an advantage…” is in fact the establishment candidate for president.  The difference is that the establishment is one based on the international banking interests, and not one based on the interests of domestic American elites, which are more represented by the Jeb’s, the Mitt’s, the Ted’s, and even the Hillary’s.

At no time in the history of the modern world and politics has an anti-establishment candidate been given so much media attention and free airtime. The negative reporting of Donald Trump by most media is scripted as such.  The cognitive dissonance which is developing surrounding the Trump mandate and transformation of America is a strategy which began decades ago in the 1980’s when Donald Trump first began to canvas our television screens.

One merely need watch the Donald Trump of the past talk about running for president to witness the script in its pure form.  All of the talking points about trade deals and bringing jobs back, as well as the United Nations, NATO, and the national debt, all fit within the methodology of the multilateral monetary transition.

It is probable that the plan would be just as workable whether the next president had been Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, or a wild card like Joe Biden, though a review of the history (just shared) leading up to this election compels me to think the Donald strategy was the Trump card that will now lead the charge of American nationalism towards a global governance framework under his presidency.

It’s Not About President Trump: The New World Revolution from a Anthropologist Perspective

“Hillary is the Candidate of Yesterday – We Are the Movement of Tomorrow” ~ Donald J. Trump

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump arrives to speak at a campaign rally, Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2016, in Toledo, Ohio. (AP Photo/ Evan Vucci)
Republican President Donald J. Trump

As these words are being w ritten, we all are in the middle of  election day American Presidential vote of 2016. The historic energy surrounding this event is evident to all who have been paying attention.  Those who haven’t can still acknowledge that something of interest and importance has been taking place in their peripheral.

The results will now determine the path forward not just America, but also for the world.  Trump’s statement “Hillary is the candidate of yesterday – we are the movement of tomorrow” was chosen as a method of penetrating the collective consciousness of the masses and make the mental shift towards the new and emerging world.

The message itself is reminiscent of the direction  that Clinton represents (and the establishment she affilliates with); the old political order and someone should have told her, and the shifting new American establishment, that this transformation was taking place.

It has never been considered by the alternative media that the international banking interests would use populist and nationalist movements to transform the world into a more consolidated and centralized system.  It was always assumed, and heavily promoted, that a one world governance framework would mean the loss of national sovereignty.  But one must consider the nature of sovereignty and national identity to begin with.

What is a nation?

The understanding principle in how the world is structured can be best interpreted by grasping the scalable nature which exists.  This scalable micro and macro bi-transitioning can be applied.  Let’s use the concept of nation as our baseline.  Within a nation the land is divided into states and provinces.  Within each of these there are counties and municipalities.  Each serves as corporations of some form or another, with tax revenue and a local governance framework, which is meant to produce a revenue stream and profit.

The land is also divided into farm sections.  These sections have been traditionally owned and operated by land owners, both small and large.  Each farm has its crop and herd of cattle, pigs, chickens, etc..  The animals on each farm do not understand that they serve the same purpose as the animals on other farms.  Each segmented parcel of farm land and municipal governance structure serves as the micro-framework within the larger national macro-framework.

As we shift our understanding above the baseline the nation becomes the micro-framework, just like the farm and municipality, while the larger international structure becomes the macro-framework.  All would appear to be operating independently from one another but connected through logistical and management processes.

Pride of ownership and participation at all levels throughout the governance architecture exists.  There is national pride which is evident in the Make America Great Again movement.  There is also pride and participation in the states and cities.  These levels below the national baseline are encouraged by sports teams and other methods of rallying the masses around a support structure.

This scalable control methodology provides us some valuable insights.  The need and purpose of intentional fragmentation provides important levers and gears for the operation of the larger macro machine.  As such, the idea that these engineered-fragments would be removed from the control grid and process would appear to be counter-intuitive.  In simple terms, national identity and perceived sovereignty serves a very unique and misunderstood purpose.

When Zbigniew Brzezinski made the “a universal awakening of mass political consciousness” statement back in 2012 it was interpreted by the alternative media as an expression of concern by the elite that the disorganized masses were awakening.  On the internet there little discussion that this “awakening” was being engineered with the use of the alternative media, and movements such as Anonymous, to re-position the mass consciousness and transform the world into a new governance framework.

For most people, it was always assumed that this governance framework would eliminate sovereignty and national identity.  It was never considered that the nationalist and populist movements which are now sweeping the globe would be the Trojan horse for international transformation.

The engineered threat to national sovereignty was a masterful design and the alternative media was created and slowly expanded to promote the reaction to this false-threat.  It would appear that the intention all along was to use the new modern nationalism to implement the new world governance structure.  The mass populations within each fragment would demand the new modern nationalism which was engineered to facilitate and accommodate the emerging global governance framework.

Confusion is removed from this methodology when we realize that the destruction of national sovereignty was never meant to be a part of the new world governance.  The best example of what is expressed here can be found in the potential solution to the Eurozone challenges.  The EU common market should be considered a test run for the larger macro global governance structure.

One of the lessons from this test run can be found in the use of a supra-sovereign currency.  Use of the euro created further imbalances in the EU.  More accurately, it amplified the deficiencies and imbalances which already existed in the system.  The contrast between the surplus members and the deficit members reacted in a specific manner to the use of the euro.  This provided valuable lessons and insight on how to restructure the larger macro international system.

The EU member nations could very well return to using their domestic currencies while continuing to use the euro to balance trade among themselves.  This would be the same principle which would be implemented internationally.


The supra-sovereign asset, such as the I.M.F.s Special Drawing Rights (SDR), can be used as the international reserve asset while nations continue to use their national currencies for domestic use.  National sovereignty can continue to be promoted while the pathways and processes of a larger international governance framework are constructed.  Much like the individual states and municipalities exist within the framework of their larger whole.

Since Trump announced his candidacy, his platform has been designed to transition America’s position from the unipolar dominance it has maintained for a long time (7 decades since Brenton Woods Conference 1944) to the more multilateral position which is meant to re-balance the international system.  It serves as only one aspect of the emerging governance framework and is being packaged as a new American nationalism.

The results of the election will be extremely telling of this process following the Trump landslide for the American Presidency.

Hillary is the Candidate of Yesterday – We Are the Movement of Tomorrow

And the alternative media is all on-board the Trump train.

Rebalancing Global Currencies, Multilateral Global Banking, and New World Order fair to Emerging Nations

Some nations say: America Has Lost! This is about War, the Vietnamese dong, and the Eurasian Union

The recent statement by Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte regarding the countries relationship with the United States puts a fine point on the transition markers of the international monetary transformation. This point should now be considered the counter pivot to Obama’s Asian pivot and the first moment when China has fundamentally geopolitically gained the upper hand in the South China Sea.

