Tag Archives: Change Management

The Great Reset: Defining How It Works

Here, I will share my research study into something called: The Great Reset.

I’m going to start by using the new Glenn Beck book “The Great Reset” with over 400 pages of source references created by those people who are members of the World Economic Forum meeting annually at Davos an Alpineresort town and a municipality in the Prättigau/Davos Region in the canton of Graubünden, Switzerland. Davos is located on the river Landwasser, in the Rhaetian Alps, between the Plessur and Albula Ranges.

The Great Reset Lectures

By Glenn Beck (February 2022)



A Brave Terrifying New World

Never Let a Global Pandemic Go to Waste

Climate Change: The Catalyst for a “New World Order”

Modern Monetary Theory: Fuel for a Global Economic Takeover

Modern Monetary Theory: Fuel for a Global Economic Takeover

The Great Reset: Building a Twenty-First Century Fascism Machine (parts I and II)

Joe Biden and the Great Reset of America

Derailing the Great Reset

Your Happiness Depends Upon Your Thoughts


“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts”.


Sometimes, for some  of us, the need for adversity in the world is a prerequisite for personal growth and development.  Therefore, the conscious effort to enhance the quality of our thoughts should be structured as a tool which can be used to manage adversity and maximize our personal growth potential.

Again, these are the words of Roman-Emperor Marcus Aurelius (121AD – 180AD) whose simple statement with immense impact, is  for those people who challenge themselves to consider it further:

The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts.

As in times past, the world today is full of things and matters which cause much stress, confusing thoughts, and mixed emotions. Many people wander around in life, looking for answers and someone to make sense of it all for us. This is the base human need which governments and religions evolve from. It’s almost as if we are genetically hardwired to force someone else, or something else, to be responsible and accountable for our lives.

With that projection and externalization comes the inevitable shift-blaming:

  • “I’m unhappy because so and so did something mean to me.”
  • “My job is horrible because the company has no clue how to run a successful operation.”
  • “I’m not passing because my teacher sucks.”
  • “I’m poor because rich people are greedy.”
  • “I’m dying because corporations are putting poison in the food.”

We can come up with an endless list of such statements, and though some statements may be partially true based on evidence, each statement also suggests that the speaker is helpless to do anything about it, and consequently has accepted a state of victim hood.

There is a well-known phrase which says that if we don’t live our life based on our own plan, than we will be living it based on someone else’s plan. Another way of saying that is “plan your life or someone else will plan it for you.”

What we are experiencing in this existence and within this world is an overabundance of people who are allowing others to plan their life for them. This is the baseline for the master and slave dynamic. We are either a master or a slave to varying degrees. We can be our own master or a master to others. Equally so we can be our own slave or a slave to others. We can even be all of those things at the same time depending on environment and situation.

As an example, a rich person could serve as a type of master over a thousand men but could be a slave to his own weakness to greed and avarice. Likewise, a man could be master over his own inner thoughts and feelings but still be subjected to a master-type influence by things in his environment which are outside of his control.

The difference which Marcus Aurelius is drawing our attention to is that we have full control over our own thoughts and how we want to perceive that which we have control over and that which we don’t. We have full control over our own thoughts which when managed consistently can begin to alter and adjust those things which we originally perceived as being outside of our control.

The suggestion is that if we accept a state of victimhood the quality of our thoughts will always be negative and detrimental to our overall well-being. If we do not accept a state of victimhood, no matter the situation, and focus the quality of our thoughts on what we can control we will soon begin to realize that the area which we do control will grow larger and larger.

This is called re-framing our thoughts. We can even re-frame the thoughts of others. This takes us back to the master and slave dynamic and how someone else will plan our lives for us if we don’t plan it ourselves.

You need to focus the quality of your thoughts on your own frames and how to re-frame those frames which put you in a victim hood type mentality.

We are bombarded every waking minute of our lives with messages that are attempting to force outside frames upon us. We are never told this because than we would not accept the frames that are detrimental to us and beneficial to others.

The world is the way it is today because there are more people who are allowing “masters” to formulate plans and frames for them as opposed to being their own masters. It should also be considered that we are both our own master and slave while simultaneously being master and slave to others as well.

The statement about quality of thoughts by Marcus Aurelius is a great place to start this series on the Wisdom of the Ancients, as it provides us a common frame to begin the discussion. This series will be primarily focused on self-discovery and self-improvement. We explain and trend the things in the world which we feel matter but let’s also begin the process of understanding what we can do to promote and encourage change in the world.

Issues of Finacial Preparedness – The Red File

Why “The Red File”?

