Tag Archives: bass

Heidi Taylor Fleischbein plays the Spreckels Organ on April 1, 2012

Heidi Taylor Fleischbein on April 1, 2012 played at the Spreckels Organ Pavilion before a large crowd of guests including Dr. Carol Williams and San Diego City District 6 Councilmember, Lorie Zapf.

April 1, 2012

It was an exciting opportunity for Heidi to perform on the Spreckels Organ, the world’s largest outdoor pipe organ donated to the City of San Diego in 1914 for the Panama-California Exposition by John D. and Adolph Spreckels. This unique organ contains 4,530 pipes ranging in length from the size of a pencil to 32 feet and is housed in an ornate vaulted structure with highly embellished gables. Since 1917, San Diego has had a civic organist, who performs free weekly Sunday concerts.

Heidi was invited to perform by Dr. Carol Williams, the current San Diego Civic Organist and Artistic Director of the Spreckels Organ Society in San Diego, California since 2001.

Dr. Carol Williams has been impressed by the many instruments that Heidi plays, and at the request of Dr. Williams was asked to also demonstrate her ability to play the violin.

Heidi performs: “Prelude in C Major” and “Prelude in A Minor” by J.S. Bach.

The tree that encourages me to be strong and enduring for those who are watching.

Being strong and reliable for other people


I thank Michael Rhodes (a high school acquaintance)  for sharing the photo of the oak tree bark. It reminds me of the BIG oak tree in Grandma Margie’s backyard in Sacramento where we would visit and swing using a tire-on-a-rope hanging down from a large branch. The tree was so BIG that it cast enormous shade out over the lawn on hot summer days. We would play, the noise of children, until the cool of the night. There were acres of fields around the few farm houses where Grandma lived in Sacramento, and part of it was fenced off to keep in a few cattle and a bull. Chickens would scamper around the property, and usually nest to lay eggs in a wall of bamboo grown to block the north winds. Today, that old oak tree still stands, even after the fire of 1967 that burned down Grandma’s home and took out the bamboo. Most of the acres around that tree have succumbed to one form or another of property development, but that tree still stands as a memory of days gone by when kids played in the safety and comfort of its shade. On occasion, every few years, I go visit the old property to look for that tree, to remember how things have changed, and in 2009 it was still there looking as strong and reliable as ever. I pray it will be there next time I drop by to visit, to remember, because it encourages me to stay strong and endure the changes for the sake of those who are watching.

Professional Musicians Promote Music On A Large Scale Using Traffic Geyser

Here is a message for active, professional musicians who know the importance of frequently promoting themselves and their gigs. Consider for a moment, www.SoundCloud.com … it is interesting. But, I’m beginning to think that more musicians should try promoting their song samples using Traffic Geyser www.trafficgeyser.com because the musician can have one central marketing distribution point like www.Reverbnation.com which provides a great assortment of marketing tools, and use the Traffic Geyser to post samples of song clips to many audio / video / ipod / text distribution channels while having all those channel posts point with back-links to the central promotion site. This is a very good way to get high page rank and have one central promotional marketing site from which you can convert interested music consumers into buying customers. Think about it… check it out… give me call and chat it up!