Duterte was in China for a state visit. While there he said the following:

“In this venue, your honors, in this venue, I announce my separation from the United States. Both in military, not maybe social, but economics also. America has lost.”

The impact of saying this in front of 200 business people interested in new commercial alliances is one of the most profound and straight forward statements regarding the nature of the multilateral transformation. This should build confidence in other Asian nations to disconnect from the United States and align future geopolitical and socioeconomic strategies with China.

America has been busy projecting strength in regions around the world. In Eastern Europe it has taken the form of a NATO buildup along Russia’s borders. In the Middle East it has been injected into the Islamic groups, both terrorists and rebels, attempting to overthrow the Syrian government and re-take Iraq. In the South China Sea it has been expressed by maintaining a naval presence in opposition to the Chinese man-made islands. And in the East China Sea American power is justified by the tension between South Korea and North Korea.

hopeless-us-governmentIn all areas American power is being challenged by the emerging powers. The alliance between Russia, China, Iran, Syria, and growing to include India, the Philippine’s, and soon Vietnam and other ASEAN members, will be the final catalyst to force the American establishment to back down and align with the larger multilateral mandates.

The world will have to turn against the United States at the same time the existing American establishment is overthrown domestically. The ongoing election drama between Clinton and Trump is reflective of this internal power struggle. The international banking interest which now desire a multilateral framework, as opposed to a unipolar framework, are externally pushing back against the American establishment around the world. At the same time Trump is attempting to take control of the establishment’s power base internally.

How far the American establishment is willing to go in order to stay in control of a world which no longer wants its hand holding will have to be seen. At some point the power base supporting the America establishment will shift and the fragmentation process will take place. There is no doubt that the next few weeks and months represent a danger zone and a period of elevated risk.

The move by the Philippines will be the first among many such moves in the region. The larger Eurasian Union and ASEAN+3 mandates will override all American strategies and new trade agreements will be made.

Vietnam is one such nation which will eventually follow the Philippines and re-negotiate its relationship with the United States. They have openly expressed in the past the need to end the currency peg with the dollar and peg to the currency of their largest trading partner, which is China. They have also suggested that they could peg the dong to a basket of currencies. This could be a reference to the SDR but is more likely a reference to the Asian Currency Unit.

The whole region acts as an optimum currency area. Europe also serves as an optimum currency area, which provided the basis for the European Currency Unit, a currency basket which later became the euro currency.

As such, the optimum Asian area will develop an Asian Currency Unit. The Vietnamese dong will end the decade’s long peg to the US dollar and maintain multiple pegs with the Asian Currency Unit and the Chinese renminbi. This will begin the process of dong appreciation which will align with the larger ASEAN+3 trade agreements and geopolitical relationships.

DONG – History and Revaluation

The European Union will eventually join the Asian Union as members of the larger Eurasian Union. Each individual region will develop currency units which will be sequentially integrated within the larger macro currency baskets. The end objective is to consolidate piecemeal all regions and currencies in to the SDR basket. The SDR, decades from now, will be transformed into a true international currency.

This is the logical path forward on global economic and financial consolidation.

The statement “America has lost” is loaded with intrigue and intent. It is sending a message to both the American establishment and other nations around the world. The message is straight forward. The time is now to fight back against the American establishment. The first major transition point of the global transformation is about to take place. Please have a seat everyone. This is about to get interesting!

How the Establishment Media is Committing Suicide & Why Clinton Cannot Win

hillary-clinton-crazyWith each passing day the desperation coming from the establishment media in the west is becoming more obvious.  The constant hit pieces on Donald Trump roll from one to the other with little interruption. News is beginning to leak out that the orders to stop Trump from becoming president have been issued from the very top of the American establishment.

The ongoing WikiLeaks documents are taking a toll on the Clinton campaign and the response of the establishment is to hit back with fabricated stories and coming at Trump from every possible angle.  After the “pussy grabbing” video the establishment media pushed the script of Trump dropping out of the campaign.

This was a clear act of desperation.  If Clinton was truly ahead and Trump didn’t stand a chance of winning there would be no calls for him to drop out.  They need Donald to drop out for the simple fact that Clinton cannot win against him.

The other tactic included pushing the Republican establishment to force him off the ticket.  This has not gained traction either and Trump continues to steamroll forward to November 8th and victory.

Ever since Trump announced his candidacy, J.C. Collins has been suggesting that he represents the international banking interest.  These interests are now concerned with balancing the global monetary system and shifting some power away from the American establishment.  There is a segment of the American establishment which does not wish to willingly relinquish the power which they have had for almost a century.

The alignment between Trump and Russia is not a coincidence, or an accident.  Russia, alongside BRICS members China and India, are positioning geopolitically for this global realignment.  The US military movements in the world are reflective of the establishments desire to hang on to their control and hegemony.

This stubbornness and greediness has pushed the world to the brink of war.  The American establishment is beginning to crash into the wall of multilateral interests.  This is taking place in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, as well as the South China Sea.  This represents a multi-front war which the US cannot win.  Further acts of desperation could lead to nuclear exchanges.

Donald Trump has expressed his understanding of the situation and has openly suggested that Russia is not behind the Democratic email hacks.  The amount of western propaganda directed at Putin and Russia has reached insane levels.

A Russian government official stated today that the election of Trump means peace in the world and the election of Clinton will mean nuclear war.  Such a statement should not be taken lightly.  Especially taken with other events and news stories which are breaking, such as Russia calling home students of officials who are studying abroad and running nuclear drills in Moscow.

It has always been J.C. Collins contention that war will be avoided during this monetary transition.  But, we may go to the very brink before saner minds get control and pull us back from the edge of destruction.

There is no doubt that we are in the danger zone between now and the election.  Even after the election a Trump victory could be derailed if war breaks out.  Between now and January we are under increased risk of a larger war globally.

The establishment media is complicit in this movement towards war.  Their twisting and distortion of real world events is one of the greatest tragedies of the modern world.  The bias and misrepresentation has become so obvious that even the younger generations are waking to the fraud.

The availability of alternative news sources and social media have provided the masses another method of gaining access to knowledge.  This is not an accident. The internet serves as the base for this new source.  Interestingly enough, on the day that the new SDR basket currency became effective (including the Chinese currency), control of the internet passed from the American establishment to an international body represented within the United Nations.

The very tools which the American establishment have used on the international community to spread and maintain hegemony will now be used against it.  The international banking interest which have allowed the US to gain so much power implanted the means to take away that power within the very framework of the establishments’ construction.