Financial Emergency Preparedness

Imagine that, at this very moment, an incident has occurred that prevents you from accessing your home, your office, your bank, your cell phone, and normal life comes to an abrupt “stop”! Hard to imagine? Those of you who lived in the Northeast during the blackout of 2004, remember very well what that was like. That event was unexpected. Other “unexpected” events like fires and earthquakes occur more often than we would expect, especially if you live in areas where such events are part of the local landscape. When hurricanes and storms strike, they are largely “expected.” We have advance warning of their arrival. We now add the big “T” to our list of possible events. Terrorism is both “expected” and “unexpected” in that we are aware that terrorist attacks can happen at any time (expected), but the timing is, for the most part, unknown (unexpected). So, let us return to “this moment” when an event has occurred that prevents you from operating your normal life. If it is an unexpected event, you probably only have those things with you that you took when you left your home to go to work, school, shopping, etc. That probably includes your wallet, cell phone, PDA or pager, keys, pocket book or attaché case. Now think about who and what you are responsible for over the next few hours, or day, or several days, or week. Who relies on you for the functioning of their lives? Are you responsible for family members, either adults or children? Are you responsible for the well-being of co-workers?

There are many sources of information and advice as to how to prepare for such events. Much of that advice focuses on physical preparedness, such as having a “go kit” and an alternate means of communication. Mike Emmerman addresses these physical preparedness issues in his lectures. The purpose of The Red File® is to look at the issues of financial preparedness.

Michael N Emmerman’s suggested list for what you might need in your personal “Red File®”

The Red File® includes copies of everything that is necessary for you or your family to rebuild your financial and operational life in the aftermath of an event that either limits your access to your home and/or office, or destroys your home and/or office. What you need to do with The Red File®is discussed in other handouts, and at www.theredfile.com. The following is a “suggested” list of items to be included in the file and should be used only as a starting point for your personal situation. You will need to adjust the list to cover all aspects of your life.

Copies of:

  • Birth certificates for everyone in your household
  • Social Security Cards for everyone in your household
  • Marriage certificate (hopefully, there is only one!)
  • Religious certificates (e.g., Baptism, Ketubah, etc.)
  • Adoption papers (if applicable)
  • Drivers licenses for everyone in your household (color copies)
  • Passports for everyone in your household (color copies)
  • Deed to your residence (first few pages containing the municipality ID numbers for the location of the property)
  • Mortgage documents and other loan documents
  • Title for cars owned by everyone in your household
  • Insurance policies and agent/agency contact information
  • Health insurance, prescription and/or other benefit cards
  • Credit/Debit/ATM cards (color copies, both sides)
  • Inventory list of household items, and personal items at office
  • Photographic inventory of household and office items
  • Tax returns for a minimum of three years
  • Wills, Living Wills, Health Care Proxies, Letters of Instruction, and Powers of Attorney
  • Trusts for which you are a trustee, or in which you have a beneficial interest
  • Location of safe deposit boxes with the names of authorized signatories (and the location of the keys to the boxes)
  • List of contact information for all advisors, executors, trustees and guardians
  • Recent bank statements and brokerage statements
  • Several blank checks from each checking account (not copies)
  • ID cards issued by your banks
  • Documents that prove ownership of private placements and alternative investments
  • List of all User IDs and Passwords for access to all electronic based information formats
  • A complete list of assets and liabilities, with a footnote for each item (containing details of ownership and the contact information for all persons and entities relevant to the ongoing status of that asset or liability)
  • Photographs of everyone in the household and all others for whom you are responsible
  • Photographs and health records for household pets.

Make two copies of everything you place in The Red File®. You will need to keep one file in your possession and you will send the other file to a trusted family member, friend or fiduciary.

If you choose to use an electronic format to store this information, you should include the storage device (e.g., CD, floppy disk, flash drive, etc.) in The Red File® as an addition to the physical paper copies.

Please remember that the above list is not “all inclusive.” Some of us have very simple lives, and some of us have extremely complicated lives. Some of us will be able to use an envelope or small box to complete our file and some will need a large trunk! Review all aspects of your life and determine what paperwork would be crucial to the ongoing financial health and operational needs of you and your family.

Start Now!!!

helpful links


The Red File: Protect Your Information


What to say to Nay-Sayers

So many folks just do not get what’s happening with Global Economic Changes and the break-up of the old regime Cabal. Too many Naysayers.


These are the persons who say something will not work or is not possible. I chatted with two guys yesterday who deny, refuse, and oppose the idea that something like the old regime banking system should and will be humbled by open market, competitive alternatives such as the BRICS economic movement.

But to the Naysayers, after the changes take place the truth will be known, and there will be:

“Nothing Left To Say”

Music by Mint Condition.

Today… is HUMP DAY!