The implicit bias being openly expressed and promoted by the establishment media will forever destroy the trust of the masses.  This will leave an opening which will be filled by new sources of information which will be provided by the international banking interests.  Seeds of this have already been planted.

Clinton represents the old American political world which is no longer required.  Trump represents the role which America will take on in the multilateral monetary framework.  Will the establishment recognize their position and act accordingly?  Or will it take a massive war to remove the American machine from the hegemonic halls of global power?

I would encourage readers to revisit the post titled Brexit – The New Modern-Nationalism is Global Governance.  Global government is shifting its image and will be repacked as a new modern-nationalism.  Don’t be fooled by the calls for America first.  The benefits to the American masses under the multilateral monetary system just so happen to align with those of the international banking interests.  These will be increased jobs and wealth.  This is what Trump is calling for.  The script playing out has been engineered over decades with nothing left to chance.

There will be no room in this new world for the bias media which represents the old US micro-establishment.

The US Dollar Peg comes to an End

Money Base Growth, the Vietnamese dong, and No More QE

By JC Collins

100-dollars spread outEach week the monetary world is moving closer to a fundamental change. The lack of money base growth, or money based creation, being overall liquidity in the system, is beginning to deepen the global deflationary period which began in 2008, and hasn’t experienced a sustainable shift towards growth since.

This lack of money based creation is most profound in the developed G20 nations and will continue as long as the central banks of the other emerging nations maintain a currency peg to the US dollar. The fact that nations such as China, Vietnam, Kazakhstan, Angola, and Azerbaijan, among others, have devalued their domestic currencies against the USD in recent months and years, is a testament to the direction which the monetary world is shifting.

There are multiple methods of expanding the international money base. The main central banks could once again begin a quantitative easing program. Some central banks have in fact started these programs, but no real effect can be made until the Federal Reserve restarts a QE program, since most nations are connected to the USD through an exchange rate regime.

The obvious draw backs to QE programs is a loss of confidence in the dollar and further erosion of the ability to create domestic jobs in America. Something which will be high on the agenda this election cycle.

Another method of increasing money base growth would be for the monetary authorities in the US to willingly devalue the USD by 20% to 30% against the currencies of its major trading partners, and those nations maintaining dollar pegs. This is a sticky issue because though that is the desired outcome, the political will is likely lacking for such a drastic move, and the majority of the American population would understand the larger benefit of increased exports and job creation. It would be considered further weakening of America’s hegemonic position in the world.

The option with the greatest potential at this point in time is for the central banks of other nations, specifically the emerging nations, such as China, Vietnam, and others, to not just devalue their currencies against the dollar, but to actually end and de-peg their currencies from the USD.

China, and the others listed above, have begun this process by devaluing the existing peg, but this is only producing marginal results, as the dollar itself has been strengthening over the last few years.

The USD does not provide an optimum currency area for the rest of the world. As such, its use as the primary reserve currency and exchange rate mechanism is problematic and needs to end. The US monetary authorities, at this time, appear to be unwilling to devalue the dollar to the benefit of itself and the rest of the world.

The world is move around this road block, with some support from within the US system, and further devaluations and outright de-pegging from the USD will continue and pick up pace during the remainder of this year. The September 4th G20 meetings in China could mark the beginning of this time period. The effective date of the new SDR, which includes the Chinese renminbi, will be October 1, 2016. This will mark the next period of transition and will likely spark a renewed effort by emerging nations to devalue against the dollar and end pegs altogether.

East Asia, and Asia as a whole, provides an excellent optimum currency area, which could use the growing role of the renminbi as a new pegging mechanism which will provide fundamental money base creation.

Vietnam expressed a few years ago that they would need to end the dollar peg and peg the dong to the currency of their largest trading partner, China, or to a basket of currencies, which could be the SDR or a regional currency unit used by the ASEAN+3, which has yet to be announced. All would be supported by the expanding role of the renminbi as a reserve currency.

The dollar de-facto and unsustainable optimum currency area, abstract as it is, will be further eroded in the coming months. This by no means suggests that the dollar is dying or will crash. A modest depreciation of the dollar, such as the 20% to 30% suggested above, would be a positive for the American economy. Whether this depreciation is forced on the US or it is enacted willingly as official policy, means little at this point. The transition is happening and any additional devaluations by the emerging nations against the USD will only force the hand and eventually lead to the upward valuation of those currency as the monetary world rebalances from decades of dollar abuse and overuse.

Quantitative easing and other counterproductive monetary policies will not be enacted by the Federal Reserve. It would produce the opposite result of what the American monetary authorities are planning.

Sustainable money base creation can no longer be provided but the USD alone. That more than anything else, is the conclusive evidence that a shift is upon us. – JC

DONG – History and Revaluation


FEBRUARY 13, 2014
Economic Potential and Modernization
By JC Collins

Also see the post Vietnamese Dong and a Possible Currency Crisis

Vietnam Modernization

Vietnam has achieved a truly remarkable thing.  While being a dumping ground for U.S. dollar inflation and having its own currency consistently devalued, Vietnam has managed to produce one of the fastest economic expansions and modernizations in the history of the world.  It’s a model of modernization built upon the experience and lessons of China, Korea, and other Asian countries which developed before it.

The modernization of Europe and the Americas took centuries.  The modernization of China was achieved in approximately 50 years.  Compare that to the astonishing modernization which only began in Vietnam in the mid 1990’s.  In less than 20 years, the country has turned from a destitute population on the verge of starvation to an expanding middle class that is considered by all economic indicators to be the fastest such expansion in the world.

In true Confucian fashion, Vietnam utilized the tactics of economic warfare deployed against it as a tool of economic development.  The exchange rate of the dong was devalued on a continually basis to encourage use of the U.S. dollar within the country.  This ensured another market for the dollars inflation to be sent to avoid a hyper-inflation situation back home.

In addition, the Vietnamese understood the economic potential of their resources and trade capability.  The strategy was one of patience and long term gain for short term detriment.

Vietnam is much more than the story of an American war of aggression or gold theft.  For our purposes here, we will start our brief history with the Multilateral Co-Operation Agreement made between the NATO Countries (except Ireland) in January of 1950.  The purpose of this agreement was to control the type and level of trade between the western world and the communist world.

Vietnam War Victims

South Vietnam held the largest agricultural potential while the North held most of the heavy industry, such as coal, steel, tin, and phosphate fertilizer.  The full potential of the offshore oil and gas fields was still unknown.

There were many reasons for the western involvement in Vietnam which began many years before, with the French, and later America.  The threat of communism was a smoke screen for something else which we will not touch on here as the scale of it will only serve to dwarf this essay on currency revaluation.  There is also the Yamashita gold theft and recovery attempt which we touched on inAmerica’s Karma and World War Two Gold Theft.  During the time period between WW2 and the dissolution of the Soviet Union on December 26, 1991, Vietnam depended on economic subsidies from the larger communist state.  When these subsidies ended, trade with the United States became very important for Vietnam.

Over the years there have been many variations of the dong currency with varying exchange rates.  The different forms of structure to the dong have been the following:

  1. Commercial Currency
  2. Non-Commercial Currency
  3. Official Rate
  4. Convertible Currency
  5. Effective Rate
  6. Auction Fixing (this structure becomes important in 1991)

It’s too much too breakdown and cover each currency type and its value fluctuations over the years so we will focus in on the important dates and valuations.

On December 18, 1971, after the U.S. dollar devaluation, the official exchange rate of the dong was 2.71 per 1 dollar.

On February 13, 1973, after another U.S. dollar devaluation, the official exchange rate was 2.44 per 1 dollar.

On May 3, 1978, a uniform dong was introduced at an exchange rate of 2.17 per 1 dollar.  It’s interesting to note that during this time period the dong to dollar exchange rate was maintained within a narrow margin while the SDR rate for the dong was allowed to fluctuate.  This SDR fluctuation was a foreshadowing of things yet to come in our present time.  See SDR’s and the New Bretton Woods.

On July 6, 1981 the exchange rate was VND 9.045 per 1 dollar.

On Sept 14, 1985, the State Bank of Vietnam was authorized to issue a new dong currency and withdraw the old ones from circulation.  One old dong got you 10 new dong. The new exchange rate was set at 15 dong to 1 dollar.

Devaluation of the dong continued throughout the 1980’s which was actually encouraging what little trade Vietnam participated in.

On March 13, 1989 the multiple currency structure as outlined above was ended and a unified currency structure was put in place.  The commercial dong and non-commercial dong were merged and the exchange rate was set at 4500 dong per 1 dollar.  This was 9 months before the Berlin Wall began its fall which lead to the eventual collapse of the Soviet Union.  Remember that Vietnam depended on subsidies from the U.S.S.R.  Perhaps this constitutes a slow transition from subsidies to light import and exports.

On August 30, 1991 there was put in place a method of foreign exchange auction, which was only allowed in U.S. dollars, to support banks and trade organizations helping economic interests needing such foreign exchanges.  This move created the inflation dumping grounds for the U.S. dollar.

The rate of the dong today is approximately 21,000 to 1 dollar.

Back in the year 1975 Vietnam wanted to exploit its rich agricultural and timber resources in the South and develop its coal production in the North, as well as producing oil and gas from its offshore fields.  Unfortunately for Vietnam they were under a trade embargo from the United States.  The Export Administration Act of 1969, amended in 1979, restricted the export and/or re-export of technology which originated in America.  The embargo was only on North Vietnam at first but was extended to the South in 1975.

Boeing B-52D

Post war Vietnam is one of only a handful of countries that did not experience a reconstruction boom after hostilities ended.  In fact, they experienced a drastic economic deterioration.  Through economic sanctions, a ban on imports to Vietnam produced a shortage of foreign exchange capital required for the reconstruction process.   Sanctions also lead to extremely high unemployment in the export industries and a reduced industrial capacity.

A similar ban on exports deprived the country of the essential commodities required for development and growth.  It also denied Vietnam access to foreign capital markets to raise funds for building factories and other industrial facilities.

Exports to communist countries were considered a violation of America’s strategic interest.  The embargo even blocked aid from the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.  Vietnam, to its credit, did the only thing it could do by focusing on exporting natural resources and cheap labor to a handful of countries that stood in violation of the embargo.  This was a bare sustenance strategy by Vietnam which did not eliminate starvation and destitution in the country.

Throughout this time period Vietnam was subjected to typhoons, floods, and droughts which served to severely hinder its attempts at food grain production.  This weather caused considerable damage to Vietnam’s agricultural lands.

Vietnam Poor

It brings into question the use of weather manipulation weapons which may have been used against the country.  For those who doubt the reality of such weapons, I suggest you ask yourself why Defense Secretary William Cohen stated the existence of weather and earthquake causing weapons in his speech given at a 1997 Conference on Terrorism in Athens, GA.  I will leave this area to the reader for further exploration.

When the Cold War finally ended many American business interests wanted the sanctions lifted immediately so as to capitalize on the virgin market.  But the U.S. would not lift them.

But with the low exchange rate of the dong to dollar, other countries couldn’t resist the lure of doing business in Vietnam and making the windfall on the other end.  Countries that began investing in Vietnamese imports and exports were:

  1. Britain
  2. France
  3. Australia
  4. Belgium
  5. The Netherlands
  6. Sweden
  7. South Korea
  8. Taiwan
  9. Hong Kong
  10. Thailand
  11. Japan (unofficially)

It got to be that the United States was the only country that still imposed sanctions on Vietnam.  The U.S. dollar was being side stepped in trade by the above countries in areas such as:

  1. Oil
  2. Fishing
  3. Seafood Processing
  4. Textiles
  5. Garment Making
  6. Tourism
  7. Hotels
  8. Telecommunications

It wasn’t long before the United Stated used its influence and power within the International Monetary Fund to devalue the dong even further while lifting the sanctions.  The intent of this move was to ensure that Vietnam’s trade would be balanced in dollars and that the value of the dong would stay low encouraging the Vietnamese people to use the dollar instead of their own currency.  This is the blueprint for dollar inflation dumping throughout the world.

The sanctions themselves were lifted in stages:

  1. December, 1991, travel to Vietnam was allowed.
  2. October, 1992, allowed for telecommunication links with Vietnam, commercial sales for necessities, as well as lifting restrictions on non-profit organizations and authorized the signing of pre-embargo lifting contracts.  (read back door deals for American companies)

On January 27, 1994, the U.S. Senate voted to lift sanctions by a vote of 62 to 38.  Clinton officially ended the embargo on February 4, 1994.  The reason given was the 2238 MIA soldiers from the war.  This was an absurd position as Vietnam itself had over 100,000 missing in action and the country itself was left bombed and destitute.

On October 14, 1994, forex markets began trading the dong against 6 other currencies within a range set by the State Bank of Vietnam.  This in essence is the structure that the dong trades within today.