Hump Day Remix



Because, sometimes, you just gotta choose to let go of the negative, daily, “reality” show.. and ask yourelf:

Who Moved my Cheese, on this Hump Day?

Remember,  you get out of the day what you put into the day.

Therefore, take a moment to lay back for a bit of rest, because today can be a GREAT hump day!

Make it a GREAT day… Hump Day!

Amanda Palmer and Digital Sharing: Music Artists Can and Should Be Directly Supported By Fans

Amanda Palmer and the Grand Theft Orchestra

In the opinion of Amanda Palmer: “Don’t make people pay for music, let them.”  You will see in the following video a compelling and passionate presentation that begins with Amanda Palmer‘s days as a street performer in which she dressed as an Eight-Foot tall bride for collecting dollar donations in a hat.  Starting with this image,  she presents and  examines the current digital paradigm for developing new relationship between a music artist (herself) and a following of fans, all to the tune of over one-million dollars.

Amanda Palmer musicianAlt-rock icon Amanda Palmer believes we shouldn’t fight the fact that digital content is freely shareable — and suggests that artists can and should be directly supported by fans.

Read Amanda Palmer’s: Full bio »







Take a moment to read and hear Amanda’s “The Bed Song”:



“The Bed Song”

Exhibit A

We are friends in a sleeping bag splitting the heat
We have one filthy pillow to share and your lips are in my hair
Someone upstairs has a rat that we laughed at
And people are drinking
And singing Van Halen and Slayer on a ukulele tearamanda-palmer-plays-ukelele

Exhibit B

Well, we found an apartment
It’s not much to look at
A futon on a floor
Torn-off desktop for a door
All the decor’s made of milk crates and duct tape
And if we have sex
They can hear us through the floor
But we don’t do that anymoreAnd I lay there wondering, what is the matter?
Is this a matter of worse or of better?
You took the blanket, so I took the bedsheet
But I would have held you if you’d onlyLet me

Exhibit C

Look how quaint
And how quiet and private
Our paychecks have bought us a condo in town
It’s the nicest flat around
You picked a mattress and had it delivered
And I walked upstairs
And the sight of it made my heart pound
And I wrapped my arms around me

And I stood there wondering, what is the matter?
Is this a matter of worse or of better?
You walked right past me and straightened the covers
But I would still love you if you wanted a lover
And you said
All the money in the world
Won’t buy a bed so big and wide
To guarantee that you won’t accidentally touch me
In the night

Exhibit D

Now we’re both mostly paralyzed
Don’t know how long we’ve been lying here in fear
Too afraid to even feel
I find my glasses and you turn the light out
Roll off on your side
Like you’ve rolled away for years
Holding back those king-size tears

And I still don’t ask you, what is the matter?
Is this a matter of worse or of better?
You take the heart failure
I’ll take the cancer
I’ve long stopped wondering why you don’t answer

Exhibit E

You can certainly see how fulfilling a life
From the cost and size of stone of our final resting home
We got some nice ones right under a cherry tree
You and me lying the only way we know
Side by side and still and cold

And I finally ask you, what was the matter?
Was it a matter of worse or of better?
You stretch your arms out and finally face me
You say I would have told you

If you’d only asked me
If you’d only asked me
If you’d only asked me


How Tim Ferriss squeezed out my old assumptions: “The 4-Hour Work Week” revisited.

It is April 2010, three years after the The 4-Hour Work Week (T4HWW) has been out on the New York best sellers list, and I’m attending a seminar by Mark Hoverson in search of answers, hoping to reinvent myself.  While addressing the issue of how we think of ourselves, and the immediate need to embrace a new paradigm of Leadership Branding for Direct Response Marketing, Mark oh so briefly mentioned Timothy Ferriss and his book as an important source document to read.

Continue reading How Tim Ferriss squeezed out my old assumptions: “The 4-Hour Work Week” revisited.

Who is Clifford?

Clifford VF Taylor has been in full-time self-employment since 1975  earning revenue as a entrepreneur consultant, with the most recent passage of twenty years generating income from On-demand services for Information technology consulting, Database Management, Marketing, Change Management, and Customer relationship management Services.

Clifford is very knowledgeable based on a constant and deliberate self-discipline of reinventing himself in new technologies and new forms of business marketing and development.  You will find his very creative nature, also found in his music, abounds in the innovative work to make your custom, business-information solution.

Call Cliff and ask questions! Prepare your thoughts and questions before calling to get the most from this event.  He generously and freely gives the first hour of consultation:

Toll Free: 888-260-2909

Mailing address:

5663 Balboa Avenue
Suite 428
San Diego, California 92111

Email Address:

Cliff @ GoCliff dot com