It was a combination of events that lead to the dropping of sanctions.  First the collapse of the Soviet Union created an opportunity for Vietnam to get off subsidies and begin real trade.  This process was painful but the end results lead to the rest of the world recognizing Vietnam’s true economic growth and development potential, which in turn forced America to lift the embargo for the purpose of ensuring that the dollar wasn’t left out of the trade balancing.

Vietnam in turn accepted the devaluations of the dong as a tactic to attract the foreign investment in its exports and imports.  Vietnam’s number one goal was development, modernization, and integration into the world economy.

Vietnam McDonalds

Today, Vietnam is one of the fastest growing economies in the world.  It has the fastest growing middle class and its GDP to debt ratio has been maintained within the 30% to 35% range for years.  Its oil and gas fields are being developed, it’s the second largest exporter of rice in the world, Samsung is moving its factories into the country, Starbucks is opening locations, and in fact McDonald’s just opened their first location in the country just last weekend.

The list of economic milestones for Vietnam is growing by the day.  The amount of U.S. dollars held in the country’s foreign reserves has been decreasing for the past few years and the import of gold is staggering.  As we presented previously, the Shanghai Gold Exchange through agreements with China will increase the gold holdings in many Asian countries by way of gold vault storage and trade agreements.  The Vietnamese government itself is making known its intent to monetize all the private gold in the country to support the value of the dong.

The hard working Vietnamese people will require a strong and stable currency to ensure reliable labor energy wealth storage.  It’s only a matter of time now before the I.M.F. 2010 Code of Reforms are passed through the U.S. Congress and the Executive Board of the I.M.F. is restructured to reflect the economic reality of the world today.  When this happens the dollar will lose its reserve currency status and the dong will be released from it peg.  When this happens I would suspect that the value of the dong, not officially recognized today as it has been stretched like elastics, due to the economic growth and develop, and will snap back to its true economic value, which is reflected in those very same growth and development indicators.

What will the rate be?  Based on the upcoming SDR composition and allocation system of the International Monetary Fund, who can say with any measure of reliability, there are too many factors which need to be considered and weighed against others factors.

There is one other area where Vietnam has far advanced on the United States.  And that is in limiting the rent seeking abilities of the small ruling elite within the country.  Trade and business between the provinces within Vietnam have been cleared of corruption for the most part and a system of contested politics is in place.  This system of contested politics is very real and not the side show circus of the western world’s political buffoonery.  At the end of 2013 Vietnam executed two of the top bankers in the country for corruption and crimes against the people.    – JC Collins

Also see:

SDR Supplemental:  VND or VNN?  IQD or IQN? 

The New Exchange Rate System – Posted Feb 19, 2014.

The American Dollar is Dumping Vietnam – Posted May 16, 2014.

Vietnam Seeks Dong Stability as Dollar Nears Collapse – Posted July 1, 2014.

A Global Currency Reset – Posted May 28, 2014.


  1. “At the end of 2013 Vietnam executed two of the top bankers in the country for corruption and crimes against the people.”

    Coming to a country near you.

  2. Very informative article. Please could you explain what you mean by ‘inflation dumping ground’ – excuse my ignorance. Also can you direct me to a website that explains what you allude to as the real reasons for the Vietnam. So enjoy your writing. Thank you

  3. The images you attach to this excellent article are haunting and are direct in revealing just some examples of Western aggression in its most egregious form. It’s time all of America honor Vietnam and its amazing and resilient people.

  4. Wow, great article, how can one be so evil, what a turn around for this country, this was really back against the wall. As humans we are not to let poverty take place, when we can help!

Psalm 49 – David – For the director of music. Of the Sons of Korah. A psalm.

Psalm 49 – David – For the director of music. Of the Sons of Korah. A psalm.

1 Hear this, all you peoples;
listen, all who live in this world,
2 both low and high,
rich and poor alike:
3 My mouth will speak words of wisdom;
the meditation of my heart will give you understanding.
4 I will turn my ear to a proverb;
with the harp I will expound my riddle:


5 Why should I fear when evil days come,
when wicked deceivers surround me—
6 those who trust in their wealth
and boast of their great riches?
7 No one can redeem the life of another
or give to God a ransom for them—
8 the ransom for a life is costly,
no payment is ever enough—
9 so that they should live on forever
and not see decay.
10 For all can see that the wise die,
that the foolish and the senseless also perish,
leaving their wealth to others.
11 Their tombs will remain their houses forever,
their dwellings for endless generations,
though they had named lands after themselves.

12 People, despite their wealth, do not endure;
they are like the beasts that perish.

13 This is the fate of those who trust in themselves,
and of their followers, who approve their sayings.
14 They are like sheep and are destined to die;
death will be their shepherd
(but the upright will prevail over them in the morning).
Their forms will decay in the grave,
far from their princely mansions.
15 But God will redeem me from the realm of the dead;
he will surely take me to himself.
16 Do not be overawed when others grow rich,
when the splendor of their houses increases;
17 for they will take nothing with them when they die,
their splendor will not descend with them.
18 Though while they live they count themselves blessed—
and people praise you when you prosper—
19 they will join those who have gone before them,
who will never again see the light of life.

20 People who have wealth but lack understanding
are like the beasts that perish.

“Whoever you CHOOSE to obey, that’s whose servant you become” – Universal Law

Forbes: Retire the Dinar and Dong


Original article:

Retire On The Iraqi Dinar And Vietnamese Dong (Forbes Hit Piece)’s a 3 page article so you have to click the link above to see the restI often get calls asking about the Iraqi dinar. Initially, I just dismissed the questions and put-off the requests, informing clients and other investors that we don’t employ or recommend currency-based strategies. At the time, this was the result of only superficial research. However, after a recent question about another foreign currency, the Vietnamese dong, I felt it was time to truly dig into what’s going on and write the definitive article on where these currency strategies fit into both retirement and overall investment portfolios.In my opinion, they don’t fit anywhere! Let me reiterate that; the Iraqi dinar and the Vietnamese dong do not fit into a retirement portfolio in any way, shape, or form. Both monetary units are often referred to as “scam” currencies for good reason. Countless warnings and blood soaked war stories are prevalent online, but to my surprise investors continue to fall for it, throwing good money at a very bad idea.

A street money exchange (RAMZI HAIDAR/AFP/Getty Images)

As it turns out, the scams success is based on a powerful combination of greed, apparent inside information, and the ability to see, feel, and touch the currency. In fact, the most compelling part of situation is that both the Iraqi and Vietnamese currencies are legitimate and tangible. Investors can not only hold them, but also show their spouse, friends and even fold them up and put them in their wallets. Furthermore, they are part of a regulated industry and available for purchase at a few major US Banks. All factors that seem to make investing in either of them a very credible and enticing opportunity to outsmart Wall Street, best fellow investors, and get rich quick by uncovering secrets the government doesn’t want us to know.

Yet, as you already know, if it sounds too good to be true…investors should run like heck. I reached out to several currency exerts to help me explain the ins and outs of this ridiculous business in an effort to help retirees and other investors avoid falling victim to this and similar currency scams going forward.

Reid Kirchenbauer of says, “The dinar and dong, along with many other thinly traded currencies, are hard to get at a fair price in the United States.” One US bank Kirchenbauer called was offering one million Vietnamese dong for $56.90, which works out to 17,574 VND per dollar. However, he found the exchange rate much higher at Vietnam’s Agribank. It will sell 21,420 dong per U.S. dollar (not including ordinary fees). Right off the bat, then, there’s a discrepancy representing a more than a 20% decrease in value.

Kirchenbauer goes on to say, “It’s difficult for most people to receive the actual value that these currencies trade at. If banks in the US choose to trade them, they make the spreads very wide so that they can make a large enough profit to justify the potential holding period.”

Scott Smith, Senior Market Analyst for Cambridge Global Payments highlighted another reality facing investors in these currencies. “The biggest challenge to recouping your initial investment is finding someone to buy those currencies back. It’s like shopping for a house cat, but buying a tiger instead, and then finding out you are allergic to cats. It might be easy to find someone to buy your house cat, but finding a suitable home for a tiger would be much more difficult.”

Experts warn of foreign currency scam

By Jasen Lee, Deseret News
Published: Thursday, Jan. 2 2014 11:01 p.m. MST

A number of Utahns are buying what they think is undervalued foreign currency in hopes of having its value increase, offering a potential investment windfall. Unfortunately, it’s a long-running scam.

Charles Crowell, Bloomberg News


A number of Utahns are buying what they think is undervalued foreign currency in hopes of having its value increase, offering a potential investment windfall. Unfortunately, it’s a long-running scam.

“Some people won’t believe (it’s a scam), even when you tell them now. It’s just human nature (to want to) believe that there is a way that we can ‘have our ship come in’ and get rich quick.”

Keith Woodwell, director of the Utah Division of Securities

SALT LAKE CITY — A number of Utahns are buying what they think is undervalued foreign currency in hopes of having its value increase, offering a potential investment windfall.

Unfortunately, it’s a long-running scam perpetrated by dishonest investment brokers and online fraudsters.

Several years ago, Darren Marshall became aware of an investment opportunity in which he could buy Iraqi dinar currency on the long-term hope that he would reap high returns when the currency was “re-evaluated.”

The belief was that once the Iraq economy boomed and the currency was traded on the world market, those who purchased dinar previously could sell the bills on the open market and receive the newly inflated value.

The problem is such a scenario may never happen — something Marshall, a certified internal auditor by training, recognizes and readily admits.

“I think it’s ludicrous,” he said. “It’s a scam.”

Marshall, 42, of Salt Lake City, said he has read numerous online blogs that tout the legitimacy of the foreign currency speculation and describe it as “a high-risk investment.”

Despite that trepidation, Marshall said he has personally purchased $1,000 in Iraqi dinar on the chance he may eventually recoup his investment and maybe make a profit.

“I know it sounds crazy, but part of (the reason behind investing) was the enticing return rate,” he said.

Additionally, he said investing $1,000 was not so much that it would affect his lifestyle in any meaningful way.

“I had it to invest,” Marshall said, adding that he hopes he’ll be able to double his investment at some point.

For the past few years, people have been “investing” in Iraqi dinar, Vietnamese dong and a few other currencies in hopes that they will make it big when the monies are re-evaluated.

Unfortunately, it is a scam, explained Keith Woodwell, director of the Utah Division of Securities.

Woodwell said the fraud began years ago at the beginning of the Gulf War conflict in Kuwait and Iraq, initially involving members of the military and their families.

The misconception started because Kuwait’s dinar dropped during Operation Desert Storm, then, following the war, there was an oil boom and the currency increased dramatically, giving those who bought it huge returns.

The difference between the Kuwaiti currency situation and the Iraqi and Vietnamese currencies, Woodwell explained, is that Kuwait’s dinar was not inflated when it was worth less. It just organically increased in value when the country’s economy began to grow. The same cannot be said for other countries whose economies are inherently troubled, he said.

Today, unscrupulous brokers are again targeting investors by buying the foreign currencies in bulk and selling them at dramatic profits, Woodwell said. He attributes investor greed with prompting so many people to ignore economic logic and reason to risk their money on what he says is an obvious fraud.

“Some people won’t believe (it’s a scam), even when you tell them now,” he said. “It’s just human nature (to want to) believe that there is a way that we can ‘have our ship come in’ and get rich quick.”

Woodwell said some investors are not skeptical enough to question the legitimacy of some seemingly questionable investment opportunities, despite the red flags that may be present. While countries may decide to issue new currency when their economy begins to expand rapidly to avoid hyper-inflation, they basically exchange the old bills at the old value, so investors are typically left with devalued currency, he said.

“There has not been any kind of revaluation of the currency,” Woodwell said. “It’s happened in several countries in Africa (and Mexico) where they have had hyper-inflation.

“There is no conceivable way that people are going to make money off of this because they are buying the physical currency at an inflated rate to start with,” he explained. “So even if the currency (increases) a little bit because the economy goes up in that country, because you are buying it at an inflated exchange rate, you are not going to be able to sell it for what you bought it for.”

Businesses today are selling those currencies at huge markups over what is typically charged on the open market, said Scott Stone, senior vice president and foreign exchange manager for Zions Bank.

People will also buy them from banks, which is better because the exchange rate is less, but they will still never recoup their initial investment, Stone said.

“You should never buy paper bank note currency as an investment,” he said. “If it’s truly an investment, there are other ways to go about it than buying a stack of currency and putting in a shoebox under your bed and waiting for that currency to revalue.”

Is money the root of all evil?

The following speech text may very well be the greatest written presentation ever submitted in support of the free market and capitalism.  It has taken me more than 30-years to get around to reading the book that contained this text, and I will not forget reading this laying in bed and not being able to put it down. After reading this I proceeded to lay and rest contemplating the significance of the speech in the context of my own life as a self-employed entrepreneur.  Every core value and principle I have worked so hard by in order to have a successful family businesses is described when reading this speech  from Atlas Shrugged.

I couldn’t make myself read the book in 1974, but this year in the closing month of 2011, I rented a copy of the DVD “Atlas Shrugged” (part I) and the viewing fully captured my interest by the drama of which the movie only covers the first third of the book.  Since the viewing, I have returned to my old 1974 copy of Atlas Shrugged and have not been able to stay away from reading it.

Because of the times in which we live with the obvious radio and TV news that demonstrates the pending conflict between industrialist entreprenuers and world wide governments whose full intent is to social engineer a global economy, it is highly recommened that  everyone read Atlas Shrugged.  With no regard to what your world view point may be, Ayn Rand was an incredible writer and philosopher who has masterfully prepared a text of political fiction drama that comes close to describing the events we read and hear about in today’s news.  After watching the movie, reading Atlas Shrugged became one of my 2011 goals before the year end.

This is now my favorite response to the question / statement: “[is] money [is] the root of all evil..”

“So you think that money is the root of all evil?” said Francisco d’Anconia. “Have you ever asked what is the root of money? Money is a tool of exchange, which can’t exist unless there are goods produced and men able to produce them. Money is the material shape of the principle that men who wish to deal with one another must deal by trade and give value for value. Money is not the tool of the moochers, who claim your product by tears, or of the looters, who take it from you by force. Money is made possible only by the men who produce. Is this what you consider evil?

“When you accept money in payment for your effort, you do so only on the conviction that you will exchange it for the product of the effort of others. It is not the moochers or the looters who give value to money. Not an ocean of tears not all the guns in the world can transform those pieces of paper in your wallet into the bread you will need to survive tomorrow. Those pieces of paper, which should have been gold, are a token of honor–your claim upon the energy of the men who produce. Your wallet is your statement of hope that somewhere in the world around you there are men who will not default on that moral principle which is the root of money, Is this what you consider evil?

“Have you ever looked for the root of production? Take a look at an electric generator and dare tell yourself that it was created by the muscular effort of unthinking brutes. Try to grow a seed of wheat without the knowledge left to you by men who had to discover it for the first time. Try to obtain your food by means of nothing but physical motions–and you’ll learn that man’s mind is the root of all the goods produced and of all the wealth that has ever existed on earth.

“But you say that money is made by the strong at the expense of the weak? What strength do you mean? It is not the strength of guns or muscles. Wealth is the product of man’s capacity to think. Then is money made by the man who invents a motor at the expense of those who did not invent it? Is money made by the intelligent at the expense of the fools? By the able at the expense of the incompetent? By the ambitious at the expense of the lazy? Money is made–before it can be looted or mooched–made by the effort of every honest man, each to the extent of his ability. An honest man is one who knows that he can’t consume more than he has produced.’

“To trade by means of money is the code of the men of good will. Money rests on the axiom that every man is the owner of his mind and his effort. Money allows no power to prescribe the value of your effort except the voluntary choice of the man who is willing to trade you his effort in return. Money permits you to obtain for your goods and your labor that which they are worth to the men who buy them, but no more. Money permits no deals except those to mutual benefit by the unforced judgment of the traders. Money demands of you the recognition that men must work for their own benefit, not for their own injury, for their gain, not their loss–the recognition that they are not beasts of burden, born to carry the weight of your misery–that you must offer them values, not wounds–that the common bond among men is not the exchange of suffering, but the exchange of goods. Money demands that you sell, not your weakness to men’s stupidity, but your talent to their reason; it demands that you buy, not the shoddiest they offer, but the best that your money can find. And when men live by trade–with reason, not force, as their final arbiter–it is the best product that wins, the best performance, the man of best judgment and highest ability–and the degree of a man’s productiveness is the degree of his reward. This is the code of existence whose tool and symbol is money. Is this what you consider evil?

“But money is only a tool. It will take you wherever you wish, but it will not replace you as the driver. It will give you the means for the satisfaction of your desires, but it will not provide you with desires. Money is the scourge of the men who attempt to reverse the law of causality–the men who seek to replace the mind by seizing the products of the mind.

“Money will not purchase happiness for the man who has no concept of what he wants: money will not give him a code of values, if he’s evaded the knowledge of what to value, and it will not provide him with a purpose, if he’s evaded the choice of what to seek. Money will not buy intelligence for the fool, or admiration for the coward, or respect for the incompetent. The man who attempts to purchase the brains of his superiors to serve him, with his money replacing his judgment, ends up by becoming the victim of his inferiors. The men of intelligence desert him, but the cheats and the frauds come flocking to him, drawn by a law which he has not discovered: that no man may be smaller than his money. Is this the reason why you call it evil?

“Only the man who does not need it, is fit to inherit wealth–the man who would make his own fortune no matter where he started. If an heir is equal to his money, it serves him; if not, it destroys him. But you look on and you cry that money corrupted him. Did it? Or did he corrupt his money? Do not envy a worthless heir; his wealth is not yours and you would have done no better with it. Do not think that it should have been distributed among you; loading the world with fifty parasites instead of one, would not bring back the dead virtue which was the fortune. Money is a living power that dies without its root. Money will not serve the mind that cannot match it. Is this the reason why you call it evil?

“Money is your means of survival. The verdict you pronounce upon the source of your livelihood is the verdict you pronounce upon your life. If the source is corrupt, you have damned your own existence. Did you get your money by fraud? By pandering to men’s vices or men’s stupidity? By catering to fools, in the hope of getting more than your ability deserves? By lowering your standards? By doing work you despise for purchasers you scorn? If so, then your money will not give you a moment’s or a penny’s worth of joy. Then all the things you buy will become, not a tribute to you, but a reproach; not an achievement, but a reminder of shame. Then you’ll scream that money is evil. Evil, because it would not pinch-hit for your self-respect? Evil, because it would not let you enjoy your depravity? Is this the root of your hatred of money?

“Money will always remain an effect and refuse to replace you as the cause. Money is the product of virtue, but it will not give you virtue and it will not redeem your vices. Money will not give you the unearned, neither in matter nor in spirit. Is this the root of your hatred of money?

“Or did you say it’s the love of money that’s the root of all evil? To love a thing is to know and love its nature. To love money is to know and love the fact that money is the creation of the best power within you, and your passkey to trade your effort for the effort of the best among men. It’s the person who would sell his soul for a nickel, who is loudest in proclaiming his hatred of money–and he has good reason to hate it. The lovers of money are willing to work for it. They know they are able to deserve it.

“Let me give you a tip on a clue to men’s characters: the man who damns money has obtained it dishonorably; the man who respects it has earned it.

“Run for your life from any man who tells you that money is evil. That sentence is the leper’s bell of an approaching looter. So long as men live together on earth and need means to deal with one another–their only substitute, if they abandon money, is the muzzle of a gun.

“But money demands of you the highest virtues, if you wish to make it or to keep it. Men who have no courage, pride or self-esteem, men who have no moral sense of their right to their money and are not willing to defend it as they defend their life, men who apologize for being rich–will not remain rich for long. They are the natural bait for the swarms of looters that stay under rocks for centuries, but come crawling out at the first smell of a man who begs to be forgiven for the guilt of owning wealth. They will hasten to relieve him of the guilt–and of his life, as he deserves.

“Then you will see the rise of the men of the double standard–the men who live by force, yet count on those who live by trade to create the value of their looted money–the men who are the hitchhikers of virtue. In a moral society, these are the criminals, and the statutes are written to protect you against them. But when a society establishes criminals-by-right and looters-by-law–men who use force to seize the wealth of disarmed victims–then money becomes its creators’ avenger. Such looters believe it safe to rob defenseless men, once they’ve passed a law to disarm them. But their loot becomes the magnet for other looters, who get it from them as they got it. Then the race goes, not to the ablest at production, but to those most ruthless at brutality. When force is the standard, the murderer wins over the pickpocket. And then that society vanishes, in a spread of ruins and slaughter.

“Do you wish to know whether that day is coming? Watch money. Money is the barometer of a society’s virtue. When you see that trading is done, not by consent, but by compulsion–when you see that in order to produce, you need to obtain permission from men who produce nothing–when you see that money is flowing to those who deal, not in goods, but in favors–when you see that men get richer by graft and by pull than by work, and your laws don’t protect you against them, but protect them against you–when you see corruption being rewarded and honesty becoming a self-sacrifice–you may know that your society is doomed. Money is so noble a medium that is does not compete with guns and it does not make terms with brutality. It will not permit a country to survive as half-property, half-loot.

“Whenever destroyers appear among men, they start by destroying money, for money is men’s protection and the base of a moral existence. Destroyers seize gold and leave to its owners a counterfeit pile of paper. This kills all objective standards and delivers men into the arbitrary power of an arbitrary setter of values. Gold was an objective value, an equivalent of wealth produced. Paper is a mortgage on wealth that does not exist, backed by a gun aimed at those who are expected to produce it. Paper is a check drawn by legal looters upon an account which is not theirs: upon the virtue of the victims. Watch for the day when it bounces, marked, ‘Account overdrawn.’

“When you have made evil the means of survival, do not expect men to remain good. Do not expect them to stay moral and lose their lives for the purpose of becoming the fodder of the immoral. Do not expect them to produce, when production is punished and looting rewarded. Do not ask, ‘Who is destroying the world? You are.

“You stand in the midst of the greatest achievements of the greatest productive civilization and you wonder why it’s crumbling around you, while you’re damning its life-blood–money. You look upon money as the savages did before you, and you wonder why the jungle is creeping back to the edge of your cities. Throughout men’s history, money was always seized by looters of one brand or another, whose names changed, but whose method remained the same: to seize wealth by force and to keep the producers bound, demeaned, defamed, deprived of honor. That phrase about the evil of money, which you mouth with such righteous recklessness, comes from a time when wealth was produced by the labor of slaves–slaves who repeated the motions once discovered by somebody’s mind and left unimproved for centuries. So long as production was ruled by force, and wealth was obtained by conquest, there was little to conquer, Yet through all the centuries of stagnation and starvation, men exalted the looters, as aristocrats of the sword, as aristocrats of birth, as aristocrats of the bureau, and despised the producers, as slaves, as traders, as shopkeepers–as industrialists.

“To the glory of mankind, there was, for the first and only time in history, a country of money–and I have no higher, more reverent tribute to pay to America, for this means: a country of reason, justice, freedom, production, achievement. For the first time, man’s mind and money were set free, and there were no fortunes-by-conquest, but only fortunes-by-work, and instead of swordsmen and slaves, there appeared the real maker of wealth, the greatest worker, the highest type of human being–the self-made man–the American industrialist.

“If you ask me to name the proudest distinction of Americans, I would choose–because it contains all the others–the fact that they were the people who created the phrase ‘to make money.’ No other language or nation had ever used these words before; men had always thought of wealth as a static quantity–to be seized, begged, inherited, shared, looted or obtained as a favor. Americans were the first to understand that wealth has to be created. The words ‘to make money’ hold the essence of human morality.

“Yet these were the words for which Americans were denounced by the rotted cultures of the looters’ continents. Now the looters’ credo has brought you to regard your proudest achievements as a hallmark of shame, your prosperity as guilt, your greatest men, the industrialists, as blackguards, and your magnificent factories as the product and property of muscular labor, the labor of whip-driven slaves, like the pyramids of Egypt. The rotter who simpers that he sees no difference between the power of the dollar and the power of the whip, ought to learn the difference on his own hide– as, I think, he will.

“Until and unless you discover that money is the root of all good, you ask for your own destruction. When money ceases to be the tool by which men deal with one another, then men become the tools of men. Blood, whips and guns–or dollars. Take your choice–there is no other–and your time is running out.”

This was gleaned as an excerpt from Atlas Shrugged, © Copyright, 1957, by Ayn Rand.

Ayn Rand

Russian born American novelist Ayn Rand is author of Atlas Shrugged and The Fountainhead and is originator of the philosophy of Objectivism. You can learn more about her life and philosophy at the website of the Ayn Rand Institute.

Thought Provoking Comments

  1. The real quote from the New Testament,1 Timothy 6:10, is “The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.” It is often misquoted, apparently by Ayn Rand, as well. Although her points about money are well taken, the real quote does not require the same moral defense. It refers to the preoccupation with obtaining wealth for wealth’s sake.
  2. There is absolutely no way that the product of hard work can be evil. That’s an incomprehensible lie taught by those who want to condition the masses to accept being fleeced as a virtue. This lie is obviously many, MANY centuries old. The idea that you must sacrifice the fruits of your labors to another party without your consent is slavery. It’s also very suspicious that the most highly revered religious books demand these types of sacrifices and threatens the worst punishment imaginable to those who refuse to submit. Charity is not charity when it is forced physically or emotionally through undeserved guilt. A person must be free NOT to give away the fruits of their labors – without guilt – otherwise they become a victim.
  3. The REAL evil is the scheming of those who wish to steal the product of your labors without consensually trading something that they also worked to produce. The invention of paper money was undoubtedly the greatest fraud in history. It can be (and is) created in massive quantities – unearned – by the banking cartel and then given to a government in exchange for a mortgage on the future labor of entire countries of people.
  4. Paper “money” is definitely evil, but real money (gold, silver or other commodities) is the best tool ever created by man for fair and honest trade between honorable individuals.